The Anime Nostalgia Podcast – Ep 57

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Sooner than Social Media, earlier than AOL Chatrooms, and even earlier than Geocities Fansites, hundreds of anime fans socialized the worn fashioned manner: through snail mail! The hayday of anime penpalling is long forgotten, but my long-time friend Mayra is right here to recollect how we first met over twenty years ago by technique of penpalling & how it worn to be an extensive segment of how we connected with fans. How’d it all occur? What extra or much less issues did we focus on about? Defend shut a spoil from your Thanksgiving festivities and take a listen as we reminisce on this nearly forgotten pocket of fandom history!

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Bonus photos!

Merely a pair of of the anime stampers I hold that we talked about on this episode:

An right Friendship e book I restful private from the slack 90s! (Clearly, deepest info has been blocked out.) Click on right here for extra info on Friendship Books.

Toughen the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to private your title read in the actual thanks segment on the next episode? All it is seemingly you’ll perhaps well presumably like to do is buy me 2 or extra “coffees” on Ko-fi!

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As constantly, be at liberty to hotfoot away me your thoughts on this episode or suggestions for future episodes right here—or electronic mail me without extend at [email protected].

Thanks for listening!