The Queen Of One Thousand  And Forty Years


September 9, 1999, at 9:09am (Japan Fashioned Time), wretchedness will
strike the Earth! Dashing by on its thousand-300 and sixty five days orbit, the substantial
planet Lar Steel will leave out us by inches, however in its wake comes
destruction on a extensive scale. Professor Amamori of the Tsukuba
Observatory struggles with the most attention-grabbing nice information of the
century, alongside with his orphaned nephew Hajime and Amamori’s
assistant Yukino Yayoi, a mysterious beauty burdened with an superior
secret and a abominable determination that will impact the destiny of both

Right here’s the epic of Queen Millennia (Jap title 新竹取物語
or Shin Taketori Monogatari: Sennen Joō, or
“The New Story of the Bamboo Cutter: Millennium Queen,”)
Leiji Matsumoto’s followup to his current Galaxy Categorical 999. Queen
would seem as a manga series, a TV effect, a radio drama,
and a 1982 feature movie, launched vivid as the TV anime turned into reaching
its climax. A blizzard of Queen Millennia ballyhoo buried print and
broadcast media in a blanket of thousand-300 and sixty five days hype, main some
wags to describe the property as “The Queen Of Promotions.”

Indirectly this millennial juggernaut would rep less horsepower than
the 999; merch plans and a 52-episode inch were both lower short, and
decades later Queen Millennia is per chance identified more in the West as
portion of a confusing Harmony Gold adaptation, or as an LP in the New
Age fragment of your native epic store, rather of-viewed footnote
alongside more current Leiji Matsumoto properties esteem House Pirate
Captain Harlock
and Galaxy Categorical.
Forty years on, what’s the deal
with this 1000-300 and sixty five days Queen’s movie? It’s been decades since Yukino
Yayoi & co. first appeared on movie shows, however despite the proven reality that
Jap animation has enjoyed out of the ordinary worldwide prominence,
the Queen Millennia movie remains firmly absent from the North
American anime market.

The North American anime fandom of the Membership Generation (1977-1995) knew
of Queen Millennia thanks to Roman Albums, anime magazines, and the
occasional 5th era VHS copy. In contrast to one other
anime of the period, the Millennia movie turned into mercifully spared an
edited, weirdly-dubbed American inaugurate, and even the fan subtitle
crowd hadn’t caught up with it. So it turned into as much as our Atlanta-based completely Corn Pone Flicks fansub neighborhood to salvage the job accomplished. We had our pal
Sue’s script and our pal Shaun’s LaserDisc, and soon it turned into one more
smartly-known particular person in the CPF fan subtitle galaxy. 

script and final product


Expecting rock-em sock-em SF adventure from that Queen Millennia
fansub? This movie delivers its struggles on a more spiritual scale,
opening with a closeup of Yayoi’s lengthy-lashed brown eyes slowly
receding into condominium, advising all americans to salvage overjoyed and judge
in. Queen Millennia spends diverse its inch time exhibiting us
gradual-absorbing planets, leisurely floating continents, and Lar Steel’s
condominium invasion armada gently manoeuvring into formation, all draw to a
Kitarō soundtrack that conjures up restful contemplation in desire to
cinematic pleasure. 

The movie covers the most critical draw ingredients of the Queen Millennia
mythos; Junior excessive schooler Hajime suffers the sudden loss of his
oldsters and an unfortunate contemporary existence with astronomer Uncle Amamori,
whereas crushing arduous on his math trainer Yayoi and being concerned about, you
know, that total impending When Worlds Collide factor. Hajime escapes
a meteor-smashed Tokyo to a hole-Earth survival refuge and learns
no longer most attention-grabbing turned into his engineer father somehow alive to with the Lar Steel,
however that his dream gal is de facto cosmic royalty in the final days
of her thousand 300 and sixty five days term secretly ruling mankind. Yayoi, a condominium-age
Princess Kaguya (there’s that “Story Of The Bamboo Cutter”
tagline) now doing industrial as Queen Millennia, finds herself forced
to reconcile sister Selene’s rise up with the Earth emigration
conception of her Lar Metalian fiancée Dr. Fara, whereas on the identical time
going throughout the anti-Earthling prejudice and undesirable affections of
her Captain Harlock lookalike subordinate Daisuke Yamori. Indirectly,
Yayoi must resolve on between her dwelling planet and the Earth she’s
purportedly been guilty of. And I tell “purportedly” because
judging by the final thousand years it doesn’t witness esteem anyone’s
been guilty.

