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I don't usually come this way when I get home in the evening, but today I left the office on time and when I got to the fork I decided to take a little detour.
I didn't find any traffic and so, once I arrived near the parking lot, I put the arrow and turned.

Lately I had avoided the area at this hour because I knew that I would easily meet people who had gone there to sunbathe, or to bathe in the shallow river.
But now that we are at the beginning of autumn at the most I can meet some fisherman, or the usual group of old people sitting on the bench waiting for someone to bother.

I enter the large square and walk slowly, paying attention to the large holes sown in the various points.
At the end I find some parked cars and I check quickly to make sure they are not people I know... you never know, I wouldn't want to find myself in embarrassing situations.
I get out of the car and walk slowly towards the road that leads to the park, looking at the other empty cars to get an idea of who I might run into.
I realize there's a person in one of the cars who's busy on his cell phone. Hanging from the antenna there is a blue ribbon: it will be the usual new dad who hasn't got laid in months and is looking for a bit of release.

I go down the little road and pass under the bridge, heading towards the river. Above I hear the continuous noise of cars and trucks slowing down near the big roundabout.

I meet a fisherman returning with his equipment on his back. He looks at me and smiles strangely... who knows what he thought...

I continue to the embankments, then I stop to look at the sun that is setting and that, with the complicity of a light mist, dyes the horizon of a velvety red.
I've always found this place very relaxing and... exciting.

Since I was a child I always liked being outdoors and when I could take my bike and get lost along the country roads, sometimes alone but often in the company of a friend.
We would spend whole afternoons sitting along the banks of a canal, fishing and talking.
I remember one summer when we were about twelve or thirteen years old and our speeches began to be seasoned with a little more spicy topics. It was mostly about girls, especially our classmates and the roundness they started showing under their clothes.
Our main sources of sexual information were the adult magazines that some of our friends mysteriously managed to retrieve... once it was very difficult to get pornographic material, not like now that you can find everything on the internet.
I remember one day, while we were talking, my friend stood up and started peeing into the canal.
A fairly normal gesture between guys.
I got up and did the same thing, starting a race to see who could get farther: I've never been particularly gifted... and in fact he won.
At that moment I remembered some pictures I had seen in a pornographic magazine, where there was a naked woman lying in a bathtub and a man on top of her pissing on her. When I saw those pictures I was pretty disgusted, but thinking back on them at that moment, with my friend in front of me peeing, I felt a strong excitement.
At the time I was confused about what was happening to me, but I preferred not to tell anyone about it, because I was sure I would be mocked for who knows how long.
That night in bed, though, thinking back on that scene, I couldn't help but reach out and start touching myself.

I'm still looking at the slowly flowing river and I hear a voice behind me approaching.
I turn around and see a middle-aged man walking with a small old dog on a leash.
The man speaks to the dog out loud. "Don't take everything you find in your mouth... There's so much shit here... With all the faggots walking around... They leave everything on the floor...".

He's saying it too loudly and I know he's not just saying it to the dog but maybe he's hoping I'll hear it too...
I wonder if this is meant to be a reproach or... a provocation.
I give up and turn back to the river.

The man with the dog goes on his way and I'm alone again.
I look at my watch and think, "Five more minutes and if nothing happens, I'll leave."

I look around and see a person coming down from the parking lot: the color of the shirt looks like the one who was sitting in the car before. He's a bit out of his mind, it must be his first time here.
He sees me and it looks like he's about to go back, but then he stops undecided. I'm going towards him.

I think the right thing to do in these cases is to go straight to the goal.
I walk up to him and I say, "Would you like a blowjob?"
He remains mute and doesn't move... I consider his silence as an initial affirmative answer.
I start with the second question, "Do you want to do it or do you want to get it done?"
I finally hear his voice, "I'd rather have it done to me..."

I signal him to follow me, then I move to the left, pass under the bridge, through the small paved square and stop behind the trees.
He follows me at less than a meter, then he stops in front of me and stays still ... I understand that it is better still me to take the initiative and I stretch my hand towards the zipper of my pants.
He stops me and says "But... are we sure no one can see us?"
I'll reassure him, "You'll see that no one comes through here... and if they do, they won't bother us at all."

She unzips her pants and pulls down the zipper... then, almost blushing, she says to me, "Excuse me, but can you wait a moment? I have to pee." He turns to the side and starts peeing.
I move over to his side and look at him.
My memory goes back in time to over thirty years ago, and I see my friend peeing next to me.
I look back at the pages of that pornographic magazine and I think of the pictures.
If it weren't for the fact that right now I'm wearing the clothes I'm wearing at work, I'd undress completely and lie down on the floor, begging him to get on top of me and piss on me...

