A younger Moonmando (with my pup Zara) in 1986

Long-time readers might perhaps additionally simply undergo in tips extraordinary commenter Moonmando, who at one time stale to grace us along with his challenging and moving remarks in response to my woeful waffle.  Factual spoke to him no longer manner inspire this day, nonetheless it’s with a heavy coronary heart I now make known to fellow Crivvies that he changed into as soon as no longer too lengthy previously identified with inoperable liver and bowel most cancers and his time is severely restricted.  His rapid family are devastated finally, as are his many company, and it’s miles not any longer easy to factor in that any individual I’ve known since we savor been schoolkids will, when the time comes, now no longer be there for me to bore witless by droning on about my unique acquisitions of toys and comics.

I do understand it’s most likely you’ll per chance even savor your individual considerations, Crivs, but spare a idea and a prayer for Moonmando – alias Matthew Caldwell – any individual who somebody might perhaps be proud to call friend.  The world wants extra guys admire him, no longer much less.  Is it factual me, or does life seem to win extra sh*t the older we win?


(Update:) Matt passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of this morning (14th February) on the hospice he’d been in for the closing several weeks.  He’ll be great neglected by everybody who changed into as soon as lucky ample to know him.  Tense to factor in we first changed into company spherical 50 years previously.  R.I.P., Moonie – it’s most likely you’ll per chance also simply no longer be forgotten.