Number 2590: Astronomical Blackhawks in the secret dimension

Within the ’60s I had disdain for the Blackhawks. Jack Schiff, editor, had modified the characters into a form of groups challenged by some science fiction creatures. Going wait on over a batch of coverless and wretched condition comics I purchased years ago for just a few dollars, at the side of early ’60s disorders of Blackhawk, I in actual fact like a varied attitude. The tales are wild and oftentimes factual silly, but for the time being, with my brain burned out by what appears to be like like a million amusing books which are wild and silly, I in actual fact like at least determined to acknowledge Schiff by giving him one thing of a pat on the wait on. (Schiff is deceased, so it’s symbolic at handiest.)

In this legend four of the Blackhawks cessation up in the “Secret Dimension,” but I must’ve left out the motive it’s secret. These Blackhawks are given big powers. The Blackhawk crew  would later rep themselves some big powers, but this legend came out just a few years earlier than that came about.

Story by Dave Wood, artwork by the team of Dick Dillin and Chuck Cuidera. From Blackhawk #186 (1963):