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When you plan nothing, on time, nothing becomes everything...

I had no intention or desire to lose the whole afternoon looking for who knows what. At the end it was about entering the first shop with eyes on, pointing to the first dark blue suit available in the size, hand to the credit card, smile of circumstance, farewell greeting and away ...
Simple as that. Yeah, all too much, except that, in the end, it was almost difficult to even sketch a greeting, let alone the rest.
It was certainly not the best of times, the thoughts were many, too many and occupied every possible space of the mind, so much so that I was almost stunned and made every natural and banal daily activity difficult.

Thirty-four days exactly since Carla, my wife, but maybe I should start considering her as an ex-wife, felt she had to clarify our relationship and tell me, without too many words, that it was over between us and that, in all this, nothing had anything to do with her new office colleague with whom she had been spending months in "exhausting work overtime".
I loved Carla, this was undeniable, but I was beginning to understand how, beyond the feeling I felt, it was difficult for me to adapt to a new life, which did not yet belong to me in my habits and which I found it difficult to recognize my own, with all that this entailed: I changed home first of all, having agreed to move as a married man to the apartment under the in-laws.
In other times it would have been her, Carla, to pull me up and down from one shop to another, sparkling as usual, to "pack" me at best, but now... yes, now... well, now it was time to get a move on or I would have really ruined the whole afternoon looking for a very banal wedding suit.

I went to the store that I thought was the most suitable: wide assortment and good quality, but at the end of the day I would have settled for it anyway, I didn't have big pretensions.
I chose what in my opinion should be the moment of maximum calm, the early afternoon, the optimal time if you want to avoid chasing shop assistants who share impatient and dubious customers.
When I entered I was greeted by bright eyes, smiles without interruption and kindness in profusion. Perhaps even too ostentatious.
I immediately noticed the little blonde to the left of the entrance, next to the cashier. Well, how could I not notice her: generous shapes wrapped in a uniform that left nothing to the imagination and a bright gaze that completed the vision in the best way. It was natural for me to turn to her to express my needs (at least those I could say...) but almost with surprise and regret I was handed over to my colleague in the department.
Everything was plotting against me then...
Another dazzling smile, another ostentatious courtesy, another request made.
At the time I did not pay much attention to the guy who was "stuck" to me, well you will understand that until that afternoon, for me there were only women and as attracted by beauty in all its forms, the man remained, in my case, a physicist to admire, yes ... some spicy fantasy lost in the times of memory but nothing more.
Diego, this is the name of the boy, had an evident athletic physique, certainly due to years of sport that had made him a body modeled on 175 cm high and nothing excessively pumped and flashy. The thighs perhaps more shaped than the rest and a respectable ass: round, full and well integrated into the context. The whole thing was completed by a captivating smile, framed by green eyes, faux-trasandata beard and short shaved hair in a mix of gold and rust. Really a handsome guy in his 28/30s.
My requests were met by the introduction of several different bosses, accompanied every time by compliments addressed to me, in my opinion even excessive, on how one or the other would have emphasized my physical prowess. Now, let it be clear, I do not deny that my 40 years are well worn and that my toned physique, cured by swimming and the gym together with a mix of amber complexion, clear eyes, beard and short hair, has always attracted smug looks, but Diego's almost continuous praise left me doubtful about the truthfulness of the expositions.
I chose the possible alternatives to wear and followed Diego in the direction of the dressing rooms.
In spite of the desolation of the rehearsal rooms, we crossed the entire distribution corridor and sat in the last dressing room in the row and, once the screening curtain was wide open, he invited me to try the first proposal.
I closed the curtain and began to undress despite the fact that I was almost embarrassed by the idea of Diego remaining just beyond the thin shielding: I almost felt pushed to go faster than I had wanted to do so far.
I took off my T-shirt and jeans, remaining in white briefs, to wear trousers, but in a moment I realized that the size was not suitable for me... too limited in movement and an uncomfortableness that already made me regret my beloved worn jeans. I was just telling Diego about the rejection, while I was getting ready to take them off, when naturally he opened the tent and I found Diego's eyes on me. I'm almost sure he sensed my astonishment because he said with irony:
- Don't tell me you're embarrassed to be shirtless? -
and without giving my answer time, he added:
- Don't worry, it's part of my job... You know how many I see a day? You know how many I'm like a doctor or a confessor! -
he laughed out loud.
- Of course; between men... -
I added a smile to suggest that, although it was an impertinent gesture, I did not consider it a serious lack.
But I doubt that he paid attention to my words, as he was so busy watching how he wrapped my trousers.
- Yes, he does have a few faults, especially here -
he stretched out to touch his hips, only to see that the waist was also suffering and that the button almost popped off if one insisted on closing them.
I practically found myself with Diego's fingers tugging at the waistband of my trousers and rubbing it hard against my groin.
It was quite paradoxical, at times almost comic, the scene seen from the outside: I was intoxicated, tugged hard and he was careless to feel...
We were almost almost sticking together, I would have had his eyes in mine and his breath mixed with mine, if it weren't for the fact that he, with his head down, was testing the softness of the fabric. I could feel the pleasant hint of fresh scent that emanated: it smelled of summer, of sunshine...

