Watercolor Illustrator Starter Equipment

Let’s enlighten it is possible you’ll well also had been staring at watercolor tutorials for years now, and also you’re able to take the drop!  It is indispensable to skip many of the pupil-grade stuff and make investments you cash in art provides you will accumulate pleasure from now- and for future years.

And even you’re a official artist- true contemporary to watercolor.  You’ve gotten already purchased a expert peer, expert fingers, and know that true art provides are definitely price the funding- you true are no longer obvious where to delivery!
The labeling on most art provides promise all forms of things
artist quality
official quality
high quality pigments
but since these guarantees are no longer regulated, there would possibly perchance be no enlighten that they are the truth.  Over time, I’ve reviewed pretty a number of art provides that promised plenty and delivered frustration, so hopefully my options these days will abet you purchase with self assurance! 

All Amazon links are affiliate links- I gaze a tiny bounty if you store the utilization of these links!  Here is a titanic manner to reduction pork up the work I enact here, at no further ticket to you.

My Reccs:

Daniel Smith Crucial 6 Mixing Put- $49.ninety 9 on Amazon

Qor Mini Palette- $69.78 on Amazon

Watercolor Pencils: 

Derwent Inktense Watercolor Pencils- ticket varies by establish on Amazon


Cotman Mop- $16.00 on Amazon

Princeton Aqua Elite- prices vary by establish on Amazon

Inventive Ticket Mimic- Size 10 or greater- $19.79 on Jerry’s Artarama
Silver Murky Velvet Brushes- Label varies by size on DickBlick
Winsor and Newton Sequence 7 Brush- Size 5- $34.00 on DickBlick
Tall Hake Brush- prices vary on size on DickBlick
Papers- Cellulose:
Canson Montval- prices vary by size on Amazon
Canson XL- prices vary by size on Amazon
Papers- Cottonrag: 

Stonehenge Aqua Coldpress- prices vary by size on Amazon

Fluid 100- prices vary by size on Amazon
Blick Studio Premier- prices vary by size on DickBlick
Padbound Arches Coldpress- prices vary on Amazon
Wanna accumulate your complete having a watch finished in a single establish?  Here is a hyperlink to the Amazon list

  • My most many times feeble brush form: round
  • My most many times feeble brush self-discipline topic: squirrel synthetic mix
  • My most many times feeble brush size- 6 or 8 round
  • My most many times feeble paper sizes- 9″x12″, 10″x14″
  • My most many times feeble paper form for illustration- cottonrag
  • My most many times feeble paper form for silly pages- cellulose
  • My most many times feeble paper floor- coldpress texture
  • My most many times feeble paper weight- 140lb
What about accessories?!  I’ve written about them here!  Nonetheless here is a number of relevant links and blurbs from that post! 
Winsor and Newton Masking Fluid
This is the brand I use and have had best results with.

Pebeo Masking Fluid
This is the brand Kabocha uses and has had the best results with.

Masking Fluid Accessories:
Synthetic watercolor brushes
Brush Soap
Masking Fluid Pick Up

Sakura Pigma FB, MB, BB
These three brushpens provide a unfold of lineweights and are alcohol marker and water resistant.  I utilize these in a range of my movies!

Probabilities are you’ll well the truth is utilize any, but I notably admire these collapsable cups by Faber Castell.  I counsel two dedicated watercolor cups- one for spruce, one for soiled.

Spray Bottle

Search for Droppers

Paper Towels
Any paper towels will work, but I the truth is delight in Viva paper towels, especially these with no texture.

Gator Board or Corrogated Plastic
I utilize this to encourage as a pork up for my stretched watercolor pages.

Overlaying Tape
I desire the 3M blue crepe preserving tape linked above- it adheres to the page with out tearing the paper on elimination.

Bulldog Clips
Binder Clips
I utilize binder and bulldog clips to reduction true my paper to the board when stretching watercolor paper.

