Now you’re probably thinking about this blog post: What the fuck? I’m not going out
on a three way date. Im not taking my body as a wing man to go on sex dates. What
the fuck is the author of this blog post talking about? Well, slow down there, champ.
Take it easy, tiger.
You have to remember, that just like with any kind of activity on this planet, going out
on sex dates requires training, looking for sex near me is not that easy.. I know youre
probably thinking that you already have what it takes for you to get a lot of pussy.
You’re probably thinking that just because you fucked pussy in the past that you will
continue to fuck pussy long into the future.
While that may be true at some level or another, there’s always room for
improvement. In fact, if you’re like the typical dude, there’s a lot of space for
improvement. I know it’s hard to listen to, I know it’s kind of painful because it bruises
the ego, but it’s the absolute truth. There’s always room for improvement and the
best thing you can do in trying to learn something new is to model yourself.
In other words, look at guys who have the sex game down cold and learn from them.
I’m not saying that you should go up to them and ask to be their sidekick. They don’t
have to be Don Quixote and you’re like Sancho Panza. No need for that shit. Just
observe them from a distance and learn from the masters.
There’s a reason why fat, overweight, balding, middle aged dudes that look like your
kitty litter continue to fuck hot, tight, college age pussy from all four corners of the
United States. It’s as if all these pussies come out of the woodwork trying to jump on
this fat dudes dick. It’s not because he has, like, a kilo of cocaine in the back of his
car, it’s not because he has tons of money in the bank, it’s not because he wears
Giorgio Armani clothes or drives around town in a Maserati. It’s not any of that shit.
It’s because he knows how the sex game works. He knows how to go on sex dates
the right way.
If you want to take your sex dating game to a much higher level, pay attention to the
friendly veterans that know the game of online adult sex dating and will help you to
succeed on sites like
on a three way date. Im not taking my body as a wing man to go on sex dates. What
the fuck is the author of this blog post talking about? Well, slow down there, champ.
Take it easy, tiger.
You have to remember, that just like with any kind of activity on this planet, going out
on sex dates requires training, looking for sex near me is not that easy.. I know youre
probably thinking that you already have what it takes for you to get a lot of pussy.
You’re probably thinking that just because you fucked pussy in the past that you will
continue to fuck pussy long into the future.
While that may be true at some level or another, there’s always room for
improvement. In fact, if you’re like the typical dude, there’s a lot of space for
improvement. I know it’s hard to listen to, I know it’s kind of painful because it bruises
the ego, but it’s the absolute truth. There’s always room for improvement and the
best thing you can do in trying to learn something new is to model yourself.
In other words, look at guys who have the sex game down cold and learn from them.
I’m not saying that you should go up to them and ask to be their sidekick. They don’t
have to be Don Quixote and you’re like Sancho Panza. No need for that shit. Just
observe them from a distance and learn from the masters.
There’s a reason why fat, overweight, balding, middle aged dudes that look like your
kitty litter continue to fuck hot, tight, college age pussy from all four corners of the
United States. It’s as if all these pussies come out of the woodwork trying to jump on
this fat dudes dick. It’s not because he has, like, a kilo of cocaine in the back of his
car, it’s not because he has tons of money in the bank, it’s not because he wears
Giorgio Armani clothes or drives around town in a Maserati. It’s not any of that shit.
It’s because he knows how the sex game works. He knows how to go on sex dates
the right way.
If you want to take your sex dating game to a much higher level, pay attention to the
friendly veterans that know the game of online adult sex dating and will help you to
succeed on sites like
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