Suzume no Tojimari – Ochanomizu Region

In the trailers for Suzume no Tojimari areas spherical JR Ochanomizu Region may maybe be shown.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 00m37s

The bridge in this shot is the Hijiri-bashi bridge. Ochanomizu Region is located to the left within the anime screenshot, but I needed to rob the represent from the diversified aspect, so it be on the ethical in my represent. You may maybe more than seemingly more than seemingly peaceful survey the matching bridge minute print though.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m11s

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m12s

Suzume is shown on the Hijiri-bashi bridge right here.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m13s

On the bridge ledge. The assign renovations right here has stepped forward even additional, so loads of the river can’t be viewed to any extent additional from this attitude.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m14s

Jumping off. One other shot that’s sophisticated to compare on story of of the ongoing renovations.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m15s

I took this represent on the platform of JR Ochanomizu Region.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m26s

Suzume appears to be like to lose her shoe into the assign inform right here.

Describe from Trailer 2 – 01m40s

This is the diversified bridge shut to JR Ochanomizu Region, known as Ochanomizu bridge. The railing has been eliminated right here in some unspecified time in the future of renovations, but that you may maybe also survey the matching structures within the background on the ethical. The white constructing is JR Ochanomizu Region.

There’s peaceful a pair of of the distinctive railings which works what is show within the anime nearer to the assign entrance. I’ve marked a route from Hijiri-bashi bridge to Ochanomizu bridge within the blueprint underneath.

Self-discipline blueprint:

This jam used to be visited on 2022/10/15.