Questions About Lord Irine (Ragnarok Manhwa)
lord irine, ragnarok: into the abyss, manhwa

Lord Irine is a personality from Ragnarok: Into The Abyss manhwa. He is the daddy of Iris Irine and the ruler of the city of Fayon.

What produce you watched about him? And what are a pair of of the questions that we ought to be asking him or that we can ask about him?

The truth is that we did now not in truth earn to know Lord Irine essential since he greatest looks for a short timeframe within the manhwa and then he soon dies.

And that’s the explanation earlier than he would possibly maybe sing essential of the rest to his daughter, Iris, and to us, the readers.

All we genuinely know is that, 12 years ago, he it looks made some kind of mistake referring to his varied daughter, Sara Irine, and that he killed his hold wife, Sara’s mom. But we produce now not know exactly what he did to his eldest little one or why he did it.

Confidently, the manhwa will sing us about all of this soon (exchange: the Ragnarok comic became as soon as never accomplished and, unfortunately, we never earn an explanation about any of this). Within the duration in-between, let’s rob a search for at some questions referring to Lord Irine.

In Chapter 9, Quantity 2 of Ragnarok: Into The Abyss, Lord Irine tells Iris that she has an older sister.

  • The query is why is he telling her about this now?
  • Why did now not or why would possibly maybe now not he sing her about this earlier than?
  • Why does he even bother telling her about this when he did now not look the necessity to sing her earlier than?
  • Doesn’t this seem awfully convenient since, in the end, a pair of pages later, Lord Irine will likely be confronting the very particular person he became as soon as telling Iris about?

lord irine, peony irine, sara irine, iris irine, manhwa, ragnarok: into the abyss

Within the same chapter and volume, Lord Irine also tells his daughter that he knows she will be able to likely be meeting her sister soon. How does he know that?

Of route, he became as soon as good and it did happen (Iris and Sara did meet, a pair of pages later, genuinely). But that would now not sing how and why the ruler of Fayon knew that the sisters will likely be meeting soon.

Is it good for him so that you may maybe know this stuff? It would now not seem believable and it would now not appear to earn sense both. May perhaps perhaps Lord Irine hold the power to peruse into the future or one thing?

Iris, naturally, asks her father questions, but, earlier than her father can neatly sing, they’re interrupted by explosions (naturally and with ease timed or so it looks). The two then hover (produce now not ask me how they’ll hover, the magic system on this manhwa is largely confusing, to declare the least) to the establish the general commotion is.

Don’t you wonder why Lord Irine took his daughter with him when he went to confront Sara? Would now not Iris be essential safer the establish that they had been since they were currently some distance-off from the establish the general combating became as soon as? He would possibly maybe well hold left her there and long gone to relief out Matthew and the others in going by the Valkyrie and the Frost Giants.

Then, when he arrived at the spot the establish the general combating became as soon as, he would possibly maybe well hold determined to send a pair of of his guards and soldiers to the establish Iris is, good to earn doubly definite that she in truth will likely be stable. Doesn’t that sound relish the severely better (now to now not point out extra logical and believable) option?

sara irine, valkyrie, lord irine, manhwa, ragnarok: into the abyss

Why did now not he produce that then? Why did he wish to instruct his little one with him? Why would possibly maybe now not he hold good left her there?

What became as soon as the motive that she good needed to accompany him? In spite of the total lot, it wasn’t relish Iris Irine became as soon as of any relief even after they got there.

While the manhwa showed us how Lord Irine fought with Sara and the Frost Giants, it also showed us how Iris became as soon as ravishing essential good looking out at the continuing strive against without in truth doing the rest in any recognize moreover for getting into into the style.

We noticed how she became as soon as attacked by Sara and therefore injured, which also showed her father’s wretchedness, care and treasure for his liked little one.

Later on, we uncover that Peony Irine is it looks the mom of Iris. So, that would mean that she is Lord Irine’s 2nd wife (since Sara’s mom would thus be the primary) then, good? Why does Peony declare over with her husband as “Lord Irine” then?

What produce you watched of these questions about Lord Irine? Develop you watched these questions will hold to hold been answered? When you were in Lord Irine’s shoes, would you’re going to be wanting finished things in a different way (comparable to leaving Iris the establish she is when going to confront Sara)?

– Characterize with added text became as soon as modified by Freya Yuki in line with the image by Rusembell (CC:BY) from deviantArt

– Pic is supposed to indicate Lord Irine since the pick in acknowledged picture appears to be like relish a lord and a warrior
– The comfort of the pics are enlarged product images from; hyperlinks proven above by process of Amazon’s Native Browsing Adverts widget