anime comics
Megazone 23 and Mospeada animation comics

Lend a hand earlier than filesharing, earlier than DVDs, even earlier than low label VHS tapes, anime followers had it complicated. How might well well we journey Eastern cartoons beyond the once-weekly tv agenda? The difficulty became solved in Japan by several diversified manner – Roman Albums about Yamato or Harlock or Gundam, the 5 or six month-to-month magazines like Animage devoted to anime motion photographs and TV reveals, and clearly comics and toys and stationery and t-shirts and menko cards and the remainder of the gigantic merchandising industry that churned out colourful junk that we within the States might well well fully wish for. They furthermore had these items called “animation comics”.

Cyborg 009 Story Of The Big Galaxy animation comics
Captain Harlock animation comics

Anime Comics were squarebound paperback books with colour pages and modern mud covers. They were comedian photo-novels with artwork shot straight a ways from the cel artwork and dialog added later by underpaid Kodansha workers. For American followers without entry to those TV reveals or motion photographs, this became nearly as unswerving as having the screen on videotape.

Tetsujin-28 and Queen Millennia (TV) animation comics

For budding translators the simplified dialog (with “ruby” model kanji aids) became a godsend. Plus that it’s most likely you’ll well presumably rob them to highschool and mystify classmates since you had some model of book that gave the affect to be beefy of photos from that Cliff Hanger videogame from down at the arcade.

Lupin III Castle Of Cagliostro animation comics

For certain we never thought we’d stare one thing else like this on hand in English. So after we saw this advert within the Comics Patrons Guide sometime in 1982, we were modern angry.

Superstar Blazers animation comics?? Since the native UHF attach of residing became being remarkably unhelpful in re-running the screen to permit these of us with VCRs to tape it, this became extensive news! Books Nippan, the LA outfit supplying anime product to a hungry North The United States, promoted the initiate with a beefy colour flyer that featured typos corrected in ball point pen.

I recall a worrying prolong within the true arrival of the books. When they apppeared, they hasty became a staple merchandise on the bookshelf of every anime fan. The artwork became unswerving from the TV sequence, organized manga-model with sound results and dialog attach of residing in kind.

 Extras incorporated Yamato production artwork, diagrams, the gargantuan cutaway Yamato blueprint illustration… the complete stuff we’d pored over in Roman Albums. The dialog became taken straight a ways from the Superstar Blazers shooting script, uncommon for a book produced and printed in Japan, nonetheless then again West Cape continuously stood firmly within the help of their American model of Yamato. They might well simply own no longer known precisely what to attain with it, nonetheless within the help of it they were.

This screen day clearly with the introduction of low label dwelling video, laserdiscs and in particular DVD field sets, the need for photo-recent versions of cartoons has handed. Nonetheless, help in 1982 these books were the high point of my Superstar Blazers fandom, as a minimum till I came across a flyer promoting a Superstar Blazers fan club in Texas. However more about that later. 

-Dave Merrill

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