Tense Adventures With The Tape Trading Taskforce

column to delivery out with ran in 2003 at Mike Toole’s “Anime Jump”
web put of residing, and has been amended with minor corrections, minute
alterations, and further annoyances. Names were changed to
supply protection to the harmless and responsible.

in the pre-DVD. pre-streaming technology, in the event you had to swap stuff with
strangers thru the mail to assemble any originate of first payment Eastern
cartoons, brave nerd pioneers would pick up ourselves having to assemble too
shut for comfort to obvious specimens of the genus “anime-fannus
North Americanus.” These are but a number of the diverse tales that invent
up the warp and woof of the rich tapestry that is your anime nerd
heritage, and so they ought to again both as a laugh anecdotes and
cautionary examples. 

accurate anime VHS tapes got thru the US Mail


so many. The one who created his have residence-made flyers for our
anime convention and posted them around town. The man who spent weeks
arguing on BBS message boards about how Masamune Shirow invented
manga as we realize it after which tried to look at us down at Mission A-Kon
to argue about it with us some more but got thrown out of the con due
to the weed and bong he dropped at the crew room he turned into once crashing in.
The letters about 60s cartoons that segued snappy into being letters
about sex acts. Nonetheless let’s focal point on a few.


when I turned into once copying tapes for folk thru the Anime Hasshin tape
merchants list, a California fan got in contact with me with an plot to
getting copies. He despatched his list, I despatched my list again, he answered
with a immense letter again commenting (negatively) on the contents of
my tape list and asking why I didn’t invent copies in 6-hour EP mode.
I answered that (1) EP sucks thru video quality, and anyway,
(2) they’re my VCRs and I’ll manufacture with ‘em what I desire.

lists of anime tapes in the collections of anime fans circa 1990


reply letter originate of agreed with me, or as a minimal admitted that
all of us have our have preferences. I figured I’d by no blueprint hear from him
yet again, Well, every week later a tape arrived in the mail from him, alongside
with return postage and a question list that turned into once nearly exactly six
hours lengthy. A movie, two OVAs, some TV episodes, ethical cram all of it on
there, please.

like, whatever. The tape goes on the pile of tapes to be copied. You
inspect, at the time I turned into once copying a bunch of tapes from other folks both
thru the mail and correct at dwelling. I’d reach dwelling from the native
anime membership with a stack of blanks and a list of requests, and I spent
a bunch of time violating copyright law so Bob McBobbob and his visitors
might per chance presumably look Mission A-Ko or “Soiled Pair Does Dishes” at their

week later, I gather a lengthy, pissed-off letter from the man, asking
the put the hell his tape is, how dare I deal with anime fans on this vogue,
the put manufacture I gather off behaving in such an wicked vogue, HE continuously
makes sure HE will get HIS tapes done snappy, and so on and so on.

this will get my plump consideration. What I manufacture is I dig out my oldest,
funkiest, high-loading 2-head VCR that only records in shaded and
white. It turned into once a Panasonic that suffered a drop onto a concrete
touchdown after I tripped on some stairs whereas carrying it to a
Saturday night let’s-reproduction-anime-and-employ-pizza gathering at a now
demolished dwelling complex at Lindbergh and Piedmont in Atlanta. I primitive
this Panasonic as the recording deck. Every so veritably as I handed the
machine I gave it a mighty shatter with my hand or a bunch of supreme blunt
instrument. Discuss hashtag VHS Artifacts! They got all six hours
of anime, even supposing. Used to be it watchable? I don’t know. I by no blueprint heard
from them yet again. 


meet you at Zesto’s on Piedmont



few years later we were fan-subtitling Captain Harlock even supposing the
auspices of Corn Pone Flicks. A VHS, a SASE, and a question for
episodes arrived, as per our tips. We save the Harlock episodes
on the tape, which turned into once positioned into its already-stamped return
envelope, and mailed again.


A month later the emails started – that
tape by no blueprint arrived. Which is a thing that happens veritably. Mail
will get misplaced. It’s a thing. What made this email special turned into once the
seek info from we exchange and mail this person their replacement tape on our
have dime. Because, as the e-mail talked about, we were running a exchange
and as such had a accountability to our possibilities. Since we were most
positively NOT running a exchange, we the truth is had NO such
accountability. By that time we’d realized ethical ignoring the kooks
turned into once the finest notion of action, which is what we did to the more and more
enraged emails that continued to shut, finally accusing Corn Pone
Flicks of running an interpret swindle, stealing clean VHS tapes from
an unsuspecting public. The suitable crime!


of copying tapes, it turned into once the custom-fabricated from the time for anime nerds such
as myself to have lists of their accessible anime titles photocopied
and accessible to ship out, on legend of it’s complex to ask for tapes
you don’t know exist. While you were a member of an anime membership or two,
you have gather entry to to the anime lists of 5, ten, twenty anime
tape merchants. You would no longer lift indicate of these lists themselves a
precious commodity, but a Pacific Northwest outfit identified as Kinosei
Anime notion in every other case! For a minute payment of six greenbacks, they’d
ship you the tape lists of fans and golf equipment who were willing to reproduction
anime for strangers! I realized about Kinosei when I started getting
letters from other folks who had bought my name and deal with from them.
And no, Kinosei Anime by no blueprint requested permission to ship anybody’s name,
deal with, and list of tapes out to the enviornment as allotment of their
low-stakes unethical conduct sport. I indicate, it’s no longer a colossal deal –
I’m sure this scheme netted them, what, thirty, forty bucks, max –
but ask first, other folks.