Yayoi in regulation astronomy leotard

It’s an occupational hazard of adapted media, however generally
gazing the cinematic Queen Millennia is an exercise in spotting
things the TV effect and the manga did better. Yayoi spends powerful of her
TV time dressed down in denim, chilling alongside with her adopted oldsters and
her all-motive Leiji Matsumoto cat in their mother & pop ramen
store, letting us know she actually enjoys the low-fi Earthling
lifestyle. TV’s Amamori will get to employ more time hectoring the
navy-industrial complex and their takeover of his observatory
(Macek’s script for the Harmony Gold version actually names it
“The Military Industrial Advanced” in his version, a Boomer
miniature one’s callback to Eisenhower if ever there turned into one). Hajime is
allowed time to grieve lost oldsters and combine with schoolyard chums
and competitors to combine. Selene leans into her resistance fighter persona
and provides the viewer a fun masked thriller personality. 


The movie version abandons all this in resolve on of lengthy, lingering
photography of planets, spaceships, floating chunks of Japan, and Lar
Steel’s airbrushed Roger Dean album duvet panorama. On the artificial
hand, the movie ditches the manga scene where Yayoi goes to Venus in
an Lar Steel insectoid spaceship managed by her entire,
jaybird-naked body, Iczer One vogue, and that’s presumably OK. 

Leiji Matsumoto self-insert fanfic
That’s no longer to claim the Queen Millennia movie doesn’t rep its
beget queer anime charms. There’s a chain towards the climax
where Prof. Amamori, Hajime, and a parade of inventive group
caricatures loot the No Extra Conflict Museum and spend the suspiciously effectively
preserved tanks, warplanes, and computerized weapons to counterattack
the Lar Steel assault drive in a effectively exciting conflict of cultures. The
movie regains some momentum all another time when Yayoi confronts the final
ruler of Lar Steel, Laarela the Holy Queen, who manifests as a
blank-eyed moppet radiating waste energy, the creepiest levitating
lady viewed in movie since Linda Blair defied gravity in The Exorcist.


The movie’s distinct visible vogue is type of a personality in its
beget vivid. We predict of the 80s as being neon grids, predominant colors,
and excessive-tech hairstyles, however every decade has echoes of its past and
countercultures repeatedly flourish in the margins. The occult had spent
the Forties and 50s strictly for cult religions and knowledgeable
Nightmare Alley spook-effect grifters, however these and other substitute
worldviews gained contemporary energy from the upheaval of the 1960s, as
disaffected youth sought which manner and motive remote from listless,
low, grasping frightful American death-suckers. This hunger for
substitute spiritual which manner became identified as the New Age Walk in
the 1970s, embracing all the pieces from Tibetan shamanism,
Ayahuasca-fueled thriller ceremonies, the Rev. Moon, the Hare Krishna,
spirit channeling, UFO contactees from limitless planets, and the
untapped powers of an entire flea market paunchy of crystals, rainbows,
dream catchers, pewter angels, gazing balls, and incense. Your entire
patchouli-scented parade turned into quiet marching sandal-clad stable into
and in some unspecified time in the future of the Eighties.

Queen Millennia is wall to wall carpeted with these baroque,
rainbow-crystal-healing-vibration hallmarks of the New Age, where
there’s a seeker born every minute. We’d view this junk science
permeate pulp fiction of the time and Leiji’s turned into no exception; for
occasion, the Erich von Däniken
traditional astronaut underpinnings of his House Pirate Captain
. Interviewed sooner than Queen Millennia’s inaugurate, Matsumoto
went as much as now as to describe the movie as “occult-esteem.”

Earth ruled by worthy hidden adepts? Right here’s passe-faculty Hollow
Earth Shaver Mystery stuff crossed with Madame Blavatsky’s Ascended
Masters day trot back and forth. Unseen Tenth Planets inflicting Earthly cataclysm and
wretchedness is the backbone of a substantial option of mid-century kook-science
theories, the granddaddy of which is Worlds In Collision by Immanuel
Velikovsky, a NYT most attention-grabbing vendor (!!) that implies the planet Venus
erupted from Jupiter four thousand years in the past, and whose wild orbital
trot resulted in lots of the miracles of the Feeble Testomony sooner than it
settled down in its present pickle. The scene in Queen Millennia
where Lar Steel approaches Earth and we view a giant spark as the
electrical capability of the two planets equalizes? Straight outta
Velikovsky. As a wild wild planet bonus, the movie even provides us its
version of Von Daniken wannabe Zecharia Sitchin’s “gloomy smartly-known particular person”
Nibiru, the rogue planet that killed the dinosaurs and has us next on
its hit list. Don’t trust these Zeta Reticuli brain implants, youth.

Queen Millennia Book Membership studying list


Queen Millennia’s vivid of misty, transparent palaces, hazy
skies, and mountainous prehistoric underground worlds would assemble a substantial
ebook duvet for any option of paperbacks in the contemporary age fragment of any
Waldenbooks or B.Dalton at any native mall circa 1985, which, by the
method, additionally had the Document Bar or Sound Warehouse where you presumably can also acquire
Kitarō’s Queen Millennia soundtrack album, launched in The United States as
“Millennia” on Geffen Files (Geffen- GHS 24084).

