Question The Con Nazi
There’ll now not be any anime cons taking place this summer season, so anime fans all the procedure by procedure of The US are forced to reminisce referring to the total gigantic instances had at anime cons of the past. Others reminisce about how one fan’s “gigantic time” is one other fan’s “disturbing nonsense”, and aloof others mediate benefit to when every strive and rein in jerky habits changed into met with defiance and disbelief, when anyone who supported the roughly guidelines well-known to possess ten or twenty or fifty thousand folks all transferring around safely changed into slandered as a “Con Nazi.” That’s why we wrote the following Anime Soar column benefit within the first mumble time of anime conventions, the heart 2000s, when legions of overgrown young folks decided Jap animation gatherings possess been their space to have interaction in binge engrossing, shoplifting, stalking, and vandalism -and that changed into exact the staffers! The attendees? Invent now not even inquire of! So, abet all this in tips as you luxuriate in this completely fictional column that is supposed for leisure gains completely and doesn’t possess any ACTUAL fascists. 

Are attempting to know why anime cons conclude the things they conclude? Does con security piss you off? Obtain they now not needless to convey here is your taking place and it freaks you out? Our expert RUDOLF P. SCHWEINHUND left a unheard of occupation in Europe to behave as an consultant to many American anime conventions and has supplied assistance to some of our largest and most successfully-regimented organizations. He’s acquired many questions over time from assorted fandom groups and battle crimes tribunals, and here he’s joyful to share these queries and his tips with anime fandom at mountainous.

Dear Con Nazi,
Why changed into I thrown out of (NAME OF CON DELETED)? All I did changed into apply (NAME OF GUEST DELETED) around all weekend prolonged. And I camped outside her resort room door. And I took 150 photos of her for use on my net shrine. And I supplied three big stuffed animals for her, and one time she looked thirsty so I brought her bottled water, and one folks wanted to focus on to her however I made sure they possess been really appropriate fans of (NAME OF GUEST DELETED) and never exact attempting to be chilly. And (NAME OF GUEST DELETED) gave the affect roughly apprehensive and freaked out, and I didn’t know why, however I told her that I’d conclude the relaxation to accomplish her feel greater! Excluding proceed her by myself! After which Con Security asked me to proceed her by myself, and I mentioned that it changed into a free nation and I would maybe maybe stalk anyone I wished to! After which they threw me out! Why are folks so merciless? Especially police?


Folks are merciless on legend of of the thin veneer of humanity setting apart man from beast. Neglect your celeb obsessions and take care of the unlit depths of your luxuriate in soul. Also learn some boundaries, dead.

precise anime fans circa 1997
Dear Con Nazi,
I’m a vendor, and I really possess a model of merchandise that some folks, luxuriate in the FBI, would signify as “bootleg”, on legend of they’re exact big meanies. I changed into at (NAME OF CON DELETED) and I changed into selling my stuff as common, and the con group asked me to quit selling “bootlegs”, on legend of after I paid for the desk I it sounds as if had signed a contract saying I’d now not promote “bootlegs”. So I took my “bootlegs” off the desk, and then ten minutes I save them benefit on the desk, and the con group nailed me but again, and I took them off the desk for ten minutes, and then save them benefit on the desk, and then conclude you know what this con did? They made me rob EVERYTHING off my desk and tear home! My inquire of is now not whether or now not they are able to legally conclude this, since they clearly can. My inquire of is… successfully, I really sort now not possess a inquire of. I exact wanted to accomplish sure that folks knew that I’m able to learn and label contracts, and but I aloof mediate I sort now not wish to use them.


Yes, the principles are for suckers. I wager orderly guys equivalent to you really uncover a kick out of seeing your non-refundable tables stand empty for 2 days on legend of you seemingly can now not learn or wouldn’t apply a contract. You are too crucial to use these tips! Or flee a a success alternate!

