The Anime Nostalgia Podcast ep 06

Here is a shorter in-between-longer-episodes ep of The Anime Nostalgia Podcast, in which I acknowledge the “40 Anime Questions” meme that’s been floating around Tumblr here and there. I figured this used to be a fun methodology for my listeners who originate no longer know me all that correctly to salvage a chunk of a conception of what form of stuff I most standard, blended with a diminutive of my first anime titles and non-public opinions.

Circulate the episode above, or[[Recount Fetch]

Within the occasion you are more into podcast episodes where I discuss with guests about particular issues, apprehension no longer–I if truth be told possess one other episode merely adore that (which I’m modifying as we announce!) that will more than likely be released earlier than the discontinue of the month. So confidently this can tide you over except then.

(I ought to mute show that once I copied down the meme, I it sounds as if purchased a copy of it where 1 query used to be by likelihood asked twice…it looks to had been revised since then, fortuitously. Within the occasion you’d adore to originate the meme yourself, take a look at out the questions here.)

As continually, feel free to present me your thoughts and feedback on this and for future episodes! Thanks for listening!