The Agent Of Pressure – Mars Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Sport Trivia
agent of force, mars, yu-gi-oh card, anime, game

What trivialities is there about The Agent of Pressure – Mars, one in every of the quite loads of playing cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game?

What is so most important, most important and symbolic about it?

The aforementioned Yu-Gi-Oh! card is a level 3 Fairy-form with a Light-attribute.

You would perchance be ready to explore what it looks to be esteem and what its receive is thru the image featured to the final discover.

Let’s starting up with the origin of its title. That is of route section of “The Agent” archetype of playing cards. These playing cards all include “The Agent” as section of their title as successfully because the title of a planet and something that they are governing or being the agent of.

Let’s take into accout, in this card’s case, Mars is the agent of force. One other instance of this archetype is the cardboard called The Agent of Judgment – Saturn. K, let’s receive lend a hand to the “force” section. This term is of route very becoming and acceptable for the cardboard in question inspiring about who Mars is.

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Mars is the title of the Roman god of battle. The god Ares from Greek Mythology is his counterpart. Mars is also the title of the fourth planet from the solar, the Red Planet. The planet itself used to be named after the battle god exactly ensuing from its purple color, which will without misfortune be associated with blood, battle and combating. That is also the reason the cardboard itself has a purple theme or motif.

ares, greek, roman mythology, mars, god of battle, purple planet

Whenever you happen to explore at the image of this card again, which that you might explore what looks to be a mountainous purple circle or rock in the background. That is intended to characterize Mars, the Red Planet.

The actual person on the image is, needless to claim, intended to characterize Mars, the god of battle. That is why said particular person looks to be very muscular, solid and extremely effective.

The means he looks to be of route screams “battle god,” would now not it? He even has a weapon and his face and very stance looks to be fierce and defiant.

He without misfortune presents off an air of “conclude no longer mess with me”. The receive of this card correct reiterates and reinforces what we are able to get from the looks to be of the image.

But, firstly check out, even as you correct explore at the attack and protection of this card, that are both zero, it of route would now not appear esteem it’s miles going to additionally be of any employ. Nonetheless, upon discovering out the receive of this card, we are able to explore straight away that The Agent of Pressure – Mars has the functionality to be very extremely effective, given the final discover stipulations.

Reliable imagine if The Sanctuary in the Sky is to your side of the discipline and there is this type of mountainous contrast between your life facets and that of your opponent’s. If that’s the case, which that you might receive a one-hit spoil and be ready to straight defeat your opponent ensuing from Mars.

sanctuary in the sky, agent of fore, mars, yu-gi-oh, card game, anime

That is indeed very becoming for individuals who preserve in mind that the god Ares in mythology is is known as being extremely effective, fierce, brutal and warlike.

As the battle god, it’s absolute top pure that Ares likes combating and slaughtering. He represents the violent side of battle.

But it no doubt is the Greek goddess of files Athena (Minerva in Roman Mythology) who represents the strategic side of battle, which explains why Ares is now not any longer exactly all that succesful.

What this means is that, while he is unhealthy and very extremely effective, he is now not any longer intellectual in any respect.

This explains the constraints of the cardboard and why it desires The Sanctuary in the Sky to vitality it. The Sanctuary can characterize the money, sources and give a boost to that is crucial in expose to gather a battle.

With out the aforementioned discipline spell card, The Agent of Pressure – Mars is rather much ineffective, inspiring about its 0 attack and protection. Hump, it’s miles going to no longer be plagued by spell playing cards however what correct will that conclude if any monster card can without misfortune send it to the graveyard?

Furthermore, The Sanctuary in the Sky will not be always of route the absolute top element which that you might need to include even as you wish to vitality up Mars. You can need a of route high quantity of life facets as successfully. This might perchance also be likened to the god Ares who’s of route no longer all that daring and daring. He’s rather much a coward of route.

This might perchance also be seen in what took place right thru the Trojan Conflict as talked about in The Iliad by Homer wherein the hero Diomedes, who’s a of route correct and succesful warrior and fighter, assaults Ares.

greek, roman mythology, athena, ares, mars, violent versus strategic side of battle
Thank to Athena, the hero Diomedes
used to be ready to wound the god Ares (Mars)

Diomedes used to be of route beneath the goddess Athena’s safety, and, when he fought against Ares, Athena made sure that his attack would no longer omit and that he would no longer be harmed.

Thanks to that, Diomedes used to be ready to wound Ares. When that took place, Ares displayed his cowardice by crying loudly at the danger and then working lend a hand to Mount Olympus, the realm of the gods.

This might perchance thus expose the Mars card’s reliance on the discipline spell card in question.

When The Sanctuary in the Sky falls and when your life facets plunge, Mars truly turns into ineffective and right here’s how the god’s cowardice and weak point is manifested as he can now be defeated without misfortune.

But, even as you scheme up to give protection to and even develop your life facets as successfully as ensure that that the Sanctuary stays to your side of the discipline, then The Agent of Pressure – Mars can of route be a force to be reckoned with that will let you gather suits and beat your opponents. What conclude you mediate of this particular card? Enact you construct employ of it when taking part in the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game?

– Image with added textual philosophize used to be modified by Freya Yuki in response to the image by Peter Paul Rubens (Public Domain) from Wikimedia Commons

– Pic reveals the Roman god Mars
– The relaxation of the pics are enlarged product photographs from; hyperlinks shown above thru Amazon’s Native Browsing Ads widget