August appears esteem it used to be an insane blur of garage gross sales and making ready for garage gross sales and searching at a quantity of landscaping happening courtesy of Saintly Wife Barb and the terrific handyman we employed some time abet. We predict so extremely of him that we also had him working on our son Eddie and our daughter Kelly’s homes. Amidst the chaos, I also came upon time to remain some extreme hooked in to what projects I’ll be commencing after my closing garage gross sales on Friday, September 8, and Saturday, September 9. I’m feeling energized.

In case the title of this day’s bloggy thing has you wondering, right here are the issues that introduced me pleasure in August…

August 1: Hero The following day used to be offering a wide deal on all Apama and Apama-associated comics to this level. I even non-public them all, scattered thru my Enormous Accumulation of Stuff, nevertheless now I will be taught them in their lawful chronological expose. Ranking!

August 2: We esteem our new landscaping. The front of our house and other substances of the lawn and yard seek for splendid. It’s a cleaner seek for that has been complimented by our neighbors, our mailman and even Amazon shipping drivers. Saintly Wife Barb is overjoyed.


August 3: Cocaine Crabs from Outer Plot. Honest correct on epic of.

August 4: The Uncanny Distinction. Suggest by a pal, this Korean sequence is a supernatural wide-hero cleansing soap opera crime drama. The heroes had been given vitality to banish demons, nevertheless now not for non-public advantage. The lines rep a diminutive shaky.

August 5: Batman Superman World’s Most spirited Vol. 1 by Mark Waid, Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain. I neither know nor care what fresh DC continuity is, nevertheless I esteem what Waid laid down right here, severely his remedy of the Doom Patrol.

August 6: The Shadow of the Cat. I watched this British thriller on Svengoolie. Solid writing and proper acting as a cat seeks vengeance on individuals who murdered her beloved human. That the cat seemed esteem my unhurried Simba used to be oddly comforting.

August 7: I Am Surprise Lady by Brad Meltzer and Chris Eliopoulos. An especially appetizing entry to their “Stories Alternate the World” sequence. My handiest quibble is a timeline omitting the Kanigher, Andru and Esposito comics from the Fifties and 1960s.

August 8: InStock Trades. My stir to provider for graphic novels and my beloved omnibus editions. Their reductions are the best online and their packaging, which they fair nowadays upgraded noteworthy extra, is 2nd to none. Check them out. Expose them Tony sent you.

August 9: Bloom by Ted Sikora and Butch Mapa. I esteem starting build studies concise, nevertheless discovering out the four-field starting build of this villainess used to be esteem searching at a emotional, visually provoking movie. I got chills. I are attempting to peer that movie.


August 10: Us by Sara Soler. Here’s a warm and welcoming graphic memoir esteem myth of cartoonist Sara and her partner Diana with an emphasis on Diana’s gender transition. It’s an splendid e-book which I suggest with out reservation to all.

August 11: Dusky Lightning appears in My First E book of Superpowers from 2021. Attributable to Mike Maloy for alerting me to this kids’s e-book so I could also rep a reproduction for my archives.

August 12: My pal Svengoolie sent me an autographed reproduction of his new hilarious Svengoolie: Misplaced in Time amusing e-book. I even non-public an invite to visit him within the dungeon when subsequent I rep to Chicago. Which ain’t as provoking as using the Dan Ryan Freeway.

August 13: Sins of the Dusky Flamingo kicks off with a flamboyant thief pulling a caper and morphs accurate into a mystic thriller. Kudos to Andrew Wheeler, Travis Moore, Tamra Bonvillain and Aditya Bidikar for a arresting myth with wide characters. Extra please.

August 14: In the brand new season of Harley Quinn, Harley and Ivy try to search out a life-work steadiness. Here’s made all of the extra hilariously with Harley having joined the Bat-Family and Ivy operating the Legion of Doom. No longer for teenagers.     

August 15: Saintly Wife Barb and I went to Medina’s Regal Cinemas to peer the Tenth anniversary version of Sharknado. This new edition is all spruced up and the bonus inform material is terrific. A fun night at the movies with a classic goofy thriller.    


