Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!: Rovian Kirishima (A Short Post)

She’s each the Badloon Castle queen and the chief of the Rovian Bandits, the organization of ruffians who will strike down aliens within the underground sector of the ARA (Alien Residential Space). Her song as an guitarist and home poems got many species and human civilians pumped for extra songs. She created the Bustle Battlers to restore instruct to lawless locations. Her deck is the Shaman Bandit with Wind and Psychic form monsters that could management the sequence of the opponent’s playing cards to originate the earnings love lengthen enact damage or ATK along with Equip Spell Cards. Here’s from Episode 94 where she wished to work with the UTS (Ultraterrestrial Nervousness Alternatives) to learn the Velgearian crisis in instruct to end that.