Sly Rax and Vanessa Warfield on the quilt of Motion Man?

The boys over at Agents of M.A.S.Okay. gather posted about the unique quilt of Motion Man.  It would seem to depict Sly Rax and Vanessa Warfield.

It’s a ways a broad image and presentations our two V.E.N.O.M. agents combating alongside Motion man and a Transformer.  I’m no longer even going to bet at which Transformer, my details in that field is lacking on this day and age.

It be wisely drawn and no doubt draws you in.

Despite being an astonishing image, there are two points that I gather with this describe.

The first being that this hints to M.A.S.Okay. linked characters being on this Motion Man Humorous.  Right here’s where having a half universe gets messy.  We don’t even gather Revolutions or our standalone M.A.S.Okay. Humorous yet and already we’re being drawn in to purchase other IDW Comics.

I’m certain that Motion Man shall be a broad comic, nonetheless I’m no longer attracted to buying for it.  I need M.A.S.Okay. – easy and uncomplicated.

The following arena that I gather with this quilt is guns.

IDW are lacking the point of why M.A.S.Okay. is named what it’s a ways.  Vanessa and Rax (if that positively is who we’re having a gape at) are sporting their Whip and Stiletto masks.  So, why attain they need guns?

Surely, if we’re bringing all of these teams collectively – Transformers, M.A.S.Okay., G.I. Joe, Motion Man, etc. – shouldn’t we on the least gaze their outlandish differences?  Is no longer the point that M.A.S.Okay. gather heaps of weapons to G.I. Joe to Transformers to Motion Man?

Whenever you are excellent going to provide them guns – excellent call them Joes.

It would perhaps maybe presumably also seem delight in I’m being harsh – nonetheless IDW in reality have to step up their recreation and carry of us what they wish – and that’s M.A.S.Okay.

I used to be in a comic e book retailer no longer too prolonged ago to discover about ordering the unique comics.  No longer a single comic on the cabinets used to be IDW.  The retailer owner told me that folks are no longer as attracted to IDW titles as they’re Surprise or DC Comics.  In point of fact, the regulars who order IDW’s Transformers comics would perhaps maybe presumably also no longer final once the Revolution begins.

IDW – environment M.A.S.Okay. up to fail ahead of it be started.

M.A.S.Okay. Comics Fb Page.

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