August 16: The Only of Simon & Kirby’s Mainline Comics. Printed by TwoMorrows, this splendid volume collects the total creep of the western hero title and selection studies from Foxhole, Police Entice and In Admire. Compulsory for any Simon/Kirby fan.

August 17: My Adventures with Superman is simply too multi-versal for my tastes on epic of I esteem smaller studies, nevertheless it absolutely obtained me over with its portrayal of Monsieur Mallah and the Brain. I would esteem to write comics with this version of those characters.  

August 18: Apple Crush by Lucy Knisley. The 2nd within the creator’s Peapod Farm sequence has Jen navigating transferring on to center college. Lovely for all ages, it’s extra proof Knisley’s work belongs in all libraries. She’s a literary cherish.

August 19: I made a outing to the Fortress of Storage with son Eddie. We excavated two dozen books of splendid objects, in conjunction with memorable Superman merchandise. The notify shall be pricing all these items and coming into into the relaxation of 2023’s garage gross sales.

August 20: Blue Beetle. What a splendid attempting departure from the frequent DCU doom and gloom. It’s the Reyes family that makes this movie so down-to-earth particular. I would esteem to write a Nana slight sequence. I esteem a feisty grandmother with guns!


August 21: In Uncaped by Mike Spring and Dennis Tirona, wide-hero Lady Olympus sees a vision of her life with comics store worker and musician Lucas, who she’d below no circumstances previously met. It delivers on the romance and the comedy. I loved it.

August 22: My neighbor set up a out of the ordinary shed in his abet yard. It took in the end. I’d seek for out my window now and again and it’d be extra along. At one level, I requested if he had been Amish. Purchased fun. I esteem this extra or much less stuff.
August 23: Frank Frazetta’s Mothman #1 by Tim Hetrick and numerous artists. Intrigued by the thought of new comics studies inspired by Frazetta’s artwork, I gave this a try and loved it. I’ll withhold discovering out and seize a peek at one other Opus titles.

August 24: Funko’s new Mary Jane Watson figure. I don’t know what the heck Surprise has completed with this icon in their amusing books, nevertheless MJ’s Romita-drawn surprise revelation abet within the 1960s is one in every of the wide moments in amusing books.

August 25: Wow! In the principle day of this weekend’s garage gross sales, I made 112% of my two-day scheme and met some Fb chums who came from Michigan and Texas and stopped by to communicate while scoring frigid stuff and free signatures. A extraordinarily fun day.

August 26: Great Suspenstories #1 by William Satterwhite. A newest expose introduced me the starting build of Columbia, the spirit of America. It is now not the most polished amusing e-book, nevertheless it absolutely’s got coronary heart and scheme and I hope to peer extra of this persona. 8-26-23.


August 27: The Talk by Darrin Bell. This splendid autobiographical work is intense and fraught with lessons valuable for the survival of younger Dusky men and for the educational of others who restful factual don’t rep it. Required discovering out.

August 28: The unsung hero of my VAOS garage gross sales. For sprint one of my simplest potentialities has been helping me with pricing. He locations boards in bags. He lifts heavy containers when my knee hurts. He organizes stuff. The gross sales wouldn’t be so wide with out him.

August 29: Sandman Thriller Theatre Compendium One by Matt Wagner, Steve T. Seagle and Guy Davis. In the event you haven’t be taught these unsettling studies, that it’s possible you’ll maybe also restful. In the event you haven’t reread them rapidly, they’re factual as participating the 2nd time around.

August 30: My Enormous Accumulation of Stuff excavations are resulting in my discovering a wide many random considerations with terrific 1960s/Seventies Surprise, DC and Dell comics. You’ll seek for them in my garage sale this weekend.

August 31: Punisher Battle Journal by Torunn Grønbekk and a trio of artists used to be spirited. Frank’s commanding the Hand in two tales. The third is a poignant seek for at his return house from in a international country wars. No longer a Punisher fan, nevertheless I loved this volume.

With my garage gross sales coming to a terminate for the summer, I’m hoping to post extra bloggy issues. Thanks for stopping by this day. I’ll be abet soon with extra stuff.

© 2023 Tony Isabella