Two New Plays Out there!
Wisely I’m not moderately writing but (however hope to rapidly). Within the period in-between I’ve launched two recent plays from my archive that had been true looking at for a chunk formatting. Test them out as soon as you fancy. Perchance one will pique your passion…

Redemption is on hand on Amazon and Smashwords.

What’s it About 


Jack Tyson’s previous is a thriller, however some things are definite. He ragged to be very rich and very a success… and one thing dreadful came about to rob all that away.

Now, liable to being arrested or worse, he lives in a dinky northern city below an assumed title alongside with his wife, Harriet, and their paralysed son. But this existence isn’t ample for Jack. The lies they have woven round themselves provide protection to them from damage however trap Jack in an existence that’s worse than he could perhaps have imagined. He wants extra and is willing to probability the relaxation to uncover it.

But one thing unfamiliar and execrable goes on within the city. Jack is being watched and adopted and a menacing intruder within the middle of the evening hints of drawing near and encroaching hazard.

The extra tough Jack tries to better himself, the extra tough his existence turns into, till fully one conclusion is capability. He isn’t being paranoid – any individual is out to uncover him – and except he takes action straight away, it will be some distance too slack to speed.


Berlin Rose is additionally on hand on Amazon and Smashwords

What’s it About 


It is Berlin, 1923. Katrin is the prosperous and comely wife of a flesh presser and thinks that her existence is excellent. But her husband, Jacob, has been preserving secrets. He has been maintaining her from the realities of existence outside the walls of her unbelievable townhouse.

When Jacob returns home with a win stuffed corpulent of money, Katrin begins to suspect that he’s hiding one thing, however the sure indicators of her husband’s stress and his refusal to discuss things with her fully originate her extra suspicious. Clearly one thing dreadful is able to happen however Katrin is at a loss to evaluate about what it is.

When Jacob receives a customer, the merciless and criminal Willem, Katrin learns the truth, however it could perhaps also already be too slack to extinguish her luxurious existence from slipping away from her. Alongside with her balance crumbling about her, Katrin is forced to rob steps to fight for the existence she loves.

Calamity follows calamity however the extra her out-of-preserve a watch on explain tries to crush her, the extra Katrin fights in opposition to it, doing the relaxation – compromising everything – to acquire her existence again. There appears no restrict to the depth of the crevasse she is falling into however there is additionally no restrict to her unravel to fight again.