What To Abominate About The Pierre And Chocolat Library Scene In Sugar Sugar Rune Episode 3?

In episode 3 of the Sugar Sugar Rune (#advert) anime and manga sequence by Moyoco Anno, there’s a scene where Pierre Tempête de Neige, the main male persona, and Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, the main female persona, regain out about every varied in the library. What’s destructive with this scene?

(*Warning for doable spoilers for said show)

Chocolat Kato is interviewed by Nishitani, one in all her classmates, for the college newspaper in episode 3 of the Sugar Sugar Rune anime. They conduct the interview in the library. Whereas she’s being interviewed, Pierre happens to mosey by her.

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, Pierre Tempête de Neige, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno

He ignores her, however she notices him. Meilleure is upset that she’s being brushed aside. She will be able to get all excited about it. But I don’t regain out about why she must feel that intention. So what if Pierre brushed aside her? It’s now not like they’re chums or anything else, so why would he even remark over with her? They’re now not even in the a similar class.

And she regarded so certain that Pierre said “upright morning” to her the varied day and that annoys me on yarn of, seriously, why is she so certain that he became talking to her? She wasn’t the final observe lady there at that point.

What if he became in actual fact talking to Vanilla Mieux / Ice or to about a of the varied ladies there? Why does it is going to be Chocolat upright on yarn of she’s the main persona? Why does she must act so entitled as if Pierre can’t boom “god morning” to any person else however her?

Also, seriously, why does Chocolat act like she’s so into Pierre already with how upset and excited she is that he brushed aside her when he seen her in the library? Why does she like him already? Is it on yarn of he’s upright-looking out? They’ve barely spoken to every varied.

She will be able to get all troubled that he ignores her and walks previous her without talking to her and I’m like, they’re now not chums. They mustn’t possess any reason to talk over with every varied. What does it subject if he ignores her? What’s destructive with Chocolat? Why must she care that he’s ignoring her? What discontinue you salvage?

– Pic is from Amazon.com; link proven above