Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!

ELATED is now no longer the notice i need! HAPPY Is no longer always!! Happy? NO!!! Accomplished? Lope, more fancy it!!!!
Thats how i feel this day that i bask in in the damage stopped procrastinating and taken the step in organising with this weblog.

I the truth is bought this belief about 10years previously in secondary college when i old to learn erotic reports on m.phonerotica.com on my sagem x6(certain i bask in always been contaminated fancy that), i opinion i wanted to learn naija reports because the oyinbo ones dont correct form it for me. So after about 10years, i bask in taken the major step in bringing Erotic Naija reports to readers, freaks, intercourse gurus and worried naija those who favor to wank and obtain furious in their rooms, at work or in CHURCH(kidding).

A number of of the reports you learn right here will seemingly be fictions/imaginations and a few would be loyal trusty and even perhaps life like.lol.
I’m hoping this is in a position to be the major of many post.

Welcome to ThEroticLane… *wink*