Memories of a luxury escort When I return to my home, an elegant little apartment, beautiful for me, purchased with my work, where I am known and appreciated by all as Dr. Maria ******, graduated in pharmacy, almost always absent because officially engaged as a scientific informant and where my elegant attractiveness is courted by all. I can not help but think back to the last 10 years of my life, so tumultuous and transgressive, to change everything in me. As if to free myself of so many memories, both beautiful and less beautiful, I decided to write down this short story that I will send to my mother with the hope of finally making peace with her. My mother, this woman who is so incumbent on my life that she has literally turned it upside down because of her irreproachable lifestyle and her inability to give me a warm and involving affection so as not to make me weigh too much the total lack of the father figure. It should be noted that my mother, a woman of incredible beauty but cold and always on her own, shortly after her graduation in the city, had an adventure with an important man, but much older than her, who got her pregnant ... she was rejected by her family grettamente closed in the fake respectability of the small provincial town and did not even want to ask for help to the man who had compromised her, ...she found a job and where in time she made a brilliant career as a manager, she lived alone in the city until my birth, where I was then entrusted to an Indian nanny who taught me English...even now I do not know who my father is, my mother never wanted to talk about it. .I grew up with her, directed with an iron hand in the most blind and slavish respect of the bourgeois norms, even if without economic problems...alone, without a strong male image, idolizing my mother and her solidity.... I was a really cute sexting, polite and shy, fond of classical music, as well as of the history and style of Greek perfection, very intelligent, I attended only private religious schools with very brilliant results, I was kept with extreme care away from the ugliness of the world ... as I grew up a strange thing happened, psychologically I became more and more a girl and also physically I softened and I rounded off, the mouth was more and more equal to that of my mother, as a blowjob would then have judged, on my long legs began to flourish a round ass, and protruding from Brazilian .... from behind someone began to mistake me for a hieratic little girl....I began to have the first sexual disturbances, I liked some companions, unconsciously perhaps I was looking for a substitute father, for girls only friendship and camaraderie. The first shock I had when, returning exceptionally by bus from violin lesson I found myself crushed in a group of boys who began to discuss among themselves if I was a girl or a boy and to validate their impressions took to palpate chest and ass until the largest I abbrancò for the hips and took to pump my ass making me feel his big tool blowing in my ear that I was in fact just a little bitch ... I managed to divincolarmi and precitarmi out, while I heard that I was the most beautiful faggot in town ... I tried to forget even if the memory of the big cock against my ass still created strange disturbances.... suddenly the turning point ... I had just turned fourteen and I was more and more a beautiful pussy when my mother had her second accident ... she fell madly in love with a wealthy professional separated from the city and lost her mind completely she brought him home starting to behave shamelessly, making me witness scenes of torrid sex ... putting me in agitation all my hormones.... but the strangest thing was that Dr. Franco began to be more and more interested in me, courting me as if I were a girl and studying all the tricks to stay as often as possible alone with me ... his desire disturbed me a lot and I now found it pleasant, very pleasant, to surrender to his court and his hands that caressed me everywhere ... After making me read some books about Greek history...and the life habits of that wonderful people, he convinced me that sexual relations between an adult man and a boy were just the best way to make a boy grow this point I was the one who was looking for his company...I let him kiss me in the mouth, caress me all over, kiss my little cock...lick my wonderful little ass... I learned to suck his big cock, until I swallowed his sperm ... and inevitably I gave him my ass, which he deflowered me ... continuing then to become his favorite slut ... think that he told me openly that he had put with my mother just to seduce me. .and I felt great satisfaction ... Unfortunately we were too bold and my mother caught us while he caressed with great pleasure my beautiful ass ... she threw him out on the spot threatening him with criminal charges ... three days later I entered a prestigious college...for almost two years my life seemed to be back on the tracks of correctness...but the continuous relationship with my roommate, the mutual progressive intimacy that was established between us made me remember the pleasantness of the relationship with my Pygmalion and the desire to intimidate my relationship with Eugenio. .my desk mate and roommate ... and although he was shy and insecure, it seemed to me that he was spinning in his head very pleasant ideas ... very calmly I put effort to seduce me ... and in a short time I succeeded ... an evening, while we read head to head a very pornographic book that we had found in the bathrooms of the station at the return from a vacation excited both, I felt his lips on my ear. I turned around and we kissed in the mouth, he began to go wild, I indulged in fact, without appearing, I incited him and excited him. I found him well endowed and very open, we fucked all night alternating between being a little whore and a stallion. In college they called us Castor and Pollux but our couple seemed perfect and despite many attempts no one was able to enter between us. The end of the school separated us and I found myself alone again. my mother did not want to take me back home and I had to go to the university in another city taking a room for rent. I have to admit that my mother never let me lack her financial support...I rounded up only sometimes by going to beat in disguise as a woman, I disguised myself in the toilets of the station, and this more than for need for the pleasure of being fucked or in turn to fuck my occasional customer. My studies proceeded more than well, in the laboratory I met the holder of the chair of pharmaceutical