The Anime Nostalgia Podcast – ep 89: Suppose of the Heart twenty fifth Anniversary with Nitro
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25 years ago this day, Studio Ghibli gave us Yoshifumi Kondo’s first (and sadly, top) directorial debut film: Suppose of the Heart! And with Studio Ghibli’s film catalog within the raze streaming on varied on-line platforms around the enviornment, what greater time to revisit this brilliant fancy letter to art work and the inventive route of? With me to gush for several hours about factual how noteworthy I am fascinated about this film is returning champ Nitro of MDiskPlaylist! Hear as we discuss why Shizuku is one in all doubtlessly the most relatable Ghibli heroines for us for my fragment, the intention in which it’s crammed with whimsical Ghibli magic no matter it’s seemingly more down-to-earth story, and factual rambling incoherently on the total about how noteworthy we fancy it. All this, singing, and answering your listener questions, too!

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