Results Of The Current Sora Ballot

I added an Conception Stage poll to this post the put I talked about two characters from two diverse series who came about to hang the identical title. The title in question used to be “Sora,” which formula “sky” in Eastern. And the series in question are Kingdom Hearts and Digimon.

sora takenouchi, digimon, kingdom hearts, square enix, disney, video games, anime, manga, Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation, WiZ, Bandai

Digimon is a Eastern media franchise which comprises anime, manga, video games, and additional. The series is about creatures identified as Digital Monsters. They live within the Digital World. Characters identified because the Digidestined are tasked to larger these beings. Sora Takenouchi (#ad) is one amongst these americans. Her Digimon is named Biyomon.

On the opposite hand, Kingdom Hearts is a series of role-playing video games for diverse platforms equivalent to PlayStation 1 to 4, Xbox 1, and additional. Sora (#ad) is the title of the well-known character of this series. After losing his world, he travels to many quite a lot of and other worlds the put he gets to meet every form of americans and hang every form of adventures.

Anyway, for reasons which I’ll talk about in but one more post on but one more one amongst my blogs, I decided to delete the Conception Stage poll and substitute it with one from SurveyMonkey in its put.

opinion stage, poll, sora, poll outcomes, well-liked character

The post in question had been beforehand published in totally different places sooner than being posted on this blog. The poll used to be made on 24 November 2014.

well-liked character, poll outcomes, sora, opinion stage, on-line polling situation

On my dashboard on the Conception Stage situation, the statistics net page for this poll appears to be love this:

statistics net page, poll outcomes, well-liked character, sora, opinion stage, pie chart, polling situation

This is the contemporary well-liked Sora poll from SurveyMonkey:

So, what about you? Who’s your well-liked Sora? It is likely you’ll per chance per chance per chance also allotment your thoughts and opinions by voting or by leaving a commentary under.

– Pics are screenshots from my Conception Stage memoir
– Pics from the first screenshot and photos from the poll are from; hyperlinks shown above