Paint Keys


High three:  Canson Montval Watercolor Paper 
Center Three: Montval, Stonehenge Aqua Hotpress, Stonehenge Aqua Coldpress
Backside Three: Canson Montval Artboard, Low-ticket Joe’s Kilimanjaro, Strathmore Toned Tan Blended Media Paper 

What’s to admire about:

Daniel Smith Crucial 6 Mixing Put 
Heaps of official artists focus on mixing every colour you wish from a valid establish of exiguous colors.  Here is on the full conceivable, and my opt for that’s the Daniel Smith Crucial 6.  Daniel Smith is a official line of watercolor made and manufactured within the US the utilization of high quality pigments.  Their workers are friendly and fascinating to reply to questions, and provide pretty a number of outreach.  Starting up with a exiguous palette of six colors helps you be taught the intricacies of colour mixing whereas saving A LOT of money- true add to your palette as you high-tail.
I counsel additionally having a preserve up for some cheap empty half pans and creating your non-public mini palette the utilization of a mint tin.  For my share, I earn working from half pans to be simpler than working straight from tubes, and generates less damage.
Delight in a hang a look on the fieldtest for these- they indicate true how mixable they’re!
Qor Mini Palette
Per chance six colors true isn’t any longer ample.  The Qor Mini Palette of 12 shining colors is one in every of my favourite high-tail to palettes for inch or exiguous home.  Though the halfpans are smaller than long-established, a tiny of goes a LONG manner, and these colors are natty saturated and stress-free to mix!  Here is a palette I grasp the full time- it plays notably wisely with cellulose watercolor papers.
Delight in a hang a look on the unbox and swatch for my first impressions, and the fieldtest to ogle how wisely they tackle!  Whenever you struggle through my Watercolor Basics playlist, you will gaze this palette pop up customarily- it the truth is is a fave! 
Derwent Inktense Watercolor Pencils
Watercolor pencils would possibly perchance well additionally be titanic for inch, or for including finer major functions to watercolor illustration.  I utilize them the full time for 7″ Kara silly pages.  I’ve feeble and reviewed pretty a number of various watercolor pencil brands through the years, and Derwent’s Inktense line is one in every of my favourite, and a rather economical probability.  These India Ink pencils are no longer correct watercolor pencils, and will be rather lightfast and indelible as soon as dry, so set them to your remaining major functions! 
These pop up in a form of my 7″ Kara process posts, recurrently in my Watercolor Basics collection, and in different Youtube movies!  A standalone evaluate has been recorded, and is within the hopper, so preserve an peer on my channel! 
Cotman Mops
Mops are finest for covering natty areas of your paper with colour or water!  Cotman watercolor mops are on hand in two sizes and utilize synthetic fibers, so they are a truly economical probability to your studio that can final a LONG time.  I utilize the same mop I purchased ten years ago, when I first started characterize 7″ Kara!   Here is titanic for toning greater panels and pages, and precious for stretching smaller watercolor pieces.
Since here’s so recurrently feeble, it be regarded in different Watercolor Basics posts, in a form of Vacation gift guides, and has made many an look on my channel
Tall Hake Brush
One amongst my favorites for stretching watercolor paper- I’m able to apply water sooner and more evenly than the utilization of a mop!  These are actually cheap, and titanic to hang around. 
Since here’s a more moderen enchancment in my life, it hasn’t yet started to filter into weblog posts and on Youtube, but preserve an peer out, now that I’ve tried it, I’m contented others would possibly perchance well restful too! 
Princeton Aqua Elite
A stiffer synthetic brush that’s precious for making utilize of gouache, thick applications of watercolor, or pulling the truth is true strains.  
Inventive Ticket Mimic- Size 10 or Bigger
Pure hair brushes, notably squirrel and sable, are costly at greater sizes.  I counsel having a preserve up for synthetic brushes for these greater sizes- they’re economical and will final a truly prolonged time.  I utilize synthetics for anything else size 8 or greater, with my largest brush being a Inventive Ticket Mimic in size 26.  These are actually helpful for blocking off in colour or making utilize of sunshine glazes, and the Mimic is a long way less stiff than many other cheap synthetic brushes.
Since here’s so recurrently feeble, it be regarded in different Watercolor Basics posts, in a form of Vacation gift guides, and has made many an look on my channel! 
Silver Murky Velvet Brushes
A aggregate of man-made and natural hair brushes, Silver Murky Velvet tackle ALMOST admire Kolinsky Sable, but ticket a long way less.  These are titanic studio workhorses, and the mix of man-made add durability, whereas the natural squirrel hair holds onto water and paint to diminish dribbling.
These seem in different more recent watercolor movies, as well to in my 2018 gift manual
Winsor and Newton Sequence 7
Brush work is major- it adds pretty a number of vitality to a allotment.  Having a brush that work WITH you, no longer true pushing paint around or puddling a long way and huge, makes characterize a satisfaction and will make stronger your work.
