Winter Season 2016 1st Impressions


Many of the novel exhibits accept as true with aired, so here are my first impressions of what I seen:

What I Watched:  Musaigen no Phantom World

What I Anticipated:  High College Membership battles boogiemen a la Scooby Doo

What I Received:  KyoAni found a technique (but again)

I wasn’t waiting for lots from this, honestly.  KyoAni hasn’t undoubtedly performed something that knocked my socks off rapidly.  Nonetheless, the combo of fun characters and infectious valid humor permeating the sequence develop it fun to behold.  The setup is precise Jap pseudo-scientific gibberish.  A biotech company modified into a sufferer of a terrorist attack and released a virulent disease that precipitated each person to contemplate phantoms that were curiously there, but previously undetectable.  A little neighborhood of formative years born at that time and breastfed (HUH?) developed abilities to combat one of the primary extra bad phantoms.  Enter Haruhiko and Mai, two membership members at Hosea High College who develop a residing sealing unsuitable phantoms.  Haruhiko is joined by a pixie-sized phantom named Ruru who helps (but mostly mocks) him.  Get past the mumbo-jumbo, and it’s a fun streak with conventional KyoAni aplomb.

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Upright, till the inevitable unlit forces which would possibly maybe maybe be working to undermine our heroes are printed.


What I Watched:  Success & Good judgment

What I Anticipated:  Generic brave young people battle inter-dimensional forces display #98572306

What I Received:  A decently skilled hero teamed with a bunch of hot ladies…fighting inter-dimensional forces

I reflect I’ve found the essential to behold novel exhibits like this:  jog in with fully ZERO expectations, and you’ll most frequently be pleasantly stunned.  In the legendary world of Tetra Heaven, a civil war valid ended.  The losing gods sought refuge within the land of people.  There, they team up with special young people to battle invaders from Tetra Heaven.  But again, even as you fight past the nonsense, it’s largely a battle anime with humor and romance parts.  Yoshichika modified into the conclude agent within the Hong Kong Bureau, but an incident precipitated him to fall out of stopping.  The Goddess Athena found him and convinced him to fight but again.  He’s properly-skilled and pure of coronary heart, as properly as being likable.  He’s assigned to a squad that comes with mostly rookie warring parties, and he snappy establishes himself as the chief, mighty to the chagrin of the outdated chief.  There’s hundreds intrigue, and loads of ways this would possibly maybe maybe moreover match unsuitable.  But for now, it’s a fun behold.

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Upright, though I will smell the stench over the horizon.


What I Watched:  Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R

What I Anticipated:  More madcap humor and sinful satire from out accepted flat-chested heroine

What I Received:  All the characters and now not one of many fun

Damn me for waiting for Japan to treat this decade-used gem with any appreciate or reverence.  Haruko Momoi owned the position of Komugi so completely that it convinced Japan to hurry her off from the unpleasant Soul Taker sequence.  It modified into fats of energy, sinful satire of the anime-industrial advanced and sizable song that every OVA is as watchable today time because it modified into when it first came out.  So naturally,  the article to achieve is solid a amateur actress as the novel Komugi, thereby RUINING ALL OF HALKO-CHAN’S HARD WORK.  They brought her abet as Komugi’s mother, but with out her mastery of the position, this sequel would possibly maybe maybe as properly be an completely novel display.  Don’t safe me unsuitable, it’s now not a unsuitable behold.  It’s valid…now not primary. 

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Comely to Unfortunate.


What I Watched:  God’s Blessing on This Blooming World

What I Anticipated:  Generic RPG comedy

What I ReceivedSeinfeld in 2d Life

So what’s the particular formulation to safe the viewer to make investments their time in a brand novel sequence?  Upright.  Assemble the leads likable.  This display takes the reverse tack.  No one on this sequence is likable.  You’re gazing people you wouldn’t hang spherical with in real existence stumble thru a brand novel world.  Kazuma is a shut-in who dies an ignominious dying.  Upon reaching Heaven, he’s confronting by a goddess who affords him a different of going to boring Heaven without a games or web, or getting reincarnated in a brand novel world the place he has to murder the Demon King.  The goddess Aqua would possibly maybe per chance be very insulting and patronizing to him.  When informed he can bring one item to the novel world, he chooses…Aqua.  It’s a masterfully imply-spirited switch and models the tone for the sequence.  These two loathsome people accept as true with to work collectively to total a job.  I don’t care about either of them, so gazing it wouldn’t be very gratifying.

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Unfortunate.  There are better exhibits of this formulation.


What I Watched:  Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

What I AnticipatedInfinite Stratos II

What I ReceivedInfinite Stratos + Blade Dance

So, take the Gundam-like mecha of Infinite Stratos, and add the medieval setting and magic of Blade Dance and you almost certainly can moreover accept as true with got this.  Lux is the dilapidated prince of Arcadia sooner than it modified into conquered by a coup.  He’s now low man on the totem pole, and the particular guy at an gripping academy for “Recede-Riders”.  He accidentally seen the novel princess Lisesharte naked (of course he did) and she challenged him to a duel.  Even their duel modified into interrupted valid like IS by a rogue dragon.  There’s intrigue afoot, and romance within the air.  At the least Lux is succesful as a fighter.

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Comely.  It has the doable to be a responsible pleasure.


What I Watched:  Tantalizing Raid

What I AnticipatedPatlabor + a shrimp bit of Ghost within the Shell

What I ReceivedYou’re Below Arrest with energy matches

So, hotshot rookie is assigned to the most insecure squad within the police power.  Her strict adherence to the foundations is repeatedly thwarted by the laid-abet (but effective) rule bending of the captain of her novel squad.  They aren’t insecure because they’re incompetent, they’re insecure because they reason too mighty collateral injury.  This smells like a scoot of self-discovery for Asami, as she learns that going by the e book isn’t consistently that you just would possibly maybe per chance maybe maybe take into consideration.  The scramble and artwork are gorgeous valid, despite being clearly CGI.  Asami rubbed me the unsuitable formulation within the beginning, but after she herself sortied, I purchased a bigger address on her.

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Upright.  I don’t most frequently score an scramble sequence, but this one has spirit.


What I Watched:  Koukaku no Pandora

What I Anticipated:  Loli robots fight sinful

What I Received:  Loli lesbian robots fight sinful

After I heard that Koushi Rikudou (Excel Saga) modified into adapting an used manga by Masamune Shirow (Appleseed, Ghost within the Shell, Accurate Pressure) for broadcast, I modified into intrigued.  Excel Saga modified into one of my accepted sequence of the 00’s, and I’ve been a really long time fan of Shirow.  The result of this collaboration is…unusual.  But it is unusual within the most used modified into that you just would possibly maybe per chance maybe maybe take into consideration.  It has Rikudou’s sinful sense of humor and characterization, and Shirow’s futuristic imaginative and prescient and magnificence.  It valid doesn’t look like it’s clicking.  Nene is a cyborg.  We aren’t informed why, but she is cybernetically enhanced attributable to just a few physical explain as a young person.  On a ship to reside alongside with her researcher aunt, she runs into the enraged scientist Delilah Uzal and her android helper Clarion.  Nene is smitten by Clarion, as she’s found any person else with mechanical parts.  Clarion is non-plussed.  Due to a malfunctioning tunneling robot, Nene has to team up with Clarion to cease it from destroying the island the place her aunt lives.  It’s all gorgeous valid-natured, but there is something menacing lurking under the ground.  I’m angry about this, but now not basically in a valid formulation.

Chances I’ll Protect Staring at:  Upright, though I in actuality accept as true with some reservations.


There are lots extra exhibits to safe to.  Part 2 is on the vogue!