Sugar Sugar Rune: Initial Tips About Vanilla

Vanilla Mieux / Ice is a persona from the Sugar Sugar Rune anime and manga series by Moyoco Anno. She’s the ally of Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, the predominant persona in stated show.

Both are also competitors for the Queen Selection Contest wherein they’re tasked to get as many hearts as they would possibly be able to. Whoever does this would be declared Queen of the Magical World. So, what’s there to love about Vanilla? What is going to be stated about her?

Chocolat Meilleure / Kato, Vanilla Mieux / Ice, sugar sugar rune, anime, manga, moyoco anno

Whereas I haven’t accomplished observing the entirety of Sugar Sugar Rune, already (for now, no longer lower than, maybe), I’m able to enlighten that I love Vanilla a ways bigger than I love Chocolat. Ice would be haunted, but no longer lower than she is never at all times if truth be told tense like Kato.

Every on occasion, I even receive myself wishing that Vanilla was once the predominant persona in its assign of Chocolat. Yeah, or no longer it’s gotten that impolite.

If truth be told, I agree with it can perhaps well presumably non-public been a ways extra interesting to non-public haunted, calm and good Mieux because the protagonist in its assign of loud, brash, meddlesome and infuriating Meilleure.

For one thing, would no longer or no longer or no longer it’s interesting to idea how such a haunted and calm persona could well well presumably evolve and develop into any person extra outspoken or, no longer lower than, less haunted? Wouldn’t or no longer or no longer it’s interesting to idea how she would have interaction and socialize with others, how she’d be in a position to conquer her insecurities and shyness?

So, what enact you mediate about Chocolat and Vanilla? I talk extra about them in this submit right here on Soyuz Mir. I would non-public moved this one right here on Anime Archives (Anime Meta) too, but it completely’s already got some feedback and notes on Tumblr, so I determined to relief it there indefinitely. I am declaring it right here for reference because the relaxation of the anime posts on there’ll in the end be moved right here.

– Pic is from; link shown above