Quantity 2595: The expansive lover, Jon Juan

Jon Juan, is, as as of late’s title announces, a expansive lover. Within the myth we are educated he is a one who gets what he desires.

Jerry Siegel and Alex Schomburg are the author and artist who did this myth of a plucky gentleman/intercourse addict. Jon is no longer perfect the world’s perfect lover, he can fight, too. Swordplay! Even a scene of knife fighting! To Jon Juan a kiss is fee risking a fight with armed interlopers. He’s immortal. On the device and doesn’t die. A longtime dream of many males…despite the truth that ‘tis correct a delusion. 

The myth was first and foremost revealed in Toby Comics’ one-shot, Jon Juan (1950). I got it from a 1958 IW reprint, Dream of Love #8. I showed the myth previously in 2011.