Stanley Walker’s Retirement Yelp
By Simon Banks from Janus 32
very young, that unusual couple in No. 24,’ Muriel Walker urged her husband. ‘In level of fact
I don’t know where these teenagers uncover the money.’
naturally alive to to get an early test on the unusual arrivals subsequent-door, had invited
them round for a cup of tea the day they moved in. Stan had missed this as he’d
been out. Stan Walker became newly retired and factual 60, a couple of years older
than Muriel, and their hang mortgage became all paid for. It gave you a beautiful
feeling of contentment having a test encourage at your hang quite intelligent instances when youthful.
of these young ones are barely high earners today,’ he seen. ‘No longer treasure
when I became a lad.’
got his hang first test at what had moved in subsequent-door the very subsequent day, or at
the feminine half of on the least. He became out within the garden pottering about and he or she got right here
out with some laundry. He launched himself and he or she said brightly, ‘Hiya: I’m
Sandra Mitchell.’
became quite a looker, Stan seen. In her early twenties with short blonde hair and
a barely face with a radiant ready smile. And quite a pick too! Her sleeveless
shirt showed off a pair of tits which even supposing no longer overly big hang been company and
high, treasure good crisp apples, Stan thought; while down below her jeans hang been
stretched skin-tight over fullish hips and a ripely rounded rump.
latter item form of took Stan’s breath away — in particular when she twisted down to
maintain pack up the laundry she became hanging out. I’d give a couple of quid to hang this one
over my lap, he thought appreciatively. That could well presumably be precisely what the doctor
ordered; a proper retirement allege
in build of that tiring clock they’d given him.
in fact became unprecedented that Stan must soundless hang been pondering that. On myth of it
became that very night, in bed and factual sooner than he became getting to sleep, that
Muriel said, ‘Whatever’s that?’
down within the bedclothes, couldn’t hear something else. ‘Listen!’ said Muriel. ‘She’ s
crying out. Her subsequent-door. I judge he’s beating her.’
homes hang been adjacent semis and the dividing wall became subsequent to the high of Stan
and Muriel’ s bed, and Stan, when he raised his head, could well maybe moreover hear it quite
distinctly. A little muffled clearly but positively feminine yelps and
squeals. And became that on the the same time the trusty rhythmic sound of flesh
meeting flesh? Of a male hand sharply smacking down into that delectable rump?
to sleep,’ informed Stan. ‘Merely a bit lover’s tiff I daresay.’
Muriel, after barely of tut-tutting, and a few ‘In level of fact!’s and ‘Whatever is the
world coming to!’, did get to sleep. Stan, even supposing, lay wide-conscious. Visualising
what became taking place on the opposite facet of that wall. And pondering how entirely
out of this world it could well maybe in all probability maybe well be to be in there dishing out the medications himself.
If fate, or Divine Windfall, wished to present him something, as a bit
retirement allege impart, then that — that dazzling backside on Sandra Mitchell
— would positively be it.
success — or Divine Windfall — had it Stan took place to peep the unusual girl
subsequent-door within the garden again a couple of mornings later, when Muriel had gone
procuring. He started chatting — and, shock of wonders, found himself invited
in for a cup of coffee. He sat himself down on the settee with a rising sense
of satisfaction. Boldness, he knew, became the reply within the event you wished something. He
watched her rear peep as she went to get the coffee. The jeans regarded even
tighter today, with the ridges of her fast panties clearly showing. Panties
which covered barely half of of each a little bit wobbly backside-cheek.
got right here encourage and with coronary heart pounding Stan determined on a frontal shot. ‘The partitions of
these homes are barely skinny, I’m scared. I mean you can factual about hear
the total lot that goes on subsequent-door, can’t you?’
unusual young neighbour regarded at him — and her barely face step by step developed a
deep flush. There wasn’t indispensable going on in Stan and Muriel’s to be heard thru
the wall clearly; whereas subsequent-door in No. 24… It had took place again the
second night, even supposing no longer as far as Stan knew final night. Sandra nervously
picked up her coffee cup.
Stan determined to dive factual in. ‘Whereas you happen to don’t mind me asserting so, my pricey, you’ve
completely got the backside for it!’
radiant purple now, said, ‘Christ!’ She
regarded at Stan, then fast away. ‘I urged my pricey bloody husband we must soundless exercise
the bedroom on the opposite facet. But no, he became certain you couldn’t hear something else
thru the wall.’
on it, are you?’ asked Stan.
s fascinated with it,’ replied the barely blonde. ‘He factual loves it. I’m no longer all that alive to — it hurts for one
notify. Smartly, I boom if I’m within the factual mood I don’t mind it.’
pink flush had now abated and he or she gave Stan a fast smile. ‘I don’t know why
I’m telling you all this: all our intimate small print. It’s highly embarrassing. I
mean I’ve by no manner let anyone know that we create it.’
don’t wretchedness about me,’ Stan set in fast in his easiest avuncular manner. ‘I’m
factual a ample veteran chap. A father pick — or even grandfather pick almost.
