Quantity 2574: Bullet-heads from outer home

What would the area — at the side of The US — compose with out Spurs Jackson and his Set of living Vigilantes? In phrases of Spurs Jackson and his fellow cowpokes on the ranch, they receive working up against creatures and characters from home. You know Spurs and friends are the exact guys because they shoot straight whether their adversaries be native or from totally different planets.

Walter Gibson, who made his living for years churning out two Shadow novels a month for The Shadow pulp magazine, created Set of living Western. He wrote the story I am showing at the current time. Right here’s hoping Gibson didn’t secure ripped off. (After all, “the Shadow is conscious of!”) I imagine that Charlton used to be a shoestring operation, and it appears to be like to me that over the years they did most of their comedian books on a funds. That is my thought, needless to suppose.

Stan Campbell did the artwork, and he did a correct job mixing the aged West eventualities with drawings of flying saucers, and in this story, creatures with bullet heads and prolonged fangs. It’s miles from Set of living Western Comics #41 (1952).