RACHEL 2 [part 2 of 15]
By: kinkdude ([email protected])

As I drove the four or five miles from Rachel’s house to mine I modified into as soon as in heaven; I had factual been made worship to by my handiest friend’s mother; a girl I had lusted after for years and I modified into as soon as soon to attain abet for extra of the identical. As I relived the morning’s events my cock started stirring in my denims; it modified into as soon as a fresh sensation getting a laborious on with no underwear to derive within the manner. All too soon I modified into as soon as abet house; I checked out my glimpse; it modified into as soon as three o’clock; I’ll per chance per chance been out of the house since ten; no longer contemptible for a beer lunge. The inquisition started as soon as my mother heard the front door shut.

“How prolonged does it take to safe beer from the grocery store? What’ve you being doing while now”? It went on; the questions appeared by no skill ending; the one issues lacking contain been the thumbscrews.

“Hi there mum”, I mentioned, “I made a decision to enter metropolis and contain a detect round the shops”. I comprehend it sounds a oldschool excuse, nonetheless I modified into as soon as having deem on the hoof. “I went procuring for some tune, nonetheless didn’t collect any I fancied making an strive to search out; the garments shops weren’t powerful better either”. I knew she didn’t imagine, nonetheless hey, I’m able to also infrequently mutter I’ve factual had sex with my handiest friend’s mother, now can also I; plus the interrogation ended now she’d been answered. “I am off to derive modified. I met one or two of the lads I feeble to head to school with; they’re having a night out”. With that I went upstairs to my bed room. I made a decision to freshen up and contain a shave and remembering Rachel’s request I forewent a shower; I’ll per chance per chance had one earlier anyway and the likelihood of sharing hers modified into as soon as on the horizon.

I checked out myself within the lavatory believe and urged myself quietly that I modified into as soon as a lucky bastard, turned and went abet to my room and dressed. I wore a shirt and trousers; I needed to invent it leer as if I modified into as soon as off on the metropolis. Happy I went abet down downstairs.

“Are you off out son”? My dad asked, as I walked within the lounge.

“Yeah, I met up with guys from college; we’re having a night out and I’ll per chance per chance be crashing out someplace”, I mentioned.

“Have a exact time Philip, nonetheless don’t derive her pregnant”, he spoke back, a grin spreading all thru his face.

“I’ll per chance not pop”, I laughed. “Chance may per chance per chance be a ravishing ingredient. Expose mum I’m able to also simply no longer be house and to no longer concern”. I wasn’t insecure about his commentary; he made it each time I stayed out in a single day.

“I will”, he answered. With that I modified into as soon as out of the house; I needed to derive out earlier than my mother saw me and started her questions again. I walked off down the side road, ignoring my automotive parked by the roadside; I needed to invent it leer convincing. Once on the most essential side road I stumbled on a cellular phone box and spoke to Rachel; telling her I modified into as soon as on my method and may per chance per chance be arriving by taxi. Fifteen minutes I paid the taxi driver, walked up her route and knocked on her front door; it opened and I walked in to be greeted by Rachel, dressed in a backless, halter neck blouse and skirt; we kissed and she urged me to head within the lounge; she followed me in.

“And the tactic is my younger lover”? She asked as she sat by my side on the sofa; her hand working along my thigh.

“I am ravishing”, I mentioned. “I received the third degree interrogation from my mother as soon as I walked in”.

“What did you expose her”? She asked with a insecure leer on her face.

“I urged her I’ll per chance per chance been having sex with you”, I mentioned.

“You, you didn’t, did you”? She asked. There modified into as soon as a detect of absolute dread on her face.

“No, I urged her I’ll per chance per chance been to metropolis”, I spoke back, laughing.

“You had me insecure for a moment”. I smiled at her and urged her now to not be and that I wasn’t going to expose anybody about us. I pulled in direction of me and kissed her.

“How prolonged can you end”? She asked when we would broken our embody.

“How prolonged scheme you want to contain me to end”? I answered.

“Are you able to end the night”? She asked.

“My of us deem I am partying with online page online visitors from college and are not wanting ahead to me house, so sure, you contain me for the night”. We kissed again and then she stood up. She took sustain of her blouse by the backside and pulled it over her head, revealing her breasts.