I’ve viewed barely of the total lot in my time.’
on the least I build him pay for it,’ said Sandra ‘Pleasures shouldn’t come free,
must soundless they? Two quid a time. That manner I on the least get a bit bit of spending
up then, are you? asked Stan.
God it’s terrible. We are in a position to’t in fact manage to pay for the mortgage on this residence but we each
in fact wished it. And I’ve tried to get a job myself but there’s nothing going.
So we’re in fact skint.’
took a deep swallow of his coffee, then sat encourage. ‘Yes, it must even be intelligent at your
age. Me and Muriel, clearly, we’re barely successfully positioned now. No longer in fact successfully to forestall label but
chuffed ample. So that naturally makes a distinction. On myth of I’d hang
said that at even a fiver a time for having a inch at what you’re sitting on, a
man could well maybe well be getting a terribly enormous good deal.’
regarded at him, and again went a little bit purple within the face. ‘You’re barely cheeky,
Mr Walker. It became my husband we hang been speaking about doing it, you perceive.’
left about twenty minutes later, having straight away recommended the dialog
into other issues after his notify about fivers. He had the feeling that he’d
in fact set his foot in it. Making what sounded treasure a indecent cash provide to the
barely and charming and positively very loving young partner. Whereas what he had
meant became that if she wished any back, cash-wise, he could well maybe well be chuffed to oblige,
while on the the same time it would be
in fact unprecedented to get that backside over his lap.
in Stan’s eyes, became very diverse to in fact offering to pay for it, but he
could well maybe moreover peep the scheme it sounded. And he felt there became nothing he could well maybe moreover impart that could well maybe well
build it sound any higher. So he factual left it. Yes he knew he had in fact gone
and done it, whereas if he had played his playing cards factual… He could well maybe moreover hang in fact
kicked himself.
an even day, pricey?’ Muriel asked when she got encourage from metropolis.
Stan compelled himself to thunder he had, while feeling entirely unwell. What a in fact tiring tiring substitute.
the next day it took place, when Muriel had again gone off procuring within the
morning. She had factual left and Stan became vaguely questioning what to create with
himself when there became a knock on the encourage door. He went — and there she became,
his delectable unusual neighbour.
I are available in in?’ she asked in a reasonably apprehensive advise.
merely held the door open, too stunned and inflamed to discuss. She became wearing
a skirt today with a blue sleeveless shirt and high-heel shoes. Feeling a bit
faint Stan within the kill managed to thunder he became factual about to position some coffee on.
the lounge, with the coffee, they sat opposite each other. Stan could well maybe moreover peep her
legs and knees for the first time, and as well they hang been quite lovely indispensable as good as the leisure of
said hesitantly, ‘Mr Walker: about what you said the opposite day…’
impulsively broke in. ‘Put out of your mind it! I became being tiring. I didn’t mean something else.’
barely girl bit her lip. ‘Oh… I believed… You peep I in fact am intelligent up within the meanwhile.’
regarded, wide-eyed. ‘And I believed… Smartly, I’d opt you up on what you said. I
wouldn’t mind. You… that you simply would possibly want to well well moreover spank me… for a bit mortgage presumably.’
Could maybe well
Stanley Walker be hearing factual?
had gone reasonably purple within the face, what she became asserting evidently became tough. ‘I
mean I wouldn’t let factual anyone, of
. But, successfully, you seem good and we’re subsequent-door neighbours. So I
thought… but within the event you didn’t mean it despite the total lot…’
No!’ Stan became purple-faced himself now.
‘No, I completely did mean it. It became
factual I became scared I had offended you. I… er… will we initiate today? Now?
smiled. ‘If Mrs Walker isn’t coming encourage too rapidly, I don’t peep why no longer.’
said she wasn’t, no longer for a couple of hours, and his barely young customer stood
up. Her palms went to the waist of her knee-length grey skirt, and he or she merely
slid it down and stepped out of it. Beneath there became no petticoat. She became
wearing nylon stockings, no longer tights, mounted with the straps of a
cream-coloured satin suspender belt. The straps crossed rounded bare thighs to
depart up into the legs of a pair of matching cream-coloured French
sat open-mouthed. With a apprehensive snicker his customer said, ‘I wore these because
they are saying males treasure them. The stockings I mean. And the French knickers as successfully I
became round on her high heels to allege her ripe rump within the tight-seated
knickers. ‘Will I create, Mr Walker?’
became feeling critically apoplectic. He moreover had a surprising severe attack of
tightness-in-the-front-of-the-trousers. He managed to thunder ‘Advance right here!’
got right here, and he or she got herself down over Stan’s lap. She had on some form of
comfortable yet worthy scent and what with that and the trusty womanly weight
of her on high of Stan’s erection it became almost too indispensable. For there it
became handiest a couple of inches from his face: that lovely ripe bum within the skin-tight
French knickers. If I’m no longer cautious, thought Stan, I’ll come on the draw and
that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly. Protect administration, he urged himself firmly.
down factual a bit he set his hand on the dazzling rear, sliding his palm
voluptuously over the tight-stretched silk. It became a marvellous feeling, quite
out of this world. Simplest one notify could well maybe well be higher and that could well presumably be the bare
flesh itself.
