What Took bid to Kurt, Reina, and Kite’s Chums in Hunter X Hunter?

Full post title: some tips / diagnosis / dialogue about a few of the characters within the Chimera Ant arc of Hunter x Hunter, namely Kurt, Reina, and Kite’s mates.

Kurt and Reina are these 2 childhood from NGL (Neo-Green Life self sustaining situation). You understand what occurs to them?

Anime, Banana Kavaro, Chimera Ant, Colt, Hunter X Hunter, Hunter x Hunter 2011, Kurt, Lin Koshi, Monta Yuras, Podungo Lapoy, Reina, Stories, Shidore, Spinner Clow, Stick Dinner, yoshihiro togashi, manga, chimera ant arc

(*Warning for conceivable spoilers from the Hunter x Hunter 2011 anime (#advert) and manga series by Yoshihiro Togashi)

They die. No, they don’t just appropriate die. They additionally rep eaten. By the Chimera Ant Queen. But, prior to that, we were launched to them first. We noticed these 2 itsy-bitsy childhood and how shut they were and how they lived a straightforward, still lifestyles with their mother.

We noticed how Kurt tried to give protection to his itsy-bitsy sister, Reina, and how he tried to preserve her protected. After which they die. Unswerving esteem that. I know, I know. They needed to die on fable of it serves to indicate just appropriate how vital of a menace the Chimera Ants are.

And, naturally, the young people wanted to be launched for rather prior to they rep killed and eaten to compose it danger even extra for us, the audience / viewers, after they within the end die. It’s meant to pull at our heartstrings.

After we first noticed these 2, I just appropriate knew that something turned into going to happen to them. And I didn’t prefer to care about them on fable of I knew they were gonna croak it anyway. Obviously, it’s difficult now now not to could earn to you discover about them.

They were residing the kind of pleasant lifestyles. They were so innocent, and they hadn’t executed something else shocking. Then they just appropriate die. And, man, how is that delicate, factual? The set up’s the justice in that? And they’re so young. Too young to die. Reveal.

Truthfully, I even idea that Kite’s mates (Spinner Clow, Monta Yuras, Lin Koshi, Stick Dinner, Banana Kavaro, and Podungo Lapoy) would die (if now now not all of them, then, on the very least, one or some of them).

I indicate, we spent all that time being launched to every of them and being urged their names and none of them died. I turned into keen vital expecting them to die within the end and turned into very vital bowled over when that didn’t happen at all.

TBH, I roughly need that one or all of them had died as an different of Kite. When they didn’t die, I needed to surprise why. Love, what turned into that all about?

Why were we even launched to them? Because it wasn’t esteem they certainly did vital of something else at all. I believed they were being launched just appropriate to allow them to very smartly be killed off later on esteem with what came about to Kurt and Reina.

But, on the different hand, pondering how I care extra about Kite than these people, perchance that’s why they didn’t die. I indicate, I simplest noticed Kurt and Reina for a itsy-bitsy bit while, nonetheless I didn’t need these 2 to die.

I need these 2 didn’t prefer to die. Kite’s mates had extra appearances, nonetheless none of them were all that memorable.

We obtained their names and the entirety, nonetheless I could rarely utter them apart or match the name to the biggest face. If they’d died or with out be aware disappeared, it wouldn’t earn mattered vital.

It’s varied with Kite though. I didn’t need him to die. I stumbled on him attention-grabbing, and I certainly need that he’d been succesful of flee from Neferpitou. Reveal. Maybe that’s why he died, huh? LOL.

So, what fabricate you suspect about all this? Be at liberty to allotment your tips and opinions by leaving a comment below.

– Pic is from Amazon.com; hyperlink confirmed above
– This turned into beforehand printed on my Soyuz Mir Tumblr weblog on September 22, 2015 at 11:06:25pm