The most modern episode is online now.
From the in finding online page:
“First off we want to sing a MASSIVE thank you to our customer on this episode. Our just appropriate-looking buddy Tony Esmond came to discuss with us and took fragment in our MAD conversation and it used to be an absolute pleasure to non-public him right here and look him over again.
For of us that don’t know, Tony is one third of the brilliant Awesome Comics Podcast and the host of the good By no manner Iron Something Comics Overview Podcast/Online page. He also, along with buddy/artist Adam Falp, runs and puts out comics via their new underground comics publisher Tribute Press.
We went entirely MAD for this one. We clutch a peek at paperbacks, magazines, comics, and all the pieces in-between, around and enthusiastic with Enraged Magazine and it’s legacy. There had been items exchanged, some thoughts and a load of laughs.
Attain be a half of us for this and the total frequent comics chat on…
That Comedian Smell!”
Possess a listen right here.