June would be a extraordinarily pleased month for me. My Saintly Companion Barb and I were married on June 16, 1984. Our son Eddie became as soon as born on June 26, 1988. My summer time storage gross sales most assuredly originate in June. The weather is regularly lovely good, with the exception of when we’re attacked by loss of life smoke from Canada. I knew those folks weren’t lovely unprecedented as good as they faux to be. They bear revealed their elegant nature. Nonetheless this June. It became as soon as a nightmare.

The worst match of the month became as soon as the passing of Simba, our beloved cat of fifteen years. She got here to us a stray after she long past by transient stays with two of our neighbors. She modified into my buddy, inserting out in my net page of labor, drowsing with me, watching tacky monster motion photos. In the case of the latter, I mediate she enjoyed watching those huge animals drinking humans. Fully understandable. She’ll by no intention plod away my suggestions, nonetheless her loss became as soon as devastating.

Then, in no particular show…

Pinprick leaks in pipes destroyed every our downstairs lavatory and our laundry room. Getting them rebuilt (roughly) became as soon as expensive and time-drinking.

Our screened-in support porch wanted to be largely rebuilt at the worth of hundreds of bucks. Simba cherished inserting out on that porch. Sadly, she simplest bought to sit down down available as soon as after it became as soon as finished. Which it in actuality isn’t since the screening on the porch’s door has already turn out to be unfastened. We are hoping the installer will elegant repair the object without any drama or extra expense.

We did dodge a bullet. A roofer advised us we wished a recent roof. That turned out to be not the case. The roofer became as soon as elegant taking a look to get us to present him hundreds of bucks. Nice are attempting.

The scanner on my printer acquired’t work. It sounds as if, Hewlett Packard is insisting I in actuality prefer to register the tool with them so they are going to in a position to amass recordsdata they don’t prefer any lawful to. I’m going to name them subsequent week and, in the occasion that they acquired’t bend on that, I’ll be browsing for a recent printer/scanner that’s not from Hewlett-Packard.

Show cover: I’ve owned and primitive this scanner for loads of years and by no intention had this downside with it.

On the afternoon of the same day my scanner went wonky, our kitchen fridge went off the rails. Home Appliances, from whence we bought the fridge, acquired’t come out to search for at it except July tenth.
Because who desires a working fridge in July?

Show cover: we bought a smaller fridge for the storage and hope that will rob care of us for now.

And don’t get me started on the criminally unpleasant GOP appointees on the Supreme Courtroom. These robed monsters don’t appear to realize or, extra seemingly, don’t care that SCOTUS rulings are speculated to be
per the Structure, not ideology or faith. They continue to be a possibility to democracy and our country.

Additionally don’t get me started on the moronic lawful-cruise comics fans who do not need any theory of the largely innovative history of the American comics enterprise and in particular its huge-heroes. Silly books didn’t suddenly turn out to be “woke.” They were repeatedly innovative. They opposed the fascism you so eagerly embody on your path to the dustbin of history. I’m so drained of those idiots I’ve started blocking off them for being so rattling cruel and ignorant.

Take a breath, Tony.

Alternatively, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t embody my look for pleasure in these assuredly terrible times. On that existing, listed below are the things that made me pleased closing month…


June 1: The Sport Expose Sport, which ran four episodes on ABC, became as soon as an though-provoking search for at that phase of the television enterprise. It left Saintly Companion Barb and I wanting extra, so I am hoping we get a protracted search for at recreation displays on The Historical past Channel.

June 2: In actual fact, the Doctor Irregular by Aaron & Bachalo Omnibus became as soon as not my Doctor Irregular. It’s creepier and kookier than the classic version of the character and Irregular has a rare extra disconcerting personality. Even so, I cherished it. Plenty.

June 3: Progress. On my coming storage sale originate (June 9-10) and on wished dwelling repairs. One lavatory is being transformed, our recent support porch is determined for subsequent week and our landscaping looks terrific.Because of all who make this probably.


June 4: Walt Disney’s Mickey and Donald: “For Whom the Doorbell Tolls” and Other Tales Inspired by Hemingway is sublime that, comics of those Disney icons per immediate reviews by the renowned creator.It’s though-provoking and involving. A definite keeper.

June 5: Medina’s Tokyo Hibachi & Sushi. An informal restaurant with terrific meals, ravishing decor and quickly pleasant provider. As the biggest Asian eatery open on Mondays, it’s develop right into a recurring option for me on that day.

June 6: I dreamed I became as soon as the answer to a Wheel of Fortune toss-up.One amongst the contestants bought it lawful from elegant the “L” and the “T.” Pat and Vanna added that I became as soon as a gratifying man and partial to the portray.
Ball’s in your court, Jeopardy.  

June 7: The LeBron James Family Foundation opened an “I Promise” pattern in his net page of origin of Akron. It is miles going to present a condominium for 50 families. Whether or not taking part in in Cleveland or not, James will repeatedly be my current basketball participant.


June 8: Aimée de Jongh’s Days of Sand is a graphic new jam in the U.S. Grime Bowl of the Thirties.chook the Medina Library machine didn’t bear a reproduction, I asked they show one. They did and this would possibly increasingly be sent to me quickly. I cherish libraries.

