I’m doing a piece surgical operation on a page from chapter 8, and desired to allotment the complaints because why no longer. So Rowan’s head in this body is just too massive, and I are searching to resize it. First, I will make a selection the head and manually resize it, leaving an grotesque gap. pic.twitter.com/sKkknbSU9w
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
Here’s no longer performed on the favorite of the page- if I in actuality beget to assemble unfavorable adjustments admire this, I assemble a duplicate and work on the copy.
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
I salvage a brand recent layer underneath this, and the employ of the clone instrument, I originate cloning the orange background to fill in that gap. pic.twitter.com/dGEl3K0YCX
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
Here’s the ensuing clone. Subsequent, I will employ the eraser with a personalised color pencil brush to tough up the edges around the edit, to assemble it more difficult to detect the clone. pic.twitter.com/lEdsiX3ziK
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
The final result. Or no longer it’s peaceable severely detectable, nevertheless no longer noticable whenever it’s seemingly you’ll perchance even be no longer making an are attempting to search out it. Now to trim up the hair. I will employ the clone instrument over again to fill this location. pic.twitter.com/IHgVelqj9Q
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
Now now not too noxious. You might perchance also add quite shadow the employ of a brush (a color pencil brush is my need, to emulate proper media) jam to multiply, and that can support disguise the transition. pic.twitter.com/dSLZ00JWvk
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
My current brush for these style of corrections. pic.twitter.com/91x7OjHIRz
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
Apply shadow color, erase a piece to lighten it up and assemble it seem more natural, lower opacity. pic.twitter.com/mPl14IQET4
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 7, 2019
At closing, we’d like to repair the blue halo to cover the patch. For better fixes, it’s seemingly you’ll perchance even copy, paste, and erase. Cant phrase where to erase? Lower the opacity while you erase, then return it to traditional to make certain that it works. pic.twitter.com/hwXBxVLCGA
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 8, 2019
I’m no longer massive inquisitive a pair of ideally suited patch right here, as I are searching to dash over this with a more intense blue. pic.twitter.com/zlMZU7RPNQ
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 8, 2019
Here’s what I salvage for consistently drawing males’s heads at 6 heads, in location of at 7 heads. All three panels needed to be resized and patched. pic.twitter.com/a74qa1SnSl
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 8, 2019
Ok, so on the tip panel, I are searching to salvage more of a shadow on Kara’s support, to imply she’s coming exact into a lit room from a unhappy hallway. So I will attach aside a layer of indigo there, to salvage a shadow. pic.twitter.com/jQIyv71xA8
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 8, 2019
I convert it to multiply, and lower the opacity til it appears to be like to be wonderful. pic.twitter.com/cfQsHTyIt6
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 8, 2019
Attend to doing chapter corrections! I are searching to lift out correcting Chapter 8 tonight, starting w this page: pic.twitter.com/ucvcDs7hpC
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 10, 2019
Meldina’s head is kinda mammoth in this panel, making her phrase a lot younger than she is, so I will repair that. I’ve copied my pages, merged the copy into one editable file, chosen and resized her head, nevertheless no longer her hair (or no longer it’s more uncomplicated to patch this device) pic.twitter.com/QKlCTlRLLz
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 10, 2019
Now to patch it up! Clone instrument to the rescue! pic.twitter.com/K7orj6GED2
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 10, 2019
I are also searching to assemble these three bottom panels darker. Pick the panels I need, fill, change layer to Multiply, then erase. pic.twitter.com/J0MQofna8Y
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 10, 2019
So this page has already had a good amount of surgical operation, nevertheless I might perchance even admire to assemble it darker all the device thru, so I will lift out a fill, then erase, then add in darker shadows pic.twitter.com/Gg442frOfU
— 🍀Becca Hillburn🍀 (@Nattosoup) April 11, 2019