PRIDE MONTH begins as of late and I’m capable of’t mediate of a more essential time to demonstrate our unflinching respect and reinforce for the LGBTQ+ neighborhood. Particularly since they’re under assault by many of the worst folks and organizations in our nation.

I imprint the Republican occasion framing the neighborhood as threats to our nation. That’s continuously been their play guide. As President Andrew Shepherd (played by Michael Douglas) said in Aaron Sorkin’s and Rob Reiner’s The American President (1995):

I’ve identified [Republican Senator] Bob Rumson for years, and I’ve been operating under the belief that the rationale Bob devotes so necessary time and energy to shouting at the rain became once that he simply didn’t salvage it. Smartly, I became once unpleasant. Bob’s topic is now not that he would now not salvage it. Bob’s topic is that he cannot promote it! We like serious problems to clear up, and we need serious folks to clear up them. And whatever your suppose topic is, I promise you, Bob Rumson is now not in the slightest degree piquant about fixing it. He is piquant about two things and two things most efficient: making you disquieted of it and telling you who’s responsible for it. That, women and gentlemen, is the intention you salvage elections.

The Republican disapprove speech is one thing I imprint. I’m having a more challenging time accepting why these that resolution themselves Christians act in such an un-Christlike manner when it involves the kids of their god who happen to be LGBTQ+. And why they pause this when the history of their very own churches is stuffed with authority figures who proved themselves to be accurate threats to children. Their behavior isn’t remotely what Jesus would pause.

I’ll be celebrating PRIDE MONTH in as some methods as I’m capable of come up. I’m striking a PRIDE flag as soon as I imprint posting this bloggy train. I in actuality like a lawn impress on uncover and am procuring for more. I in actuality like a “Trans Rights are Human Rights” shirt I’ll be carrying on errands and at my garage gross sales. I’m procuring for more shirts. I’d try Target, nonetheless, successfully, you know…

Our nation became once built with diversity. I imprint no reason that must never proceed to be the case.

As it’s seemingly you’ll well likely also figure from our header, I’m intention within the attend of in posting the things that build me joyful. I am hoping to gain up over the following couple days. For now, right here’s what gave me joy in March…

March 1: The Aquaman Comedian Covers Pop is the most up-to-date addition to my assortment. Even supposing I’ve enjoyed many takes on the persona, it’s the standard ogle that speaks to me and my lifelong respect of dapper-heroes most deeply.

March 2: E. Nelson Bridwell writing the Batman newspaper strip in 1970-1972. He mixed down-to-earth storytelling with the then-most up-to-date comics continuity. The more of his work I be taught, the more I are attempting to web all of it. He became once a esteem.


March 3: With the collections curated by esteemed comics historian Dr. Michael J. Vassallo and in settlement with Shock, Fantagraphics  will be reprinting traditional Atlas-period comics in hardcover editions. Take my money.

March 4: Emmy, the mettlesome heroine of Harrow County is attend in Tales from Harrow County Quantity 3: Lost Ones by Cullen Bunn, Tyler Cook dinner and Emily Schnall. She doesn’t like her magic, nonetheless she’s as daring as ever in this birth of a decent recent arc.

March 5: Belated kudos to Hasan Minhaj for his visitor cyber web web hosting stint on The On a common basis Veil. His first night faux-fight with Ronny Chieng became once hilarious. With Chelsea Handler likely now not piquant about changing into the permanent TDS host, my vote goes to Minhaj.

March 6: I admire seeing comics-linked questions on Jeopardy, even supposing Lori Lemaris wasn’t talked about by title. I became once stunned the main player to buzz in answered “What is telekinesis?” The 2nd player appropriately replied “What is telepathy?”

March 7: Now not Ineffective But. Starring Gina Rodriguez as down-on-her-perfect fortune obit creator Nell Stevens, this challenging sitcom affords a tight fragment of guffaws and above-common persona construction. Perchance now not the stuff of awards, nonetheless a fulfilling half of-hour.

March 8: Wanda Sykes. The actor/wrier became once fully perfect as Shirley Chisholm and Harriet Tubman in History of the World, Portion II. These were my common segments within the huge sizable goofy relaxing that became once this Mel Brooks TV sequence.


March 9: I’ve written the finale of “The Loves of Abby Amour” for Final Kiss, even supposing you received’t imprint it for several weeks. I would maybe well now not like done this with out my collaborators John Lustig, Diego Jourdan Pereira, Susan Daigle-Leach and, clearly, Frank Frazetta.

March 10: Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. I enjoyed the heck out of this most up-to-date entry within the Shock Cinematic Universe. Fabulous motion sequences and particular outcomes. A big solid. Lots of guffaws and surprises. This one is a keeper.

March 11: Katy O’Brian.  I met her on the Dusky Lightning set of residing when she became once played Valuable Gray. I believed she became once big. She’s even higher as Jentorra in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. She must be headlining her own sequence of motion movies.

March 12: Poker Face. This engaging thriller sequence stars Natasha Lyonne as a girl with the unerring capacity to understand when anyone is lying. She doesn’t continuously mediate via what she does alongside with her reward and now she’s on the bolt from the mob.

