The Anime Nostalgia Podcast – ep 31

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This month’s episode is one more ReView! What’s a “ReView” episode, you
would possibly perhaps query? Effectively, it’s my highly-artful (ok now not in actuality) title for
episodes the put I’m going motivate and gape an older title I haven’t seen in a
very long time, and sight if what I keep in mind (and what my opinions on it) are
still the same now that some time’s long gone by. Now that it’s tumble, it’s time to head motivate to faculty–so let’s revisit the early 90′s faculty dorm comedy, Here Is Greenwood!

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As continuously, be at liberty to head away me your tips and tips for future
episodes here, in a DM or reblog, or electronic mail straight away at [email protected].

Thanks for listening!