The Anime Nostalgia Podcast ep 01 – Convention Focus on with CandyAppleCat

It be in the end here! The revamped Anime Nostalgia Podcast! On this episode, I visit longtime fan & buddy of mine, Heather (aka @CandyAppleCat). She’s been going to A-kon longer than I bear (since I appropriate moved here about 5 years ago), so we focus on this years A-kon as in contrast to ones prior. I make a choice Heather’s brain about how she got into anime, her emotions on fansubbing nowadays, and diversified same issues–as well because the most up-to-date resurgence of popularity for issues love Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, and Rose of Versailles. Take a seat down and listen in!


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In case you listened to my Pilot episode (Ep. 0), you might presumably look the format is utterly different than the “evaluation” episode I did. Hassle now not, evaluation episodes will peaceful be same (though with considerably much less tune). I appropriate notion it might presumably presumably be fun to alternate between opinions and talking with traffic infrequently.

Anyway, I hope you revel in! Feel free to cross away me your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions for future episodes, and thanks for listening!