March 13: Final Week Tonight with John Oliver. I would maybe well search for GOPhole  and welfare fraud Brett Favre take a soccer to his nutsack on daily basis and light need more. Someday I’ll write a yarn wherein some hero takes out a villain that intention.

March 14: Necessary person Wars Legends Epic Sequence The Empire Vol. 7 has a reprint of the finest Necessary person Wars yarn I ever wrote. “Routine” first ran in Necessary person Wars Tales #2 (1999). I mediate the silly memoir light holds up thoroughly.

March 15: The Beast Under. A once-popular singer with abandonment components enters 1,000,000-baht competition to search out badly-wanted water for his fatherland. This 2022 creature characteristic from Thailand is devoted cheesy relaxing for all ages. If truth be told handy.


March 16: Spider-Man: Enemies Closer by Jim Beard. This 2017 prose recent became once one in every of the finest Doctor Octopus reports I’ve ever be taught. It captured Spidey, Otto and Phil Coulson completely. If you happen to would maybe well receive, I suggest it extremely.

March 17: On a whim, I purchased an Elvira box from HorrorMerch, an outfit that creates such collector’s boxes for an big quantity of dread movies. Most of what I got will pause up in garage sale thriller boxes. Nevertheless I’m conserving the shirt for myself.

March 18: Dolly Parton is the finest Funko figure so that you simply may maybe add to that rising assortment of mine. Dolly makes me feel joyful and hopeful there is devoted on this planet. Funko figures build me feel all that as successfully. I smile after I imprint Dolly or Funko figures.

March 19: Making ready for my April appearance at Singapore’s Cosfest, I’ve been studying scoot guides. My common is Singapore Culture Elegant: The Valuable Recordsdata to Customs & Culture. I’ll reread it on the very prolonged flight to Singapore.  


March 20: Cocaine Endure. It received’t be nominated for any awards, set perchance the increasingly more dick-ish Razzies, nonetheless it definitely’s a goofy silly and once quickly chilling hour-and-a-half of with first price acting. Plus it has Margo Martindale. Kick attend and expertise.

March 21: Agent Elvis on Netflix. It’s coarse. It’s coarse. It’s damn shut to blasphemous. It is now not accurate for kids of any age from six to seventy-one. Nevertheless this challenging sequence’s pitch darkish humor had me laughing out loud from birth to imprint.

March 22: Men’s Warehouse in Fairlawn, Ohio. Lots of years attend, I provided a recent suit for the Dusky Lightning premiere. This present day, I provided  pants for my Singapore day out and became once known by the salesperson who provided me that suit. That became once cool.

March 23: Checking out Indy Planet offerings, I provided and browse Colossal Bang Adventures #20 by Gary Carlson and Ron Williams. It’s a pleasant mix of traditional dapper-hero fare and more common sensibilities. I’ll positively uncover the 2nd fragment of the yarn.

March 24: Elmo: An American Experiment by Cecil Jensen. Revealed by Labor of Like, this assortment of comic strips from 1946-1948 is deliciously imply-appealing. It’s as if Jensen hated his title hero as necessary because the a big quantity of villains. If truth be told handy.

March 25: Friday night dinner at Medina’s Blue Heron Brewery with Saintly Wife Barb and our children Eddie and Kelly. They had the barbecue and I had a delicious grilled chicken sandwich. This restaurant is one in every of our favorites.


March 26: Lisa Whelchel’s Collector’s Call returns on Sunday, April 2 at 6:30 pm EST on ME TV. I’m a sizable fan of the demonstrate and the season premiere will characteristic Rich Correll’s “huge assortment of dread and sci-fi props and costumes.”

March 27: Bungleton Inexperienced and the Mystic Commandos by Jay Jackson. Working within the legendary Dusky newspaper The Chicago Defender, this adventure strip had Nazis, ghosts, time scoot, infected scientists and edgy social commentary. It’s a traditional.  

March 28: Godzilla Rivals Spherical One (IDW) collects four reports of the Colossal G combating Hedorah, Mothra, King Ghidorah and Battra. The reports are challenging with big human parts and outstanding monster art. The main for kaiju devotees.

March 29: The Lady Killer Library Edition by Joelle Jones and Jamie Rich collects both mini-sequence and adds sketchbooks and beforehand unpublished art. One in every of my common comics sequence of all time in a flat-out shiny edition. Extremely advised.

March 30: Ape Vs. Mecha-Ape. This sequel to the now not-as-devoted Ape Vs. Monster is one in every of the finest Asylum movies of recent years. First-price monster motion with appealing human reports. Tom Arnold is devoted relaxing because the Secretary of Defense.

March 31: Shock Value Stamps: A Visual History by Roy Thomas. This marvelously obsessive tome is a safe, packed with cool images from quilt to quilt. Surprisingly, I never worked on these after I worked at Shock within the Seventies, so I’m studying plenty.

Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be attend soon with more stuff.

© 2023 Tony Isabella