“Appropriate then lover boy, apply me; it’s miles time for the shower I promised you”, she mentioned. As I stood, she place her hands within the abet of her abet and her skirt fell to the flooring; she modified into as soon as now bare, attach for a little pair of knickers which factual lined her pussy. She bent over in front of me to procure her garments. She’d parted her legs a small and within the space she modified into as soon as in, presented me with a discover about of her buttocks. As I appeared I saw no hairs protruding from her knickers; the temptation modified into as soon as too ample and I stretched out a hand and stoked between her legs over the cloth; she moaned as I made contact. I desired to tug them off, to request her pussy; a scrutinize to this point denied me, nonetheless I resisted the bound, reasoning that she’d left them on for a reason and that to take a detect at putting off them would quit our fresh stumbled on relationship and that I’d request it soon sufficient. She stood up, turned and smiled and urged me to apply her. I watched her buttocks sway as we climbed the stairs and entered her bed room.

She turned to face me, took my head in her hands and kissed me, her tongue wanting my mouth, taking part in with my contain tongue; her respiratory turning into heavier, as modified into as soon as mine; my cock modified into as soon as rising too. Our hands contain been now keeping every others head as kissed; I felt her hands commence to unfasten my belt, then the button keeping my trousers together, then the zip being pulled down; she took my boxers by the waistband and pulled it over my laborious cock and I felt them descend to the flooring. As they hit my feet Rachel pulled some distance flung from my mouth and sank to her knees and I appeared down in time to request her take the paunchy size of my cock onto her mouth and felt it toddle between her tonsils. I modified into as soon as amazed she didn’t gag on it; your whole ladies I’ll per chance per chance known had gagged as soon as they’d only received half of its size of their mouths. I watched because it reappeared from her mouth, only to be swallowed get. She now started picking up tempo, her head bobbing to and fro along my shaft, each time taking my paunchy size in her mouth; I had by no skill been sucked off bask in this earlier than and it wasn’t prolonged earlier than I felt myself about to cum; she must contain felt it too, for she stopped sucking and started wanking me, my cock inches from her face. I grabbed her by the hair as I felt my semen commence its slide; smooth her hand pumped my cock, then, SPLAT, I modified into as soon as cumming, jets of spunk erupted from my cock, hitting her paunchy within the face. When I’ll per chance per chance subsided, I appeared down at her; spunk modified into as soon as all over the set the space, in her eyes, up her nostril, dribbling from her mouth; I watched as a ample globule hung from her chin earlier than falling onto her breast.

As Rachel stood up going thru me I knew what she anticipated with out being urged and I started licking and sucking my spunk from her face, being careful now to not swallow it. When I’ll per chance per chance cleaned as powerful as I’m able to also from her, opened my mouth to squawk her my grey, leaden tasting cum; she watched as I swallowed. It went down in a single creep, leaving its taste lingering in my mouth. Our earlier session had given me a taste for my contain spunk. I bent my knees and licked her breasts freed from cum, then kissed her; this time I passed the grey liquid into her mouth; she swallowed straight then broke our kiss and started licking my face. As she licked my face I slid my hand down her torso and modified into as soon as nearing her pubic house when her hand stopped me.

“No longer yet. You just derive my pussy after I am ready”, she mentioned softly.

“Sorry”, I mentioned as I moved my hand away.

“That’s OK. Now, there is one ingredient I will scheme earlier than we creep any extra”, she mentioned.

“What’s it”? I asked.

“I will shave your pubic hair off”, she mentioned as she stroked my cock.

“What. Why would you want to contain to shave me? I bask in my pubic hair”, I protested.

“I don’t and for the time being what I mutter goes”, she mentioned, now cupping my tightening bollocks. I knew I had no likelihood, gleaming that if I mentioned no I’d contain been history. “Now lie on the bed while I safe what I want”. I complied and played with my hairs for the last time. While taking part in with them I attempted picturing her pussy, wondering if she modified into as soon as shaved down there too. I relived in my tips when she bent over in front of me and I’ll per chance per chance seen no hairs; she must be gentle down there and wanted me the identical. My cock had grown a small at my tips.

She returned with a ample can of shaving gel, razors, paper towels and a bowl of water “Correct, you’re laborious again. It will invent it more straightforward now your balls are tight”.

Her first route of stride modified into as soon as to within the reduction of my hairs immediate with the scissors and as soon as that modified into as soon as carried out she lined the stubble in gel, gently massaging it over my pubic bone, then between my legs, over my bollocks and perineum. My cock modified into as soon as standing to attention again and as she gently touched the tip with her hand; it twitched so violently it hit her cheek. She stood up and I checked out her, her breasts contain been the first ingredient my eyes locked on, so firm for her age; with almost teenage firmness. I checked out her face and smiled; she returned the smile earlier than speaking.