I watch the golden gush flow until the pee decreases and starts dripping out. Before he finishes and starts shaking his cock, I slowly approach him and take it in his mouth, being careful not to get dirty.
I immediately feel the strong and unpleasant taste of pee... the first reaction would be to spit everything out, but in my brain a mysterious mechanism is triggered that pushes me to stay still and absorb that liquid as if it were nectar.
It's like when you're in the gym and you're doing a demanding exercise: you feel the fatigue of the effort but you already know that in the end a pleasant sensation will invade your muscles and your whole body.

I swallow a few sips of it while feeling both disgust and pleasure.
Then I hold it still with my lips and start a gentle massage with my tongue: I move along the fillet with slow and regular movements, then I hold my tongue down and move slowly, jerking it off with my lips.

I am reminded of the first blowjob I gave a few years ago. That was not a good experience.
I had licked and sucked that dick for more than ten minutes, but there was no sign of a reaction.
I felt really bad about it... I even thought it was my fault.
He probably jerked off just before and had nothing left to give.

Now I'm crouched down in an uncomfortable position. Of course I'd be better on my knees, but I don't want to run the risk of getting my pants dirty by putting my knees on the ground.
So I try to keep my balance by grabbing his legs, at the top, over his lowered trousers.
He grabs my hands and brings them towards his butt. I go to the innermost part, towards his little hole, and I spread his buttocks a little bit, then I grab them with my palm open and squeeze them. He reacts by contracting his muscles and a vibration runs along the whole cock reaching the chapel, which I feel swelling leaning against my tongue.

For a moment I think about what my colleagues would say if they saw me at this moment... to my colleagues who are so fucking angry and who have never considered me for a possible adventure "because I am too serious and correct ...". If they knew that I can be much more of a slut than they are...

I take my dick out of my mouth and start licking it sideways. I look up... his head's thrown back... he's probably got his eyes closed, in fact he's balancing himself by putting his hands on my shoulders.
I move towards his balls, starting to lick them and take them in my mouth, while with my hand I jerk him off not too fast. I stop for a moment because some hair has remained attached to my tongue and while I'm trying to remove it with my fingers, I see behind us, near a tree, the man from before, the dog's man.
I see a clear movement of his hand... he's jerking off while watching us.

Our eyes cross for an instant and he realizes he's been discovered.
He locks his hand and moves, like he's walking away. I nod to him with my hand to stop... Then, always with gestures, I tell him to go somewhere else and come back later... I don't want my friend to see him and get scared.

I start sucking cock again, this time more vigorously. I'm starting to hear his first moans.
I stop for a moment and say "Nod when you're coming..." It would be a big trouble if he got my shirt dirty... how could I justify the cum stains at home?
I massage his balls with one hand while the other one grabs his dick and moves along with the movement of my mouth. He holds my head and moves it, adjusting the rhythm of the saw I'm giving him.

"Fucking... Cum..."
Do I have to decide quickly... do I keep it in my mouth, at the risk of getting dirty, or do I take it off, let it cum on the floor?
Too late, I feel with my lips a vibration running down his cock and a hot liquid filling my mouth.
I tighten my lips a little, to prevent it from coming out.
Now his mouth is full and he doesn't stop... he must have been in abstinence for quite a while... all I have to do is swallow.

Now he's finished... he looks at me and says "I really wanted to..."
Yeah, I got that.

He takes a paper handkerchief and cleans it, then passes one to me, with which I wipe my mouth and chin.
He looks around to see where to throw it. I take it and put it together with mine inside the handkerchief bag I had in my pocket and emptied in the meantime.
The place is too nice and it's a real shame to ruin it by leaving "certain crap" on the floor.

He fixes his pants, while I stand up, with legs that hurt a bit because of the uncomfortable position.

He starts walking in the direction of the parking lot, then he turns around and says "Hi and... thank you."
"Sure, it's been a pleasure... Bye."

I just stand there and watch him go.
I look at his cell phone and I find a missed call.
I call... "Yes, it's me... I'm sorry I'm late... I had a setback at the office... I'll be leaving soon... Bye".

I look at my watch, I have to calculate the time I have left to get home without arousing too much suspicion.

I'm looking for the man I saw earlier.
I see him coming... alone...
"What about the dog?"
"I left him quiet in the car... he's probably asleep by now."

While he's talking, he unzips his pants and pulls out his already nice and straight dick.
He says to me, "I'd have condoms here too... What are we gonna do?"

Yeah... what are we gonna do?
I'm still looking at my watch... no, I can't risk it...

"I'm sorry, man, I'd love to, but... it's too late and I have to run home."

He looks at me a little disappointed. "And you're not gonna leave me like this? Will you at least give me a blowjob like you did before?"

I still have the taste of cum in my mouth, but I decide to please him anyway .... also because I see that he has the chapel already beautiful red and certainly that I'll be fine in a few minutes ....

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