Weisinger’s Fingerprints All Over 1958

I wrote awhile encourage that I had be taught the entire Action components from #230-#240 and would perhaps well now now not if truth be told camouflage any discernable change within the editorial vogue till #241, the first notify that bore the unmistakable mark of Mort Weisinger’s heavy hand.

Properly, I was defective, and I was defective due to the I had now now not be taught a selection of the components that came earlier than #230.  Looked at in context, it’s easy to search that Weisinger used to be intimately fascinated by the Superman experiences of 1958 (and even earlier), and that these experiences presage the Silver Age Superman to a extremely orderly level.

Let’s start up with Action #231, from August 1957:

This used to be a rare story for Action, because it carefully featured Jimmy Olsen, who no matter his billing as Superman’s Buddy in his maintain magazine, used to be surely second fiddle (or seemingly fifth clarinet) to Lois Lane as a supporting character in any of Supe’s significant mags.  Weisinger on a typical foundation printed experiences in Action and Superman that featured Jimmy and Lois, experiences that clearly belonged of their maintain mags.  But he used to be immoral-promoting; making the Superman readers extra drawn to the other characters as neatly.

Regardless that it’s now now not talked about in #232, Jimmy Olsen’s signal ring started popping up in Superman experiences beginning with Action #236:

The DC Wikia says that Jimmy’s signal leer first seemed in Action #238, which is clearly defective; excluding the sooner camouflage above, it used to be if truth be told talked about in every story of Jimmy Olsen #1, which came out three years earlier, and historic in Jimmy Olsen #2>

Superman had historic occasional robots over the years, but this used to be seemingly the first severe one:

But even that one required Superman to manipulate it remotely with his X-ray imaginative and prescient.  Some distance extra autonomous robots were coming soon.

So I was defective to claim that Weisinger’s touch used to be now now not evident in Action #230-#240.