“Dear Dave, I even have bought your name and deal with to strangers. Originate you have any Kimba The White Lion. Thanks, Jeff”



again in, like, 1989-1990, our cell phone rang. It turned into once the operator, asking
if I would settle for the prices on a catch name from an individual whom I
didn’t know. I figured it had to be an emergency, or as a minimal
the truth is essential, so I talked about “sure”. BIG MISTAKE. The thriller
caller is a man who fished my name out of the C/FO Itemizing. He
figured he’d name me catch and ask a total bunch questions about
Eastern TV reveals in general and the are residing-action superhero present
Spectreman in explicit. No emergency, no disaster, no longer even a extraordinarily
sharp conversation. Without a doubt no longer payment my dime or my time. 

a thriller with a reputation

wished to take hang of this. He wished to take hang of that. He wished me to mail him
tapes. He wished me to mail him fanzines. He wished the entire thing as
free gifts from the goodness of my coronary heart and the bottomlessness of my
financial institution legend, the extent of both having been deal exaggerated
somewhere down the line. I gathered from his rambling conversation
that his caregivers wouldn’t let him name other folks except it turned into once
catch, and so they furthermore wouldn’t give him any money for fanzines or
tapes. So obviously, catch-calling to panhandle from strangers turned into once
his only option. I lastly got off the cell phone with out agreeing to ship
him anything. Certain, I ought to have ethical hung up on the man, but I turned into once
raised to be neatly mannered.

the 1988 C/FO Membership Itemizing – non-public knowledge redacted


called correct again the next day. I refused the prices. He called again
several times over the weekend. We refused the prices. About a year
later he called AGAIN. I heard the operator ask if I’d settle for the
prices from this man’s name, and I threw the cell phone across the room
whereas hollering “NOOOOOO!!” in unhurried circulation, ethical like the motion footage.

Stumbled on
out later I wasn’t the sole person to assemble the catch treatment. A
friend of mine in South Carolina furthermore got nailed, and as a minimal one
primitive C/FO generalissimo turned into once on the receiving stop of who became
identified as “The In discovering Call Bandit.” My guess is that the man turned into once
in some originate of managed care or crew dwelling distress and whenever he
got a large gamble, he leaped to the closest phone and started
catch-calling other folks like a maniac until the white coats might per chance presumably pry
him unfastened and gather that straitjacket again on him.

the ethical of the memoir is by no blueprint, ever settle for catch calls from
strangers. These 1-800-In discovering other folks are LYING TO YOU. Oh, and
furthermore, by no blueprint let anybody print your non-public dwelling cell phone number wherever.


manufacture no longer manufacture it

route, at the 2nd we’re deluged by scam calls and robocalls from
duct cleaning products and companies and extended warranty salesmen and essential
messages threatening drawing near arrest from the IRS, Immigration or the
Social Security Administration. When put next with all this, merely being
desperate for Spectreman sounds downright healthful.


hands down most annoying man I ever swapped tapes with turned into once an individual
going to name
named “Bert
He’s one other any individual
I got in contact with thru anime
membership vendor
The put
manufacture I open up? His video lists were handwritten in
barely legible pencil
on three-hole lined notebook paper.
letters were on the entire five
or six
sided pages
with rankings
of trivial questions. Tape
requests from
Bert would
for weird,
hard-to-dig-out titles
– in the VHS days this supposed snappy forwarding to the center of a
tape to search out the actual requested
episode of Urusei Yatsura or whatever. Let
me listing you after
four or five tapes, all this cueing time adds up.
would come with diverse correct-fly pamphlets, for
the neatly-known,
bogus metropolis
myth alert about how a
cabal of atheists,
led by Madalyn
Murray O’Hair

were going to assemble all non secular programming banned from TV. This
correct-fly Christian fabric gave the influence at odds with a number of the crucial
decisions on Bert’s have tape list, which, to
be fine, featured a bunch of vague anime titles, but furthermore
included hard-core triple-X
adult motion footage.

