Sohryu Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Versus Kazama (Tekken)

Neon Genesis Evangelion is an anime series that belongs to the mecha model. It became as soon as produced by Gainax and Tatsunoko Manufacturing and written and directed by Hideaki Anno. It’s place in some unspecified time in the future, and the parable is ready other folks which might perhaps well properly be in a location to pilot huge robots or machines. They’re tasked to strive in opposition to in opposition to beings is named Angels.

Tekken is a combating game series that might perhaps also be conducted in plenty of diversified platforms a lot like PlayStation 2 and Sport Boy Advance. The franchise became as soon as created, developed, and produced by Namco or Bandai Namco Leisure. The foremost myth is in regards to the King of Iron Fist Tournament, which is hosted by the Mishima Zaibatsu Company, and the many characters who participate on this competition.

asuka kazama, tekken, sohryu asuka langley, neon genesis evangelion, anime, manga, video video games, gainax, tatsunoko manufacturing, hideaki anno, namco, bandai namco entertainment, minutiae

What the two series possess in traditional?

If there’s one thing that the two aforementioned series possess in traditional, it’s the reality that they every possess a persona that part the a similar first name. The name in query is “Asuka” and the characters are Asuka Kazama from Tekken and Sohryu Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Asuka Kazama from Tekken

Asuka Kazama (#advert) is a excessive college pupil. She’s in fact linked to Jin Kazama, the principle persona of the Tekken series. She became as soon as first offered in Tekken 5.

She has a extremely assured persona. She is the kind of one who has no considerations initiating fights though she does are attempting and spoil fights between other folks. She makes advise of the Kazama Style In model Martial Arts as her combating model and is rather adept at it.

Sohryu Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Sohryu Asuka Langley (#advert) is 14 and one of many principle characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Her nationality is American, however she is three-quarters German and one quarter Jap. She comes all over as a vain, proud and even smug particular person.

She’s very assured and has a excessive understanding of herself and her capabilities. But, whereas she is amazingly expert as an Eva pilot, Langley hides on the inspire of her fiery temper and apparently hideous persona. On the within, she’s rather scared and susceptible.

Your accepted Asuka?

It’s attention-grabbing to display masks how extremely diversified these two characters are, now not good in looks however also in persona despite the incontrovertible reality that they part the a similar first name. So, which one elevate out you esteem simplest then? You are going to be in a location to part your tips and understanding by taking the mercurial poll beneath. Know one other Asuka or esteem one other one who is now not mentioned right here? Be at liberty to expose us about this persona. Train their name and the series they’re from in the feedback fragment beneath.

Apart: this put up is section of the Names Series, a series of immediate articles meant to showcase some characters who good happen to part the a similar name despite the incontrovertible reality that they’re from diversified presentations and series.

– First pic is a screenshot of the favourite Asuka poll from my Knowing Stage tale. It became as soon as created on 12 June 2015
– Pics from that screenshot and from the poll are from; links shown above
– This became as soon as beforehand published on my Tumblr blog on 15 June 2015