Kitarō or Masanori Takahashi is, of route, the effectively-known Jap
digital-instrumental composer, blending americans, classical, and
digital music into what millions of late-evening public radio listeners know as New Age music. Coming into prominence with his
procure for the 1980 NHK documentary “The Silk Avenue,” his
albums first saw huge American inaugurate when he signed with Geffen,
who packaged six earlier and one contemporary LP for the US market. American
anime nerds, their pop custom radar antennae already alert for any
Asian affirm, were like a flash to pickle Kitarō’s recordsdata. As with
Harmagedon, this gave us the artificial to amass the soundtrack
for a movie we couldn’t yet view. 

Queen Millennia Document Membership picks


Inserting Kitarō on the Millennia soundtrack assignment is a stable signal
that this movie is no longer going to be a conventional Matsumotoverse
condominium-warship pass in overview; the composer’s contemporary-age reputation
amplifies the movie’s contemporary age topics. Obviously, even harmonic
convergences aren’t resistant to the energy of pop music, and as a
counterpoint to Kitaro’s spacey harmonics, American singer Dara
Sedaka, daughter of Neil “Think In The Signal Of Zeta”
Sedaka, delivers Queen Millennia’s quit-title tune “Angel
Queen” (Canyon – 7A0149c).

All these contemporary-agey cultural highlights could presumably per chance per chance also assemble for charming
cultural diagnosis, per chance, however they aren’t sufficient to raise Queen
, a movie that dazedly unspools its gradual-paced epic with
animation that plods and rarely soars. The good secret of who Yayoi is
and what she’s as much as is unwrapped in the first ten minutes, leaving
the viewer to derive what pleasure they’ll from duelling condominium
fleets and potato-head Matsumoto characters firing giant prop
crossbows at alien fighters, most attention-grabbing to be puzzled and bemused when the
retired Millennial Queens upward push from their Millennial Tombs and
remodel themselves into condominium ships, Turbo Teen vogue. By the
movie’s quit we’re gazing an entire rogue galaxy speeding towards
us at Einstein-defying speeds, a deus ex machina climax that feels
less esteem trendy destiny and more esteem final-minute writer’s room


On a more concrete level, there are an entire bunch beauty photography of 1999
Tokyo being smashed to bits and raised up in the air esteem in the quit
of 5 – 6 Marvel motion pictures. The movie surely delivers wretchedness
photos great of any option of mid-70s earthquake, tidal wave,
volcano, Japan Submersion flicks. And whilst you are into the entire
linked-Matsumoto-universe Time Is A Flat Circle factor, Queen
shows us where Queen Promethium and the machine empire reach
from. This leads us backwards to Rintaro’s 1979 Galaxy Categorical 999

movie, a movie with a the same assignment (boil down a TV series) however a
more worthwhile final product.

Declare skill, creatives, and Kitaro at Queen Millennia match


Queen Millennia shares diverse group with a completely different Toei SF
epic, 1980’s Cyborg 009 Memoir Of The Mountainous Galaxy. Character
clothier/animation director Yasuhiro Yamaguchi, literal cult director
Masayuki Akehi, mechanical clothier Koichi Tsunoda, and DP Tamio
Hosoda labored on both motion pictures, every featuring impractical yet trendy
spacecraft, scripts and working instances that freely bend the legal tricks of
time and condominium, and blatant references to the debunked theories of
human history being influenced by traditional astronautics. Queen
screenwriter Keisuke Fujiwara has written for actually
an entire bunch of motion pictures and TV episodes, including 55 episodes of GE 999
and 53 episodes of Mazinger Z, making him per chance the hardest working
writer in anime-effect industrial.


The movie has viewed French, Spanish, Chinese language and Italian releases,
however as much as now North American licensors rep yet to present Queen Millennia
any vogue of dwelling video day day trot back and forth. I’ve no question the questionable
performance of the mid 80s Harmony Gold series influenced choices
in some unspecified time in the future, and the movie’s then-groundbreaking production
committee financing could presumably per chance per chance also assemble for stylish licensing rights.
Acquiring rights to the Kitarō soundtrack can’t relief however add an
extra layer of licensing-lawyer billable hours to the entire mess.
Even this day in North The United States’s anime-saturated market right here aren’t
diverse companies prepared to transfer that extra Millennia mile, and this
is a disgrace. Queen Millennia is esteem no other movie impressed by Leiji
Matsumoto works; it’s miles before all the pieces a tragedy, the desires and
desires and struggles of traditional and even supernaturally developed
peoples meaningless in opposition to the good, unstoppable energy of the
cosmos itself. Will fans of early 80s SF anime and fans of contemporary age
synthesizer soundscapes ever be ready to return together in front of the
TV and experience a movie made vivid for them? Or will this form of rogue
planets or out of lend a hand watch over galaxies stumble out of outer condominium and
shatter us to bits first? I’d tell odds are about even. Gape you in the
underground caverns!

-Dave Merrill

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