I make a choice them down?’ he asked.
advise from the reduced blonde head. ‘For five kilos I don’t peep why no longer.’ And
she obligingly eased the weight of her hips up off Stan’ s lap.
hand went within the waistband of the knickers, first one facet and then the opposite,
dragging them down, factual off her backside to factual above the stocking tops. And
there it within the kill became: the ripe resilient bare flesh. Twin sumptuous cheeks with
their deeply dividing cleft on the backside of which could well maybe well be viewed some gentle
brown curling hair. Stan took a deep breath.
then his open palm got right here down SPLATT!
on the fullest curve of the nearside cheek. It felt unprecedented, sending an
almost electric shock thru him. The company warm flesh juddered solidly on the
affect, and there became a squeaking gasp from the backside’s owner. A beautiful
pink rate became left on the gentle comfortable surface.
SPLATT! Stan delivered an the same smack to the factual cheek.
Sandra again squealed and shifted her weight a little bit, within the job grinding
herself into Stan’s erection. He bit his lip to maintain administration; then SPLATT!… and SPLATT!… He delivered two more challenging ones decrease down, where that hair
became. At these heavier shots Sandra emitted high-pitched yelps, of the kind Stan
and Muriel had heard thru the bedroom wall.
became now more in fee of himself, after the reasonably too intense pleasure at
the foundation. He got into a trusty cadence of intelligent smacks: SPLATT!… SPLATT!… SPLATT!… Distributing
them systematically high and backside, left and factual, and moreover down onto the
backs of her higher thighs. Very rapidly the full of the sumptuous rear became a great
uniform radiant pink.
response to all this became that racy yell at any time when the hand landed plus as the
spanking endured some general heavy breathing, and an increasing squirming
round of hips and pinkened backside. She must clearly be ready to in fact feel that
intelligent-on below her, Stan thought. And to evaluate how refined it became for him
to create one today — it became quite a revelation.
Sooner or later
he introduced the spanking to a end. He felt pleasantly out of breath and in fact
unprecedented. Sandra, realising he had stopped, gave a excellent gasping groan. She
struggled up. Stan had a ogle of a furry-haired pussy sooner than she yanked up
her knickers.
in build, Sandra sat down closely subsequent to Stan on the settee. She gave him a reasonably
sizzling-eyed test… After which it became Stan’s flip to gasp as her hand went down to
that bulge which became soundless distending the front of his trousers. She took help
of it thru the fabric, and that became it. The potential of mind Stan Walker had been
exerting could well maybe moreover inch handiest to this level. He merely erupted.
that he naturally got right here down to earth. He regarded up on the clock. Sandra,
getting the message, got up and set on her skirt. Feeling entirely on high of
the area, Stan took out his wallet and gave her no longer a fiver but £10. No hurt
in showing his appreciation after this first unprecedented morning. Sandra
replied with a moist-mouthed kiss on his cheek.
Stan could well maybe moreover now in fact feel the sap rising again. He had a surprising blood-tingling
thought. ‘Sandra: subsequent time… How about me getting a cane?’
in her hang residence Sandra felt unbelievably randy. It had factual been the kind of
unprecedented flip-on, being spanked by a particular man, because she had handiest ever
had it from her husband, Gary, sooner than. Afterwards, grabbing Mr Walker treasure that
had been merely spontaneous, without pondering. Per chance it had been an terrible
notify to create but it factual showed how the spanking had excited her.
she became in fact became on, with a determined desire for intercourse — with Gary of
course, even though the vogue her nerve-ends hang been pounding it became as if almost
anyone would create. Clearly, even supposing, precise intercourse became no longer on factual away and so she
became to the next easiest notify. In the bedroom she took off the bask in French
knickers and lay down on high of the bed. And with a groan set her palms between
her legs.
got right here almost proper now. After which almost proper now felt treasure doing it again. No longer handiest
had the spanking been a large flip-on but she had £10 to show for it as
successfully. And no longer handiest that, there had been that excellent advice of Mr Walker.
That he could well maybe moreover get a cane.
in fact despatched shivers down her. Gary had recommended getting a cane but being caned
by her husband had no longer precisely appealed to Sandra. But getting it from veteran Mr
Walker could well maybe well be fully diverse. It’s far going to moreover encourage some marvellous fantasies
— she basically is a girl at a borstal, or at a form of boarding faculties. Or
captured by villains… or all forms of things.
And naturally he could well maybe well be prepared to pay for the privilege — and that
in itself became a astronomical flip-on, being paid for it. Sandra’s hips hang been
rhythmically rocking towards her hand and he or she started emitting these
high-pitched squealing gasps. And intensely rapidly Stanley Walker’s little retirement
allege became having her second climax within the speak of 5 minutes.