June 9: Pros and (Silly) Cons. Editor Hope Nicholson build together a relaxing comics and prose anthology. I in particular enjoyed Bud Plant’s historic scoot and the pieces by lady and gays, proof of our enterprise’s elegant growth.  

June 10: I steer sure of repeating “things” as unprecedented as probably, nonetheless I must again reward Rle Aruga’s Finest World. In the 2d volume, the romance between Tsugumi and wheelchair individual Itsuki grows stronger, at the same time as they face severe recent challenges.

June 11: One other repeat. Yuto Suzuk’s Sakamoto Days gets wilder and extra relaxing with every recent book. The legendary hitman retired, nonetheless that hasn’t stopped assassins from coming after him and even becoming a member of his hilarious clan. I cherish it!

June 12: One other terrific Colossal Accumulation of Stuff make a selection up. I do not need any memory of how I bought them, nonetheless I elegant unearthed loads of Eastern-language volumes of the Ranma manga. They’re going to be phase of my manga- for-a-buck cover at my storage gross sales. 


June 13: Flung out of Home is a graphic biography by Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer covering about a pivotal years in the lifetime of the  novelist and comics creator Patricia Highsmith. It’s successfully-written, successfully-drawn and most partaking. Extremely steered. 6-13-23.

June 14: She-Hulk by Rainbow Rowell Vol. 1: Jen, All over again (2022) is a relaxing rob on my current Wonder Universe attorney. It’s bought heart, humor and desirable guest look. A lot preferable to the grotesque takes on the character viewed elsewhere.

June 15: Though I haven’t learn Leave out Fury: Pleasure Division yet, I mediate it’s lovely chilly that the replica I borrowed from my local library is autographed by creator Billy Tucci.

June 16: I had an extremely terrific Colossal Accumulation of Stuff storage sale, adopted by taking Saintly Companion Barb to the also very terrific Brown Derby restaurant in Medina to bear a honest time 39 years of marriage. Doesn’t get successfully than that.

June 17: One other lovely day in Medina. Chatted with chilly folks at my storage sale. Saintly Companion Barb and I attended Medina’s most wonderful Juneteenth party on the city square. Had lunch at Jane’s Diner, one more aesthetic local restaurant.

June 18: I had a swell Father’s Day. My first ever talk over with to Half of-Tag Books. A recent keyboard to replace the primitive-letters one I’ve primitive for two a few years or extra. Lunch at Tokyo Hibachi with Saintly Companion Barb, Eddie and Kelly. Simply finest.


June 19: In Gido Amagakore’s A Galaxy Next Door, a gratifying princess from a mysterious island turns into an assistant to a struggling manga artist raising his two younger siblings. Simply laughs and romance. I’m having a await future volumes.

June 20: Spider-Man: At some level of the Spider-Verse. Veritably not easy nonetheless repeatedly rewarding, this nice looking feature earns a net page among the many fitting huge-hero movies of all time. The 2d phase of this wonderful epic can’t get here quickly passable for me.

June 21: Leave out Fury: Pleasure Division by Billy Tucci, Maria Laura Sanapo and Edu Menna. Suppose in World Battle II, this brutal and inviting myth of the classic heroine in the support of enemy lines has emotional weight and a gratifying ending.


June 22: The Wrath of Becky. A teenage lady slaughtering neo-Nazis.My hero. The sequel is form of as right as the distinctive. Lulu Wilson again shines as the title protagonist with the end scenes teasing a third movie. Take my cash!

June 23: Mafia Mamma. The repeatedly terrific Toni Collette shines as an American lady in plump midlife disaster who finds herself the boss of a mob family in Rome. Big performances by the bast. Dark nonetheless hilarious humor. Barb and I cherished it.

June 24: There became as soon as no storage sale at the recent time, nonetheless I couldn’t shrink back the fan who got here from North Carolina to get his Black Lightning #1 and Hawkman #1 signed. I let him shop the storage and likewise gave him a signed Black Lightning Funko make a selection.

June 25: For 15 years, I had the biggest small buddy a individual will bear. She hung out in my net page of labor, climbed silly-book boxes to search for out the window, took naps with me. We gave every utterly different a right lifestyles.
I’ll miss her with out a raze in sight.

June 26: As of at the recent time, Eddie Isabella is eligible to be President of the US. My son is one of primarily the most attention-grabbing men I know and, despite the proven reality that he weren’t my son, I’d vote for him. Plus: he goes to Godzilla motion photos and conventions with me.


June 27: Guilty pleasure! I bought a huge deal on Wonder Lady: The Silver Age Omnibus from In Inventory Trades, my plod to retailer for such pricier items. I will’t wait to originate reading this wacky tales from my childhood.

June 28: The kindness shown us on the passing of Simba. Our pal Shari introduced us a peach pie and a gratifying framed characterize of our pet. Our utterly different daughter Giselle sent us LukPhylia cat memorial gifts. We are blessed with right folks in our lives.

June 29: No matter what this insane world throws at me, I’m intention too cussed to prevent. You would possibly maybe well presumably take into myth that earlier than you’re taking a study your bloody heart in my hand.

June 30: Final 365 days about this time, Sophia got here to 1 of my storage gross sales and asked me to signal her solid. This 365 days, she introduced me this huge characterize she drew of Simba as a memory of my furry small pal.
I am hoping Sophia is what the future looks fancy.

I’ll be support quickly with extra stuff.

© 2023 Tony Isabella