Results Of The Favorite Cho Ballot

I added a poll from Notion Stage to this post the effect I talked about two varied assortment who occur to hold characters with the same title. The title in quiz is “Cho”. The assortment in quiz are Saiyuki by Kazuya Minekura and Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.

cho chang, cho hakkai, harry potter, saiyuki, kazuya minekura, j.k. rowling, anime, manga, books, movies, fantasy, adventure, action, magic

Saiyuki is an anime and manga assortment with varied sequels and prequels, so it’s going to also be a little bit confusing when you would possibly even be questioning which one to gaze or read first. In the occasion you would possibly per chance per chance prefer to gaze the anime, launch with Gensomaden Saiyuki. This one is followed by Saiyuki Reload then Saiyuki Reload Gunlock. There is additionally a movie known as Gensomaden Saiyuki: Requiem. For the manga, launch with Saiyuki then Saiyuki Reload. There is extra, but I would possibly talk extra about this in a single other post.

Anyway, Saiyuki follows 4 foremost characters (one among them is Cho Hakkai (#advert)) who had been despatched by the Goddess of Mercy or Kanzeon Bosatsu to the west, so they’ll pause the rotten Demon King Gyumaoh from being resurrected. Naturally, they face a good deal of challenges, enemies and adventures along the skill.

Harry Potter is a 7-book fantasy assortment which stars the title character. The books hold additionally been adapted into an 8-segment movie. The story is about Harry Potter who goes to this magical college known as Hogwarts College of Witchcraft and Wizardry the effect he learns to make expend of his wand and solid magical spells.

These spells enable him to invent all forms of things cherish salvage objects drift, birth locked doors, and extra. He even learns how one can fly on broomsticks. One in every of the girls or witches whom Harry has a crush on is Cho Chang (#advert) from the dwelling of Ravenclaw. They dated for a short time, but it did not determine between them, so they did not discontinuance up collectively.

For causes I would possibly be speaking about in a single other post in a single other one among my blogs, I’ve made up our minds to delete the accepted Cho Notion Stage poll and substitute it with one from SurveyMonkey as a substitute. The poll in quiz became as soon as created on 08 Nov 2014.

belief stage, accepted character, cho chang, cho hakkai, polling effect, poll results, saiyuki, harry potter, anime, manga, books, movies

On my dashboard on the Notion Stage effect, the statistics page for this poll looks cherish this:

accepted character, poll results, polls, cho chang, cho hakkai, belief stage, saiyuki, harry potter, polling effect, statistics

Here’s the new accepted Cho poll from SurveyMonkey:

So, what about you? Who’s your accepted Cho? You would possibly per chance portion your thoughts and opinions by balloting or by leaving a comment under.

– Pics are screenshots from my Notion Stage yarn
– Pics from the principle screenshot and photographs from the poll are from; links proven above