“I deem it’s miles time you misplaced these hairs”. She bent by my side and taking my cock in her hand drew the razor gently over my scrotal sack, dipping it within the bowl with every stroke. With every stroke of the razor a tingle went thru my body. She modified the razor’s blade cartridge and persisted shaving me; she modified into as soon as now on my pubic bone. As she rinsed the razor with one hand she modified into as soon as stroking my freshly bare pores and skin with the varied; it modified into as soon as giving me a full fresh feeling; one I most popular; one I most popular so powerful in reality, that to this day I shave my pubes on a day to day foundation.

My tips contain been all of sudden ended when she urged me to lift my legs within the air and sustain them smooth. She utilized fresh gel and telling me no longer creep, took the bowl away, returning very soon with it replenished. She modified the cartridge again and started shaving around my arse. The feeling of engaging metal being dragged in opposition to my anal cleft modified into as soon as a fresh one. I felt her reapply gel to the identical house and then the razor being dragged all thru piece of my buttocks; she modified into as soon as thorough if nothing else. I modified into as soon as laid with my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling after I felt her fingers stroking the house she’d factual shaved; it felt so varied, so erotic. She cleaned me up, wiping away the surplus gel from my perineum earlier than licking my now gentle bollocks.

“Or no longer it’s miles time for that shower you wanted earlier”, she mentioned as she stood up. A smile stumbled on my face. “If you contain done, creep downstairs and take a seat up for me within the lounge; and don’t problem dressing”. I felt deflated.

“Have to not you becoming a member of me”? I asked.

“No longer this time; nonetheless don’t concern, you are going to request my pussy soon, I promise”, she mentioned, “Now contain that shower. I deem there is some of Alan’s shower gel within the cupboard. She checked it and retrieved a plastic bottle which she handed to me earlier than giving me a peck on the cheek and telling me she’d request me soon. I turned on the shower, space the temperature and climbed in, closing the door within the abet of me. The fresh water felt exact because it ran over my pores and skin; I soaped up and started washing myself, paying particular attention to my freshly shaved pubic house. After about ten minutes I switched off the water, climbed from the shower and dried myself. At last tickled I modified into as soon as carried out I walked from the lavatory, previous Rachel’s bed room door to the stairs, listening to her intriguing around as I passed the door. Once downstairs I went into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee, took it into the lounge and seated myself on the sofa. As I drank the hot liquid I modified into as soon as taking part in with my cock which soon responded by rising. Then I heard Rachel’s declare commence air the door.

“Are you ready Phil”? She asked.

“Ready at the same time as you happen to are”, I answered. The door opened and she walked within the room. I’ll per chance not imagine what I saw; she modified into as soon as carrying a white sleeveless mini dress that factual lined her pussy, modern tan delay stockings; the lace tops of which done below the set her dress started. Her outfit modified into as soon as carried out by a pair of white calf size boots with heels at least three inches excessive. I factual sat and stared; my mouth commence.

“You don’t worship it scheme you”? She asked with a tragic tone to her declare and a lumber looming in her peek.

“I don’t factual bask in it; I bask in it Rachel. My god, you leer so bright it’s no longer genuine. Wow. Flip round, let me request the abet of you”, I mentioned with an livid tone to my declare.

She turned her body slowly, giving me time to take in what I saw. I believed the dress modified into as soon as immediate at the front; at the abet it displayed the lower half of of her buttocks. She has prolonged, extremely graceful legs which are generally proven off with mid thigh size skirts; nonetheless I’ll per chance per chance by no skill seen them displayed this method earlier than.

“You mean you bask in me dressed this method”, she mentioned, her shock exhibiting in her declare.

“Very powerful so”, I answered as I stood and walked in direction of her. She tentatively held out her palms. I took sustain of them and slowly pulled her to me, placing my palms around her neck and kissing her, gently at first, light taps of my lips on her face earlier than contact with lips; our tongues met and danced together as we parted lips a small.

“I am bare below the dress”, she mentioned when our lips and tongues parted. I went to unfasten the zip at the abet. “No, no longer here my lover; scheme it upstairs”. She took me by the hand and led me to the stairs, telling me I needed to head first. Disenchanted, nonetheless gleaming why I needed to willing the flooring upstairs and into the bed room; Rachel followed, closing the door within the abet of her. I went to unzip her dress again, nonetheless again she stopped me.

“Don’t bound it Phil; now we contain all night. Steal it insensible. I do know you are impatient, nonetheless imagine me after I expose you that you just are going to revel in it so powerful better by no longer speeding”, she mentioned in a delicate-weight declare.

“Sorry”, I mentioned.

