WTF? – “Shirtgate”

Comet probe scientist embroiled sexism row shirt that contains scantily clad girls

You might perchance land your probe on us, Matt Taylor!
PS: thanks to your superb contribution to science!

Severely. What your complete fuck is up with a majority of those guys? Produce now no longer they get the relaxation better to moan about? 

While I was engaged on challenge E (which is in actuality an altar of womanhood), I spent the final few days with my jaw on the floor because they correct landed a small-ass probe on a COMET MILLIONS OF MILES AWAY after 10 years of waiting… but now they’re moaning about half of-nekkid girls on a shirt of a guy that helped build the probe there!!! Severely? Aaaahhh!!! The stupidity! How is that necessary? How is that at all insulting? Produce now no longer they get eyes? Scamper to the bookshop, correct any bookshop, and launch a girls’s journal: FULL of half of bare girls in vogue designer crap!!! Anorexic girls even!! And that’s ample? That makes girls in actuality feel welcome?

Granted, it is a butt grotesque shirt (lol), and its gained’t were the most helpful option for this event, but jeez, who presents a rattling what you wear while you happen to might perchance presumably get correct landed a probe on a rock the dimensions of Madrid 300 MILLION miles away? Did anyone take into yarn the Cannibal Corpse tshirt he used to be wearing when he got a tattoo of the Rosetta Challenge? What, is he a cannibal now? Guys, for the total lot he and his colleagues get completed for science, they are able to wear ANY roughly t-shirt they need!!!  Hell, he deserves to get half of bare wide animated girls AND men putting off his fingers as he stands there talking in regards to the Rosetta challenge (and I know about a professional self-made females that will presumably gladly influence his day fancy that). I’d in fact happily wear that shirt to a scientific seminar (and I’ve completed scientific seminars thanks very grand). Its in fact a complement to girls, I mean they’re gun-toting girls, exhibiting off their animated bodies fancy so many girls happily attain! How girls-empowering are you able to win? 

Man, what a extinguish of media. And the unhappy bastard even apologized for it, in tears, because it used to be voice d to be the most helpful day of his life. If there might perchance be anyone that needs to remark sorry it is those idiot staunch crusaders that started this all. Severely, I’m hoping those americans shut the fuck up and win a probe landed twice upside their ass, with harpoons! Let the unhappy dude win on with making this giant jump for mankind that those idiots are sadly also a ingredient of. 

And thanks Tim Stanley from the Telegraph for putting things straight!

This one is even better by Milo Yiannopoulos.