Welcome 2014!

Hi there again readers, and overjoyed original twelve months! Hope everyone’s settling into 2014 awesomely. Now, as you (may maybe additionally or may maybe additionally now now not) know, at the cease of every month, I generally enact my typical round-up of the previous month’s memorable moments, but starting a brand original twelve months felt a bit bigger than your abnormal monthly turnover. So, I’ve determined I’m perfect going to bring collectively a huge list of random things that came about in 2013 (undergo with me, or now now not it’s relevant I insist). So with out further ado, right here is what now we private left in the attend of . . .

Most Googled things of 2013

No one can explain that at any time when they’ve any cramped plan back or unanswered query, they turn to the magical Lord Google to attend them in their endeavours (I myself am proudly one of many main contributors). So, according to google inclinations (which is it looks an aspect- who knew?), right here is the list of the tip 10 googled things internationally in 2013. 

10. North Korea

9. PlayStation 4

8. Samsung Galaxy S4

7. Royal Toddler

6. Boston Marathon

5. Harlem Shake

4. Cory Monteith

3. iPhone 5S

2. Paul Walker

1. Nelson Mandela

Neatly, I form of private mixed feelings about this list. On the plus aspect, the Kardashians didn’t produce an look, yay for us! Nonetheless then there may maybe be heaps of of different odd stuff going which form of counteracts that. For one, the truth that electronics are even on the list is form of unhappy. And two, the truth that these electronics beat out other fundamental occasions is even sadder. Other folks googled the iPhone 5S greater than they googled Cory Monteith?


Best doubtless Grossing Movies of 2013

This one’s graceful self explanatory, so I’m now now not even going to effort spelling it out for you. For once, I belief your skill to read the title and fee it for yourself. You are welcome. 

10. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

9. Oz.The Sizable and Grand

8. Hasty & Angry 6

7. Gravity

6. Monsters College

5. Man of Steel

4. Frozen

3. Infamous Me 2

2. The Hunger Video games: Catching Fire

1. Iron Man 3

I’ve completely seen 4 motion photos on this list, and I’m unhappy to roar that 3 of them had been intelligent (so perchance I’m now now not exactly a movie connoisseur, no matter). On the opposite hand, there were couple of surprises on this list. I imply sure, it became once expected that Catching Fire would be graceful high up, and I believed the Hobbit would enact graceful noteworthy, but I honestly had no theory that there became once such a collection up a query to for intelligent motion photos (perchance I’m abnormal? who knows). With Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel and the total opposite stuff like that, I honestly don’t even know the intention they had been expected to cross purely because I didn’t basically care ample to take a look at, but I’m perfect assuming they had been graceful in type and justified in their ranking. What greatly greatly surprised me became once that there weren’t other mainstream motion photos on right here. I believed ‘Carrie’ or one thing will seemingly be on right here someplace (now now not that I went wherever near it). Everybody I know went to leer (though TBH, it became once out on the earn long earlier than it came to cinemas in Australia, so perchance that had one thing to enact with it). Nonetheless who knows, my opinions are all presumably vulgar anyway, because after we accumulate down to it, I don’t know what I’m talking about. 

Best doubtless Paid Celebrities of 2013

Admit it, we’re all secretly drawn to how noteworthy money people develop. And in the event that they are celebrities, smartly that perfect makes it even better. 

10. Robert Downey Jr. ($75 million)

9. Oprah Winfrey ($77 million)

8. Tyler Perry, Tiger Woods ($78 million)

7. Jerry Bruckheimer, Girl Gaga ($80 million)

6. Michael Bay ($82 million)

5. Glenn Beck ($90 million)

4. James Patterson ($91 million)

3. Simon Cowell, E.L James, Howard Stern ($95 million)

2. Steven Spielberg ($120 million)

1. Madonna ($125 million)

Yep, I’m feeling the depression seeping in. From actors to sports actions stars, it looks everyone’s incomes extra money than me (presumably because I’m 15 and have not got a job, but no matter). I’m hoping you are all now feeling sufficiently lacklustre. For people that are now now not, perfect take a moment to let it sink in that the girl who wrote 50 Shades of Gray is incomes greater than you. 

So that officially marks the cease of the weblog post. I’m hoping you are now all ready to cross on from 2013 and yolo it up in 2014. Excitement! Til’ subsequent time . . .

Annabel xx