“There’s no must be sorry; it’s no longer as at the same time as you happen to contain carried out one thing gross”, she mentioned and then kissed me.

I responded with my lips pressing laborious in opposition to hers as my hands roamed over her bare palms then her body. I took the dress’s zipper and pulled it down, nonetheless only piece method; my fingertips stroked the newly bare pores and skin on her abet; she caught her breath as they made contact. Again I pulled the zipper down, revealing extra flesh, which received the identical treatment. I must contain been doing it appropriate as she didn’t close me and I soon realised what she meant; I modified into as soon as enjoying undressing this method. The zipper modified into as soon as now entirely loose and my fingers contain been stroking the backside of her abet. She stood abet from me and place her hands to her dress; it modified into as soon as now my flip to close her. I turned her round so her abet modified into as soon as going thru me; then I took her dress and slid it from her shoulders and watched as it crumpled on the carpet. I checked out the twin globes of her buttocks and knelt within the abet of her and started caressing them with my tongue and lips. Her respiratory modified into as soon as now heavy and she kept making an strive to flip round to face me. No longer yet she wasn’t; as powerful as I needed request her pussy I modified into as soon as going to abet.

I stood up and kissing her abet, planting my lips lightly on her pores and skin as I made my method up her body till I reached her neck. I kissed it and then blew gently in her appropriate ear; she shivered and turned her head; I blew within the assorted ear as I circled her body with my hands, intriguing them upwards to her titties, working my fingers over the gentle flesh and sensitive nipples; she kept catching her breath and pushing her arse in opposition to my groin as I toyed with her nipples; handsome soon her respiratory modified into louder and her tension on my groin increased as her pleasure built inside of her; my fingers contain been now on her lower body, factual above her smooth unseen, unfelt pubic house. As she pressed in opposition to me I pressed abet, keeping her firmly in opposition to, my now rock laborious cock resting in her anal cleft. Sensing she modified into as soon as nearing orgasm I pressed as soon as extra, this time laborious; as I pressed I moved my appropriate hand some distance flung from her body and flicked her appropriate nipple. The contact with her nipple modified into as soon as too powerful for her and she came; her whole body quivering as she did so. Most attention-grabbing when she’d calmed down did I kneel down and flip her round to derive my first leer at her pussy. It modified into as soon as rate the wait; there wasn’t a hair in scrutinize and I factual checked out her nether set of abode taking within the scrutinize earlier than. Her pussy is a form of neat ones; you understand these with the labia inside of, leaving factual a gash with two mounds either side. I touched it with my fingers and she moaned as her legs opened a small.

“That you may additionally be as handsome down here as you up there”, I mentioned, which skill that every be conscious. She didn’t reply; she gently pulled my hair; I rose and kissed her again.

“Thank you Phil, thank you for that. It modified into as soon as so sweet”, she mentioned.

“I meant it”.

“I do know you did. Now; invent worship to me Phil. Construct worship to me, slowly. Birth up on my clit; I want a person to lick my clit, to invent me cum. Lick my clit and invent me cum Phil, please”. I knew she wasn’t factual asking, she modified into as soon as pleading.

“Educate me guidelines on how to scheme it correctly. Educate me guidelines on how to invent worship to you in likelihood to factual fucking you”, I asked.

“I will my younger lover”, she mentioned as she laid herself on the bed. I lay by her side, propped myself up on one arm and checked out her attain bare body. The white boots in opposition to the tan stockings modified into as soon as turning me on as powerful because the girl lying subsequent to me. I kissed her gently all over the set the space on her face besides her mouth; my fingers contain been working lightly over her neck, then down onto her chest. She modified into as soon as quietly moaning as I caressed her upper body, warding off her nipples, even though I massaged her breasts. I bask in the feel of ladies’s breasts. My fingers contain been modified by my tongue; she came because it made contact with a sensitive laborious nipple; I checked out her and smiled, then urged her she modified into as soon as handsome. A lumber glistened in her peek as I spoke. I wiped it away with a finger and place it to her mouth; she kissed it and smiled up at me. I kissed her as I ran my fingertips over her abdomen; her respiratory had now modified into immediate gasps as my fingers worked their lower down her body; they contain been now caressing her bald mons pubis; I checked out her; her eyes contain been closed, her mouth commence and her head rolling and her respiratory loud and heavy; I’m able to also expose she modified into as soon as enjoying the stimulation I modified into as soon as giving her; what I didn’t realise modified into as soon as how shut to orgasm she modified into as soon as; I stumbled on out when my lips touched her pubic house. The moment I made contact despatched her over the brink. As she cried out her legs bent and opened so powerful her knees contain been stage with my head.

