The employ of natural media to discontinue comics- pros and cons

This comedian used to be drawn gradual closing year. And it used to be from a moment that came about early closing year 2023. (Yep I’ve been taking a actually prolonged time to fetch comics out.) One imaginable reason – a comedian book takes about 2hrs+ to entire, from sketch to inking to colouring. So if I’m too busy, I put apart it off. But for this comedian, I realised, I had put apart it off for too prolonged and I merely went ahead and drew it right away with a kakimori nib (or a dip pen, maybe) dipped in ink on watercolour paper. There used to be a excessive portions of “fetch now no longer care-ness”. Propelled by the concept that if I did no longer blueprint it out, it would never fetch drawn. 

So I drew it out in maybe 10-15minutes. After which I presumably took but another 5-10 minutes to colour it. With watercolours I realise that I will now no longer overthink it. Upright admire up the areas expeditiously and scurry on. No refinement wished. To duvet over errors, I employ Luma bleed proof white. So yeah, drawing comics with natural media is incessantly a LOT sooner, with ample “fetch now no longer care-ness” thrown in.

The cons of doing comics with natural media is – I realised my comedian panels were a tiny bit too shut to each and every other and it affected discover float so I had to digitally house the panels apart. That’s why the comedian is longer in peak than popular. That took some time to fetch aesthetic because I had to clone the texture of the gorgeous watercolour paper to boot. If the background used to be merely white, it would maybe well maybe have been simpler. But that’s the difficult part of conserving that good natural media drawing witness merely with textures and all.

So there, pros and cons! Which roughly comedian looks better to you? A extra digitally drawn comedian or a one drawn with natural media? Or does it even originate a distinction to you?