- Nothing, take them off -
he said to me almost authoritatively.
- That's too bad because they gave you a pretty good ass -
he added giggling with scratching.
I was between the "upset", for the ostentatious freedom this little boy was taking, and the "curious", for the game he was playing and which, strangely enough, seemed almost gratifying me in my alpha male dimension.
While Diego went to get the right size to submit me, I took the opportunity to free myself from the grip of the wrong pants and finally get some air.
His voice announced his imminent return and he swaggered his hand over the curtain to make sure I received the new pants proposal, without giving up that bit of amused irreverence that I almost expected.
- Here, try these on -
he said, handing my pants over the closed curtain.
- Don't worry, I'm not going in there, I'll never see you in your underwear -
he added, knowing he was provoking me.
I didn't want to put up with anything else and surprising first me and then him, he opened the tent wearing only the white panties that adhered perfectly to my body, containing at best a pole of the right size and two full and voluminous balls that hadn't found vent for a long time.
I took the pants from his hands and added:
- No problem for you to see me in my underwear. All in all, I think I've got it all figured out -
This time, it was obvious, I'd ratted him out. He could not respond in tone to what had clearly been a provocation from me and limited himself to sketching a smug smile.
It was creating a strange but pleasant and at times almost exciting situation. Perhaps he was not hiding the fact that he found me handsome, but he took even more pleasure in embarrassing me.
I don't hide the fact that he knew how to make a boy out of it, in bold but politely irreverent ways. From time to time he almost seemed to want to force his hand moderately to understand how far he could go.
And I was strangely and pleasantly surprised by my reaction. Far from the initial astonishment, I let myself be guided by the course of events. I found myself smiling at the provocations of a sexting man and even more so, feeling those initial and pleasant sensations of physical pleasure, those small, almost imperceptible shivers, that establish themselves every time you let go of your defenses in teasing situations.

I put on my trousers, more comfortable than the previous one and without waiting to be asked, I submitted myself to the judgment of my personal clerk.
The appreciation I had received earlier had helped to strengthen my self-esteem and I actually found that reflection of me, I dare say sexy at times.
The trousers dressed perfectly, the close-fitting model exalted my figure and underlined the right shapes. This thought was certainly shared by Diego too, considering that he nodded in silence and insisted on me, while, like a puppet in his hands, he continuously turned me around so as not to neglect any detail and naturally brushed with his hands now his hip, now his ass.
This time it was I who was having fun, I stubbornly began to mirror myself in the back with the intention of understanding how the pants wrapped my ass and how it enhanced it; but the insistence was deliberate, there was nothing wrong with that pants. I wanted my fake indecision to make him linger more than he had done before.
Diego didn't seem bothered by my attitude but he didn't want to gratify me with exaggerated appreciations.
Or maybe I was the one who misunderstood everything, amplifying only ironic jokes with no other end.
I convinced myself that this was the right interpretation and I felt ridiculous for thinking that...

