The Anime Nostalgia Podcast – Ep 23

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The first new episode of 2015 is right here! This time, it is a transient, ReView episode. What is a “ReView” episode, you would possibly perhaps quiz? Neatly, it’s my highly-artful (good adequate no longer of direction) title for episodes where I hotfoot relief and scrutinize an older title I haven’t viewed in a truly lengthy time, and explore if what I undergo in mind (and what my opinions on it) are mild the same now that time’s passed by and I’m a puny older. Steal a rupture from submitting paperwork and get your energy fits ready–this time, I rob a peer at the 1996 OVA Particular Accountability Fight Unit Shinesman!

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Connected hyperlinks:

Aquire Shinesman on Amazon!

As always, be at liberty to head away me your ideas on this episode or ideas for future episodes right here—or email me straight at [email protected].
Thanks for listening!