Overview: THE BEANO BOOK 1956 (Facsimile)
Conceal artwork by James Crighton.

One of many books I treated myself to for Christmas used to be this facsimile of The Beano E book 1956 (in the inspiration printed in 1955). Because the fashioned used to be printed four years earlier than I was born I’d in no device read it earlier than so it used to be all recent to me.

As most of you perceive, you might well well per chance portray a facsimile of any Beano annual from 1940 to 2013 from D.C. Thomson and they’re printed on request:
https://shop.beano.com/superior-gifts/traditional-beano-gifts/personalized-beano-annual-from-your-One year

I’ve offered a pair of of them earlier than however this one intrigued me due to it contains work by all the greats who had been difficult with the Beano at a excessive point in its history. The strips in this guide would had been drawn in late 1954 so now we occupy work by Leo Baxendale before the total lot of his profession when his kind used to be restful setting up…

Involving to explore The Bash Avenue Kids when it used to be restful called When The Bell Rings

Ken Reid is well represented too. His kind used to be more restrained on these early Roger the Dodger strips, and much from the manic outrageousness it would portray ten years in a while Frankie Stein for Wham!,  however it restful displayed supreme craftsmanship…

Davy Rules’s Dennis the Possibility is already in his paunchy glory right here, leading the price for what would severely change the distinctive “mischievous kids” come the Beano is well known for…

Other enormous artists are well represented too. Dudley Watkins on Lord Snooty, Ken Hunter on Wee Davie, and early work by Bill Holroyd on Nobby the Enchanted Bobby as an instance…

…and Jack Glass giving us a darker, more foul see to The Iron Fish than the lighter come that Sandy Calder dropped at it in the late sixties. (I desire Jack Glass’ more harmful taking a behold model viewed right here to be fine.)

There are things right here that can now no longer sit well in a comic of this day. Bird Boy serving to whale hunters to abolish their prey is now no longer something you’d explore in a most modern Beano annual. Art work by Paddy Brennan…

A recent character for me used to be Hookey’s Bust’em E book drawn by Charles Grigg earlier than he developed more of his possess distinctive kind. The account is set a magic guide that can spring its characters to lifestyles. (An thought re-susceptible years later in Fracture! with Charlie’s Alternative, however with a TV space rather than a guide.)

It is attention-grabbing how a form of the Beano adventure strips of the period had gimmicks simply explained as magic. Nobby the Enchanted Bobby had magic boots that can per chance well transform him, Hookey had his guide, Jimmy’s Magic Patch had a patch on his trousers that sent him again in time. Even the characters utilizing science, much like The Iron Fish and Traditional Jumbo, had been utilizing technology now no longer but invented. All of it added to a out of the ordinary sense of marvel that comics of the period contained and youngsters in no device wondered things love that due to they knew that the very now potentially no longer is enormous entertainment. 

These Beano annual facsimiles are unbelievable value and essentially well produced. Admittedly the binding is intensely tight so I might well no longer lie the pages flat to scan (so you might well have to raise out with these digicam snaps) however as they’re print-on-request it be fundamental to occupy glued binding as stitched would be a long way too costly. The books are all scanned from the fashioned annuals that implies they also fetch any tanning from the faded pages, however I’d well-known rather occupy that than over-saturated remastered pages that knock out half of the fine lines. 

You are required to occupy the books personalized in case you portray them as they’re intended as gifts, however you might well well per chance kind in any message you like. So rather than add a name you might well well per chance honest attach “for collectors” or something. Or commit it to yourself when you occur to love. (Update: I’ve been told you might well well per chance honest kind ‘none’ and it will seemingly be left clean.)

The books are produced by Signature Books below licence from D.C. Thomson, so I fabricate now no longer know the device long that contract runs for. I’d desire to explore them elevate out other faded D.C. Thomson annuals too. The Dandy E book especially. Ideally, I’d desire to explore them elevate out facsimiles on request of any faded D.C. Thomson comic, though with regards to comics post-1960s the production costs would potentially execute it more inexpensive to purchase the right again points from eBay.

Anyway, I recommend these facsimile Beano annuals so discover a pair of whereas you might well well per chance!
https://shop.beano.com/superior-gifts/traditional-beano-gifts/personalized-beano-annual-from-your-One year