Dear Con Nazi,
I changed into at (NAME OF CON DELETED) and I seen an artists alley desk that changed into empty dull at evening. So me and my chums sat down there, and took the artists’ name card and wrote on it, and I changed into doing some REALLY AWESOME sketches of Goku and stuff, and then the particular artist showed up, and when she told me to proceed I changed into all luxuriate in, “what are you gonna conclude, call teh cops?” and then she ACTUALLY WENT AND GOT THE COPS! So after I seen the cops I ran, and when they caught me I told them I didn’t insist English. Which is roughly appropriate. What I are attempting to know is, what roughly world is it the place aside COOL, AWESOME GUYS LIKE ME can now not exact design shut things and uncover away with it?


What roughly world is it? Planet Earth, that is what roughly world it’s miles.

precise anime fans circa 2006
Dear Con Nazi,
I went to a con, and I really liked it, and but me and my chums felt that we must at all times present that con how knowledgeable we’re referring to the con alternate. On legend of we have really staffed conventions ourselves! So we wrote a three-page electronic mail detailing the entirety that went defective with that convention, and we didn’t label our names, and we sent it to the convention, and THEY DIDN’T TAKE ANY OF OUR SUGGESTIONS SERIOUSLY! Why weren’t our recommendations given the respect they deserved?


Oh, however they WERE.

Dear Con Nazi,
There is a rule at some conventions that REALLY PISSES ME OFF. I sort now not are attempting to mumble what the guideline is, however it consists of me writing really dead things on items of cardboard and then wearing the cardboard on my shirt luxuriate in a label. Generally I will write pathetic pleas for consideration, and other instances I will write pathetic pleas for cash. Both potential it’s sure to uncover a full bunch folks to peep at me and it’s miles loads more uncomplicated than really assembly folks by introducing myself and talking to them. Or now not it’s also more uncomplicated than really working for my luxuriate in money. So anyway, SOME CONVENTIONS THAT I WILL NOT NAME possess made up these frightening Nazi tips that are completely infringing on our freedom of speech and never allowing us to be free to particular ourselves! As exact American citizens what must we conclude to wrestle this assault upon our God-given freedoms?


You are completely assured the free mumble of the total Constitutional freedoms that you would possibly maybe maybe be possess as American residents, and also you are free to mumble these freedoms in your God-given American sidewalks, outside of the convention center within the God-given American sunshine and the God-given American new air. Internal the convention, however, you seemingly can wish to obey the convention tips, so, as we convey in Germany, troublesome titty.

precise anime fans circa 2000
Dear Con Nazi,
I changed into at a convention, and the con group changed into really on a vitality lumber. I sort now not are attempting to mumble how exactly, however it changed into within the event that they possess been attempting to manipulate a crowd of about a thousand folks! I imply, as if! Oh, it burned me up. So I got onto the convention message board after the convention, and I spent two solid weeks complaining, and how this completely ruined the total weekend for me, and how the convention group changed into all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) morons who clearly are (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and couldn’t flee a a success convention ever! So that they banned me from the message board! This really proves I’m exact and they also’re defective. Correct?


Yes, you are “exact.” “Correct” within the sense of “complete asshat.”

Dear Con Nazi,
Me and my chums really luxuriate in a definite Jap cultural phenomenon. Despite the indisputable truth that this phenomenon doesn’t possess loads to conclude with Jap animation, the utterly space we can event and enjoy this definite phenomenon with fellow fans is at Jap animation conventions. My inquire of is, is it defective to issue and complain and and not using a waste in sight bitch and moan except every Jap animation convention has devoted itself entirely to dazzling our little minority of obsessed fans?



precise anime fans circa 1997
Dear Con Nazi,
I changed into working group at an anime con, and one time I showed up to work and I started messing around with the cash box that had about a thousand bucks in it, and the group director told me to knock it off, and I told him he couldn’t train me what to conclude, and he told me that yeah, as prolonged as I changed into on group, he completely COULD train me what to conclude, and then I mentioned that I changed into gonna kick his ass, and he mentioned oh really, and before I knew it I changed into thrown off group!



The CON NAZI’s column seems a week in 87 newspapers worldwide. He’s desirous to resist the onslaught of any and all questions sent his potential. While you occur to would maybe possess questions or commentary, be joyful to contact him at: Con Nazi, Der Adlerhorst, Neu Berchtesgaden, Argentina.