The Sequence 7 is one in every of essentially among the finest many times on hand Kolinsky Sable brushes on hand within the US, and whereas pretty costly, it be an funding that can establish characterize a pleasure.  After years of the utilization of man-made and squirrel brushes, the Sequence 7 appears to be like to dance on the paper, and a wisely maintained round is ready to very thin strains as well to intrepid brushwork.  The flagged hairs of Kolinsky Sable reduction on to colour and water, so drip drip dribbles are a long way less frequent, and the comb itself is less complicated to manipulate.
Since here’s so recurrently feeble, it be regarded in different Watercolor Basics posts, in a form of Vacation gift guides, and has made many an look on my channel! 
Canson Montval
Whereas this isn’t any longer every person’s favourite (I’ve gotten a tiny of flack for recommending it from of us who’ve been burnt), it be restful my paper of probability for 7″ Kara pages.  I earn it handles ALMOST admire a cottonrag, but is ready to unheard of finer detail- a must for characterize silly pages.  
Since here’s a non-public favourite, it be regarded in different weblog posts discussing papers for watercolor, and naturally it appears to be like in every 7″ Kara process post- so you gaze it feeble recurrently!  Or no longer it is additionally in pretty a number of watercolor silly movies on the channel.
Obviously, since I’ve feeble it for an complete bunch of silly pages, I’ve talked about it a finest quantity true about a long way and huge, from Twitter to Youtube to this weblog.  And clearly, it is possible you’ll well take a look at out my handiwork by studying 7″ Kara
Canson XL
Typically it be nice true to hang low-ticket paper helpful- in spite of the entirety, steadily you true must sketch in watercolor!  I utilize Canson XL for watercolor sketches (I love what number of times on hand their tiny watercolor sketchbooks are, I’m able to construct up them true about wherever with a tiny art provide allotment, even rural Luling’s Walmart) and creating paperchildren.  Thicker than Moleskin and Instruction manual watercolor books, Canson XL would be a titanic probability to your watercolor doodles.
I utilize Canson XL ravishing recurrently so within the event you apply my Instagram, it is possible you’ll well also hang doubtlessly viewed pieces painted on XL.   Here is an instance!
Padbound Arches Coldpress
For standalone watercolor illustrations and artwork, I love the utilization of cottonrag watercolor paper.  Discovering the true paper to your wants is major- there isn’t this kind of thing as a panacea paper designed to swimsuit every artist.  I love Arche’s padbound Coldpress sheets- already cut to workable sizes, rather cheap, and will mosey through my printer admire a dream.  I purchase the 140lb weight and continually stretch my cottonrag paper.
Since here’s so recurrently feeble, it be regarded in different Watercolor Basics posts, in a form of Vacation gift guides, and has made many an look on my channel! 
Stonehenge Aqua Coldpress
Blockbound on two facets, it is possible you’ll well also earn this paper a tiny at threat of buckling or taking away itself from the pad, especially at greater sizes.  I take away it from the block to mosey through my printer, so I discontinuance up stretching this paper regardless.  Their coldpress is even on hand in sad
Whenever you’re more of a fan of the at ease texture of hotpress, their Hotpress cottonrag watercolor blocks are very just correct, and never more at threat of self-elimination, as working on hotpress dictates fewer natty wet washes.
Delight in a hang a look at this comparative evaluate between Stonehenge Aqua Coldpress and Hotpress
Fluid 100
A coldpress cottonrag paper that has ALMOST the texture of hotpress (though it be on hand in hotpress too!).  Here is a truly light blockbound paper on hand in an unlimited different of sizes.  Or no longer it is very economical for a blockbound cottonrag paper, and has a truly easy to work with temperament- so it be a titanic cottonrag for freshmen!
Delight in a hang a look on the fieldtest here for more data!  And here is a standalone evaluate.
Blick Studio Premier
I utilize this as a more economical different to blockbound Arches.  A favourite all the plot through my Unbox and Swatch movies- this paper has pretty a number of tooth, and a unbelievable block binding that’s no longer going to self take away.  Here is produced for sale completely at Dick Blick, so availability is exiguous, but it is possible you’ll well account for it on-line within the event you’re fascinating to wait a week for it to near at your door! 
This paper pops up in most unbox and swatch watercolor reports, but I additionally hang a timelapse characterize on Blick Premier.
Be taught more about the paints you’re having a preserve up for:
Be taught more about the papers I’m recommending:
Be taught more about the brushes I’m recommending:
I’ve talked about watercolor options for younger artists and for freshmen in some of my Vacation Gift Guides, so within the event you’re having a preserve up for something a tiny of more ticket effective, I counsel checking these out!  And I’m continually chuffed to contrivance curated options- through Twitter, Patreon, or in my art-centric Discord server, The Paintbox!