“OHHHHHHHHHH FFUUUUUUUUUUUCKKK PHIL! FUCK! OOOOOOHHHHHHHH GOD THAT’SSSSS SOOOOO GOOOOOOD”! She screamed as her orgasm took her to a increased airplane. It took the very finest piece of ten minutes for her to attain abet to planet earth. I appeared down at her; sweat modified into as soon as erupting from every pore on her body. “Correct trouble Phil. What the fuck did you scheme to me”? I smiled and wiped sweat from her face. She modified into as soon as smooth in recovery after I ran a finger along the gash of her pussy.

“Ohhhhhhh, please no, no longer yet”, she begged.

“Oh sure. I are wanting to feel your pussy and stroke that clit of yours. And after my fingers contain carried out their work you derive my tongue”, I mentioned as one finger parted her outer lips. Her legs parted as she moaned; I had reached the Promised Land and I modified into as soon as in race to disappear it. By the time I had flicked and licked her clit she’d orgasmed four cases and modified into as soon as now laid by my side; her chest rising and falling all of sudden. She modified into as soon as entirely spent and my cock had been nowhere attain her now sopping wet, leaking pussy. I kissed her forehead and checked out her; she had fallen asleep. I rose from the bed and retrieved my garments; I placed on my trousers and shirt and checked out her; she modified into as soon as some scrutinize; her prolonged legs encased in boots and stockings; her bare torso glinting because the light bounced from her sweat lined pores and skin. I urged myself I modified into as soon as a lucky bastard and made my method downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I made a drink and decided I wished some food; I phoned a neighborhood pizza space and thirty minutes later I modified into as soon as tucking into a pepperoni pizza.

“Is there any for me”? I heard Rachel place a search data from to. She modified into as soon as stood within the doorway, smooth carrying only stockings and boots. I handed her a portion and watched because it modified into as soon as devoured in three bites; I handed her another portion. “I wished that”.

“You wished what, the pizza or the sex”?

“Every. How did you invent me attain bask in that”?

“I don’t contain any understanding. Per chance it’s because you contain long gone so prolonged with out a person”.

“That you may additionally be appropriate. All I do know is I loved it and are wanting to scheme it again”.

“When we have eaten and had a drink. We have got all weekend to head yet. If we don’t leisure up some time we’re gonna burn every varied out”.

“You’re appropriate. Arrive on let’s creep take a seat someplace extra cosy, nonetheless first derive these garments off”. I followed her into the lounge, looking at her arse creep as she walked. She sat lengthways on the sofa; one foot on the flooring, the assorted on the cushion. She modified into as soon as advertising and marketing and marketing her willingness to fuck; one thing I’d by no skill contain anticipated from her. I sat, bare in a chair; my cock rising at the scrutinize of her. Neither of us made a creep and my cock soon returned to its flaccid thunder.

We made total dialog; talking about small of passion; till my curiosity received the better of me.

“Why did you by no skill request another man or remarry”? I asked.

“It modified into as soon as for Alan’s sake truly. I didn’t deem it the suitable ingredient to scheme”, she answered.

“You mean you contain been alone for five years in case Alan disapproved”,

“No longer rather Phil. I knew he would no longer contain been fervent in another man taking his father’s space, nonetheless I wasn’t ready myself. You request Richard modified into as soon as the only man I’ll per chance per chance ever been with; we would been together since senior college”. She had tears in her eyes now. She left them alone and they also ran down her cheeks. “I feeble to dress this method for him. He most popular to request me dressed bask in a tart within the bed room”.

Richard, as you contain doubtlessly guessed modified into as soon as Alan’s father. Alan idolised the man and modified into as soon as distraught when he passed away.

“I even contain a feeling Alan would no longer approve of what we’re doing either”, I mentioned.

“Alan! I’ll per chance per chance forgotten all about him. What’s going to he deem and scheme when he finds out”?

“How’s he going to search out out? Are you going to expose him; because I am obvious as hell no longer”?

“Me neither. Oh Phil, what contain carried out and what are we going to scheme”?

“We have got made worship to every varied and loved ourselves within the assignment. I do not know about you, nonetheless it’s been a dream attain genuine for me; one I don’t are wanting to derive up from yet”, I mentioned as I appeared her within the peek.

“Kiss me Phil. Maintain me and kiss me; then take me abet to bed and fuck me”.

I pulled her factual and keeping her shut to me, kissed her roughly; she scraped her nails down my abet as we embraced. Our lips parted and I led her upstairs

&reproduction;2007-12-16 [email protected]