Transformers Trailcutter Versus M.A.S.Okay.’s Jackhammer

I was doing a search on Google the other day there after I stumbled on this Portray…

It extra or much less took me !  Within the foundation win out about, in small preview, I idea it used to be some extra or much less Jackhammer toy that could presumably additionally were portion of some giveaway motivate within the day.  When I clicked on the describe to raise, the Autobot symbol was extra noticeable.

I clicked onto the discover page that comprises this describe and stumbled on a substantial weblog – Transfromers4Collection and particularly a online page all referring to the Autobot, Trailcutter.  You need to pop over for a win out about – there are substantial critiques on M.A.S.Okay. toys and others as effectively!

On this partially transformed converse, there is rarely a denying there is a resemblance to our favored Jackhammer.

And judging by the truth the describe came up whereas doing a look for M.A.S.Okay., particularly Outlaw, the quest engine Google should always also accept as true with me how worthy it resembles Jackhammer.

What originate you watched?  Is that this portion of Hasbro’s substantial idea to insist M.A.S.Okay. and Transfromers toys nearer together?

In all likelihood we are going to by no plan know.

Portion your feedback below or over on the M.A.S.Okay. Comics Facebook Page.

Thank you,


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#MASKcrusade #DIC #Transformers