all that
turned into once
ethical mildly annoying. Bert,
alternatively, took it to the next level. For
one thing, he shipped EVERYTHING Media Mail® (E book Payment), the
least pricey, slowest, most error-vulnerable technique to mail anything.
Nothing might per chance presumably
induce him to ship things top quality, no longer even sending him the extra
postage. Invariably he would employ and
re-employ and re-re-re-employ
fiber-particle filled padded
shipped thusly would wind up
covered with little bits of paper and fiber. This
would possibly possibly be OK for books. On the opposite hand, making an strive to play VHS tapes covered with
little bits of paper and fiber will end result in a VCR mechanism lined
with little bits of paper and fiber. Right here is, shall we embrace,
by the working manual.

then we have got the VHS tapes themselves. The tape trading custom-fabricated from the
time turned into once that you’d aquire payment new tapes and replica exchange requests
onto the emblem new tapes. Nonetheless Bert had one other notion. He’d reproduction YOUR
requests onto whatever tapes he took put to have lying around. Tag
new from the retailer, or primitive time and yet again yet again, didn’t subject to
Bert. Quality manufacturers like Sony, TDK, Fuji or Maxell? Bad
dwelling-payment Okay-mart tapes or clearance bin rejects? It’s all
videotape to Bert. He explained his blueprint turned into once to re-reproduction each and every
incoming video onto 6-hour tapes, it appears to be like to avoid losing put in his
closet or dungeon or whereever. In supreme phrases, this supposed each and every
single movie or TV present you requested from him had already been
transferred to 1 amongst his take-catch thriller-payment video tapes, at a
recording speed ensuring the worst imaginable audio and video quality.

Preserve a ways flung from these manufacturers


tape-recycling supposed leftovers at the tip of tapes, ethical in the event you
revel in being stunned by, snarl,thirteenth-technology English dubs of partial
Cream Lemon episodes at the tip of the colossal robotic cartoon you were
showing visitors whereas fogeys were in the room. Attempt it, it’s
embarrassing and relaxing! Or in the event you compromise to swap three tapes, and he
sends you four, the extra one plump of unasked-for junk, ethical so he
can snarl “hi there, I despatched you four tapes, now you owe me four tapes
as an change of the three we agreed on.”

And yet, I
continued to swap tapes with him (there were a LOT of vague titles
in his Crawlspace Of Questions), until one day he tried to pull a
snappy one on a buddy, let’s name this buddy Lisa Shaded. He
couldn’t or wouldn’t apply Lisa’s clear-nick requests for “new
tapes” and “no fiber mailers,” so she refused to reproduction to any extent further
tapes for him. In repeat to assemble around her embargo, he started to
ship her blanks under a a bunch of name, utilizing the conception that of
“sock puppets” forward of the obtain turned into once the truth is even a thing.

dunno. Per chance it WAS his cousin, like he talked about. I don’t care. Anyway,
she noticed thru the ruse, on legend of Bert wasn’t dapper ample to
swap his distinctive ordering habits, or his distinctive
handwriting. Around this time I took put to present Lisa in a letter
to Bert and his reply turned into once that he turned into once disillusioned “I turned into once peaceable
facing that Nazi, Lisa Shaded.” Well, I answered that I’d
been trading with Lisa for 10 years, that she turned into once, to the finest of my
knowledge, no longer an adherent of National Socialism, that she turned into once one amongst
the few the truth is first payment other folks in a keenness plump of wicked jerks, and
that Bert and I were done swapping tapes. Goodbye to shitty copies of
vague robotic anime, to ripped fiberpack mailers, to 4th class e book
payment, to letters plump of questions and demands. By some means, the anime
fan world survived with out these items.


moves on. A fandom of tape-swapping nerds evolves correct into a fandom of
convention-going nerds. Anime became one thing we watched in
theaters, bought at Most effective Buy, and finally streamed on computers.
Pointless to snarl, annoying fans peaceable exist, but their annoyances are new
and thrilling, in methods shall we only have dreamed of again in the day.
And let’s be correct, truly that for every and every jerk there were
and are ten or twenty non-jerks; realistic, pleasant, generous anime
fans in a position to present up, again out, and carry snacks, fans who ship
surprises in the mail and carry gifts again from their Japan trips,
fans who kind friendships that survive a few years. Without fandom, my
lifestyles would have be critically lonelier, be worthy less thrilling, and
would no doubt be bereft of many Eastern cartoons and their linked
paraphernalia and accoutrements.

there are a few times when I’m exceptionally maudlin or snappy
addled, when I reminisce about the “ethical extinct days” of swapping
tapes thru the mail. Who doesn’t admire to assemble programs in the
mail? These were thrilling times, studying about a total new artwork originate
and sharing that knowledge with anybody who’d sit peaceable lengthy ample.
Absolutely these tape-trading networks proved their payment, teaching a
continent and forging highly effective bonds And yet, if the cruel contemporary
world of the twenty first century blueprint I’ll by no blueprint yet again gather bitched out by
entire strangers over copies of Eastern cartoons, then I’m inquisitive about


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