The rehearsal continued, I wore the leather jacket, on a defined chest with a slight regrowth of hair and an abdomen that was certainly not sculpted but quite satisfying. I mirrored myself pleased with the result.
I was certain of my next purchase. There was no doubt about it. Only the ritual formalities remained and I would have left it all behind me.
I went back to the dressing room to take off my suit and put on my clothes, while Diego had gone away, but I was just in time to take off my jacket and unbutton my trousers, and once again the curtain opened...
- What do you think you're doing? -
Diego broke in
- It's not time to undress yet. We need to take steps to adjust the hem of the pants. You don't want to go around like that? -
Yeah... I hadn't considered that.
Without giving me the freedom of choice, he turned in his favor and lowered himself before me and threaded needle and thread.
Once again we had cancelled every distance, we were only a few inches from each other but with the only substantial difference: this time it was his face that confronted my cock.
The position considered most suitable to adjust the hem saw him kneeling and intent on adjusting the fabric before starting the stitching on the end of the leg. He took care to adjust the pants in the best possible way, adjusting the belt and the crotch and with the skill of a skilled tailor, with quick but sure movements, he moved his hand repeatedly, now on the belt, now on the crotch. It was undeniable what all this was causing in me. I began to feel a sudden strong heat and with extreme difficulty managed to hold the position, while at the same instant I lost control of a part of myself. Diego had understood it too, it was evident, he smiled slyly while keeping his eyes down and lingering with his hand on his belt.
My cock, which until that moment had maintained an almost due detachment, began to wake up. I could almost feel the flow of blood flowing and spraying the strong veins, until a slight tension contrasted with the pressure of Diego's hand. I was at times embarrassed, surprised, but even more excited.
Diego played astutely, continued his work, and only when he was finished, the moment he was getting up, did he almost distractedly slide his hand on his package, touching himself for an infinitesimal time, but that was enough to drive me out of my mind. The allusion was clear...
- Let's take off the pants -
he said in his irresistibly shameless ways.
Acts lasted an infinite time, during which I already foretaste what I imagined would happen from there shortly.
He made sure that I paraded everything carefully. I was now prey to his fangs. My breath got heavier and my salivation went to zero. It was natural for me to just tilt my head back and close my eyes to enjoy his every movement.
- I took the suit to the cash register. You will find everything there -
he said by breaking that magical silence.
I rolled my eyes and found myself like an idiot, alone in a dressing room with an obvious erection that was transshipping beyond the elasticity of my panties and didn't want to be appeased.
I felt so damn stupid because of the surreal situation and even more so because of that excitement almost fruit of my imagination that, despite everything, I couldn't stop resisting.
I wanted to disappear at that very moment. To dematerialize myself in the same dressing room and find myself light years away from there.
The idea of having to face Diego at the cashier's desk disturbed me terribly.
Who knows what he must have thought when he saw me like that.
Who knows what laughter he must have had or worse, he must have laughed with his colleagues.
I was now annoyed by the situation and by the hard dick that didn't show any signs of giving in. It was all too much that he couldn't find an outlet and the circumstance had upset him somewhat. I found myself putting it at least worse inside my panties in the hope that this precarious balance would last at least until I got to the car. I put my jeans on and tried to adjust the buttoning.
- It's obvious he won't be in there for long -
That's all he said.
He approached her just now and without ever taking his eyes off mine, he moistened his hand and slowly sunk her into my jeans, which couldn't take any more pressure and opened up to her insistence.
Her fingers slipped slowly but surely, without any second thoughts, they knew the way. Without giving any further confidence they settled on the hard cock wrapping it and regardless of what was happening outside, they started masturbating with increasing strength.
I did not have the strength to react to that amiable violence. What was granted to me was limited to strangled sighs and moments of intense pleasure.
I abandoned myself completely at that time indefinitely.
I felt the strength growing in him, and while with one hand he was masturbating me, with the other he was teasing my balls with the intent to give me even more pleasure. I contorted myself for the sensations I felt, unlike him, impassive and determined to carry out what I had set out to do, without any other "distractions".
He wanted nothing more than my pleasure. He increased the rhythm of his movements, aware that this would soon lead to the point of no return.
I could not resist for long.
A continuous and growing tremor took possession of every inch of my body, I panting deeply and in an instant I poured flashes of thick cum on what was in front of my cock that, finally, could find rest.
Still messed up by what happened, with my breath struggling to normalize, I waited helplessly. Diego, almost with a programmed act, detached himself from my dick and brought his hand soaked in liquid to his face to smell the strong smell of sperm while with the other one he tried at least worse to settle the evident erection he had. He smiled and without ever taking his eyes off mine, he added:
- "It's been a pleasure serving you. Come again soon! -
He disappeared from my sight. I couldn't find him at the cash register.

Paid, he left the store and I headed for my car, still incredulous, upset but deeply satisfied. On the way home, it was impossible to stop myself from smiling, thinking that, after all, I still needed a new tie to match the suit...

Poke Bella

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