The Anime Nostalgia Podcast – Ep 24
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Presenting the first of an ongoing series here at The Anime Nostalgia Podcast: The Saturday Anime series! Infrequently, I am going to be highlighting thought to be one of many anime titles that we keep in mind from Sci-Fi Channel wait on within the 90s. And what larger technique to kick off this pre-Valentine’s episode by speaking just a few film I worship with somebody I worship! Returning customer Nitro is wait on to chat in regards to the standard 80s anthology film Robot Carnival.

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Relevant hyperlinks:

* Old episode with customer Zee on in vogue Saturday Anime discuss

* Aquire the distinctive Streamline Robot Carnival English VHS on Amazon

* Watch Cartoon Network’s promo for “Night of the Vampire Robots”

* Educate Discotek Media on Facebook for updates on their upcoming Robot Carnival re-release

* Educate customer Nitro on Twitter

As constantly, be at liberty to head away me your tips and tips for future episodes here, or email without delay at [email protected].

Thanks for listening!