Number 2563: Pappy pimps “The Bottle Imp”

“The Bottle Imp” is a immediate fable written in 1889 by Robert Louis Stevenson. I be taught the new fable in excessive college and became impressed. The imp in a bottle can grant wishes, nonetheless if the proprietor of the bottle dies with it in his possession he will cease up in hell for eternity. Or so it’s miles alleged. From Stevenson’s new fable, the man selling the Bottle Imp to the principle personality tells him, “. . . the glass of it became tempered within the flames of hell. The imp lives in it, and that is his shadow we watch there curious . . .” The vogue the purchaser goes for it jogs my reminiscence of tales of naïve country bumpkins, within the massive metropolis for the principle time, shopping the Golden Gate Bridge or lead bars painted gold. The variation is in this case the Bottle Imp is right.

The variation is from Classics Illustrated #116, printed in 1954. Artwork is accomplished by Lou Cameron, whose distinctive art work is considered so much in comics of the technology.