chemistry that began to be interested too closely to my divine ass ... I let him seduce me after having possessed me in the study duo as an active and powerful male I softened in my hands revealing his nature as a real slut.... I fucked him for so long that I was exhausted ... but our friendship was destined to last, in fact he invited me to his home to meet his wife, who also holds a chair ... it was easy to understand that the real man was her! She sodomized us in every way using a double cock tied at the waist and fixed inside her pussy, she forced us to adore her and serve her and wanted to enjoy the spectacle of our sexual intercourse and concluded laughing that her husband was really the slutty one of us. With their help and with my desire to succeed I came in a short time to the degree and I became Dr. Mario! I sent my graduation certificate to my mother who sent me a short letter of congratulations, a substantial gift and the confirmation that she was not yet available to meet me again: she could not accept my being gay and the fact that I had betrayed her trust by seducing the only man in her life after my birth ... poor thing, she believed that I had seduced him! During the party that my two lovers organized for me and for my graduation and in which I participated dressed as a waitress very sexy and available, I met a beautiful trans, perfect as a beauty, intelligent and refined ... was the escort who accompanied my two lovers to the conferences and that ensured the relaxing breaks during the conferences that they organized, usually international conferences. We fraternized and she really appreciated my perfect knowledge of three languages and my beauty, which in her opinion was mortified only by the insufficient development of two beautiful and firm breasts that would have made me irresistible as a woman without detracting from my virility...she invited me to her home and I gladly accepted. She specified that since where she lived she was known as a woman, I would have to go to her dressed as an irreproachable lady.
Our meeting was very professional, Luana told me that her job was to manage the company Esperia, a company that procured escorts on request to a clientele of the highest prestige assured her great financial satisfaction as well as the pleasure only to her choice, her proposal was simple: I would have had to enter in society helping her in the management of all the part of the international relationships given my perfect mastery of three languages, being able to catch my pleasure only to my choice: in exchange however I had to go to Brazil to my expenses to equip me of the famous breasts and to learn really from a professional to high level the way to act of a perfect trans that wanted also to be a true escort of absolute excellence. Needless to say, I accepted and she fixed the trip as well as took the appropriate contacts for my training in her land of origin, the mythical Brazil. I must admit that the trip cost me enough and that I had to use my mother's graduation gift, but the result was great: on a physical level, the surgeon did not want to touch my face or my ass, believing that I was delicious and terribly beautiful, he implanted instead two beautiful breasts 3misura abundant that made my figure irresistibly seductive; In terms of education, Estella, an elderly transsexual who had returned home after a long season in Italy, taught me how to make a dick enjoy both mouth and ass with the same skill, able to hold it at pleasure on the brink of explosion making the male your slave; she also taught me to be able to resist any solicitation with my straight dick and to cum only at my decision even if I was blowing a boy or being buggered by the most delicious ephebe in the world. Upon my return, Luana was delighted to embrace me and, as if to cement our new society, we indulged in a night of fiery sex in which I could show off how good I had become: Today we share the work, I am abroad and she is in Italy ... we have a stable of five Brazilians, two Italians and a French, all trans of absolute beauty and very refined that in addition to earning very well, provide our company with significant income tax free.
on the level of love, without being jealous or possessive, we allow ourselves days of absolute happiness.
Our meeting was very professional, Luana told me that her job was to manage the company Esperia, a company that procured escorts on request to a clientele of the highest prestige assured her great financial satisfaction as well as the pleasure only to her choice, her proposal was simple: I would have had to enter in society helping her in the management of all the part of the international relationships given my perfect mastery of three languages, being able to catch my pleasure only to my choice: in exchange however I had to go to Brazil to my expenses to equip me of the famous breasts and to learn really from a professional to high level the way to act of a perfect trans that wanted also to be a true escort of absolute excellence. Needless to say, I accepted and she fixed the trip as well as took the appropriate contacts for my training in her land of origin, the mythical Brazil. I must admit that the trip cost me enough and that I had to use my mother's graduation gift, but the result was great: on a physical level, the surgeon did not want to touch my face or my ass, believing that I was delicious and terribly beautiful, he implanted instead two beautiful breasts 3misura abundant that made my figure irresistibly seductive; In terms of education, Estella, an elderly transsexual who had returned home after a long season in Italy, taught me how to make a dick enjoy both mouth and ass with the same skill, able to hold it at pleasure on the brink of explosion making the male your slave; she also taught me to be able to resist any solicitation with my straight dick and to cum only at my decision even if I was blowing a boy or being buggered by the most delicious ephebe in the world. Upon my return, Luana was delighted to embrace me and, as if to cement our new society, we indulged in a night of fiery sex in which I could show off how good I had become: Today we share the work, I am abroad and she is in Italy ... we have a stable of five Brazilians, two Italians and a French, all trans of absolute beauty and very refined that in addition to earning very well, provide our company with significant income tax free.
on the level of love, without being jealous or possessive, we allow ourselves days of absolute happiness.
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