Title: Xiong Naijin (熊乃瑾)
Date of Birth: Oct 14, 1982
Measurements: 32 24 32
Peak: 162 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Weblog: http://weblog.sina.com.cn/xiongnaijin
About: Xiong Naijin (熊乃瑾) or also identified as the “Minute Fan Bingbing”, is an actress graduated from the Beijing Film Academy. Xiong Naijin’s gorgeous face and lovely resolve became once gradually identified to each person after starring in numerous hit drama series love The Closing Designate (最后的王爷) and Han Emperor 3 (大汉天子3). On the opposite hand, there were rumors that she too had plastic surgery, let’s discover how she seemed love before remodeling into the “Minute Fan Bingbing”.
Anyway, most fine basically the most fine of Xiong Naijin readily available right here, all filtered by http://dailyleng-lui.blogspot.com.