Who Precisely Is Freya In Ragnarok Manhwa?
freya, ragnarok: into the abyss, manhwa, norse mythology, goddess

This submit would possibly maybe be is known as “why is Freya the villain / antagonist / infamous guy in Ragnarok: Into The Abyss manhwa?” What’s seemingly to be irascible with the aforementioned being the case?

As adversarial to being the title of a personality within the funny, Freya would possibly maybe be the title of a goddess in Norse Mythology.

However due to graphic unique is loosely consistent with Norse Mythology, it’s a long way never always the sort of surprise to hang about this. Or not it’s honest admire how the characters of Loki, Balder, Fenris Fenrir and Frigg, among many others within the manhwa, also half the names of mythological figures.

However, the indispensable phrase right here is ‘loosely,’ so it’s totally to be expected that there are loads of differences between these characters regardless of the fact that they half the identical title. In some cases, the totally similarity between these other folks are the names they half. The identical would possibly maybe furthermore merely even be said for the two Freyas in question.

freya, norse mythology, goddes, ragnarok: into the abyss, manhwa

In Norse Mythology, Freya is associated with many issues including being the goddess of admire and grace. For that reason, she would possibly maybe furthermore merely even be said to be the counterpart of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus. She would possibly maybe be is known as Freyja and she’s bought a brother named Freyr.

In distinction to all that, within the Ragnarok manhwa sequence, Freya is said to be the infamous guy, the antagonist, the villain. After I first heard that that was the case, I had to wonder exactly why it had to be that system because of there would not seem like something the least bit in mythology that would possibly maybe display or paint said goddess as an antagonist.

Truly, there are some sources that paint her or watch her as a factual one who protects the extinct, who helps out the humans who glance it from her, etc. She was even said to like taught the opposite gods, admire Odin (king of the Norse gods), magic, which is your total more reason to wonder why her counterpart within the funny would abominate Odin enough to usurp him and raise his space as the ruler of Asgard.

More than that despite the fact that, it’s a long way never always admire the Freya in mythology would not already like a put that she presides over. She is basically the ruler of a fine afterlife topic is known as Fólkvangr, which is located somewhere within the realm of the gods (Asgard). Within this put is a hall is known as Sessrúmnir. Half of of the these who die in wrestle mosey to this put whereas the opposite half of goes to Valhalla.

However, perchance, one causes why Freya has been made the contemporary ruler of Asgard within the graphic unique is because of, in Norse Mythology, she can basically without anguish be unsuitable to be Frigg or Frigga, the queen of the Norse gods and the wife of Odin because of their names are moderately an identical, among one other causes.

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There are even some sources which disclose that Freya was married to Odin.

However, whereas she would possibly maybe be infrequently seen as a warrior and death goddess, there would not seem like any mention of her being portrayed as a darkish and malevolent entity.

She is even described in a flattering system (some disclose she is awfully just appropriate-looking out and that she is blonde and blue-eyed).

Anyway, the indispensable point is that it would not truly fabricate all that grand sense for Freya to be shown as the infamous guy, inflamed about how she truly is in Norse Mythology. Truly, it would possibly maybe perhaps most likely maybe like made rather more sense if one other figure was portrayed as the execrable villain.

As an illustration, if we were suggested that the indispensable antagonist was basically Hel, then that would possibly maybe were more plausible. It is because of, in Norse Mythology, Hel is the title of the ruler of Niflheim, the Underworld. You’ll be in a local to claim that she’s admire the counterpart of the Greek god Hades and the Roman god Pluto.

Honestly, even Loki himself would possibly maybe furthermore pull off being the supreme execrable overlord grand better than Freya ever would possibly maybe furthermore especially since there’s foundation for this in Norse Mythology. Loki is basically a trickster and he has carried out a assortment of execrable issues equivalent to trigger the death of Balder (now, would you disclose it’s form of surprising to peep Chaos and Loki within the funny getting alongside pretty grand?).

loki, norse mythology, balder, ragnarok: into the abyss, manhwa

Unnecessary to claim, it’s okay for issues to be various especially due to aforementioned graphic unique is totally speculated to be loosely consistent with Norse Mythology anyway.

However, ought to you are conversant in the title Freya and what she is and how she is, it’s moderately inevitable that once these other folks hear her title, they are able to take underneath consideration the goddess in question despite the fact that this isn’t the person who is being referred to.

Anyway, excluding the enlighten confusion and puzzlement as to why Freya honest occurs to be the indispensable infamous guy, there’s also the question of exactly what her motives are? Why would she would prefer to usurp Odin? Why does she would prefer to rule Asgard and the remainder of the sector? In Quantity 5, Chapter 44, we discover that Freya wants the shards of Ymir’s Heart in open up to recreate the sector in her image.

That is good and all, nonetheless, severely, why would she would prefer to enact that? What’s her motive and her reason within the help of looking out for to enact something admire that? What does she hope to construct by doing that? Folks must like a reason (plausible, real looking and logical) as to why they would would prefer to enact regardless of they’re trying to enact.

The identical would possibly maybe furthermore merely even be said for Freya. She will be able to be able to not honest would prefer to enact this honest because of. She will be able to be able to not honest be the villain honest because of. She will be able to be able to not honest raise on the role of the antagonist honest because of there’s not anybody else to have faith that phase. There would possibly maybe furthermore merely restful be a reason as to why, in any other case all this honest falls flat and ends up turning into unbelievable and even contrived.

balder, norse mythology, god, baldr, ragnarok: into the abyss, manhwa, chaos

As an illustration, Sara Irine did not honest abominate town of Fayon and Lord Irine for the sake of hating them. She basically has a factual reason as to why she would would prefer to slay town and the folk in it.

In distinction to that, we know pretty grand nothing about Freya’s motives and causes. Or not it’s a long way never always honest that despite the fact that. Did you watch that we on no account basically bought to peep her, as in, the least bit, ever?

We’ve got on no account met her. We’ve got on no account been launched to her. We develop not even know how she appears to be like to be admire. Is she blonde and blue-eyed admire how the goddess Freya in Norse Mythology is said to secret agent admire?

More than that despite the fact that, the indispensable question is why have not we seen her? Why can not we peep her? How reach she is on no account shown to us? What’s irascible with revealing herself to us, the readers?

Despite all the pieces, we like even seen other characters (to illustrate, we met Arkana even earlier than Chaos and the others met her) that our heroes have not met, so it have to not be an mission to reward Freya to us.

Even though the funny wants to withhold Freya’s identity and secret agent a secret to rep an air of thriller round her, we would possibly maybe furthermore, on the least, discover about her causes and motives. We would possibly maybe furthermore were given honest a small bit more recordsdata about her.

Despite all the pieces, we already know her title and the fact that she’s it looks execrable and needs to search out the center shards. However why can not we be taught the explanations for this? With out vivid grand of something, it honest looks admire Freya’s actions develop not fabricate any sense and they develop not stumble upon as plausible the least bit.

What enact you imagine of the character of Freya within the Ragnarok manhwa? Does she fit the role of the villain? Does it fabricate sense for her to be the indispensable antagonist? Have you desire that we had been in a local to peep how she appears to be like to be admire?

– Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki (CC:BY-SA) consistent with the image by hayashinomura, CC:BY-SA from deviantArt

– Image is supposed to characterize the goddess Freya in Norse Mythology because of she is said to be blonde
– The remainder of the pics are enlarged product photos from Amazon.com; links shown above thru Amazon’s Native Browsing Classified ads widget